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Everything posted by Kevanovia

  1. I think GOONS entry into the war really Roq’d the boat with KETOG... ...
  2. Again, this is not how the talks actually went. We were straight up told that we have to admit defeat and surrender before we heard the terms. We even attempted to clarify, asking to see the rest of the terms. We didn’t deny their request to surrender. We just denied to surrender before seeing the rest of the terms. Maybe going forward, since this is now the popular opinion of Coalition B, talks will be more fruitful.
  3. How Frawley is phrasing it and how the actual talks have transpired are two different scenarios. I feel like there are a select few of us on both sides of the fence that are on the same page. It would be beneficial to all parties involved if the terms were laid out. (As we have been arguing this whole time)
  4. When did I state anything about an unconditional surrender?
  5. Obviously saying “we lost” and then proceeding to negotiate is much different than having a surrender being a ‘non-negotiable’ term. What time are you “wasting” if you are going to be at war anyway? Your narrative is such an obviously dishonest one. Again, the people at the negotiating table were not the same people at the negotiating table during Knightfall. At this point it doesn’t even matter. Coalition B is trying to save face from their bone headed move of “requiring a surrender before discussing terms” by now trying to rephrase it into something else. Just lay out the terms and make clear that you don’t wish for surrender to be negotiable. The damage you have created is already done, at this point everyone on both sides are just smashing their head against a wall. This is a tired argument.
  6. More simple than laying out all of your terms and emphasizing that surrender is a non-negotiable?
  7. Not agreeing to surrender before other terms are presented is a different song than stating that surrender was off the table entirely.
  8. I believe that shmerple is the default state of any coalition in any war. The terms are the meat and the potatoes.
  9. You either have no idea what you are talking about, or you are lying through your teeth. Our coalition has been open to discussing peace for months. You are now using the “blame it on KnightFall” tagline, when none of the representatives at the table in our Coalition were on the opposite side of you during KnightFall. Keegoz - KT (Did not participate in Knightfall) Mhearl - Rose (Was a part of your coalition in KnightFall) Myself - Soup Kitchen (Did not exist during KnightFall. I was also not a part of the KF conflict) Every single excuse that you’ve thrown out in regards to discussing peace keeps coming out as bullshit. Why don’t you just own up to the fact that you want this war to be a never-ending conflict and that you are the ones holding up the process?
  10. >Coalition A: You want peace? Okay. What are your terms? >Coalition B: Not until you admit you lost and surrender! >Coalition A: Are those all your terms? >Coalition B: No, we have others. >Coalition A: Well...what are they? >Coalition B: You wouldn’t accept them if we offered, so we’re not giving them to you. >Also Coalition B: Coalition A is the reason this war is going on forever. REEEEEE! .....
  11. Your track record is rock solid. I think it’s more pity than people getting upset. The only way you’re going to piss people off is the same way people get pissed off at someone that doesn’t know how to tie their shoes. Right now your shoe laces are incredibly long and flopping all over the place. It looks extremely messy. You might be able to walk more effectively if you bought some Velcro-strap shoes. Personally, I wouldn’t get the light-up ones as that would bring more attention that you don’t know how to tie your shoes and have to wear Velcro shoes. Godspeed.
  12. On one hand - well played ? On the other - if you’re implying that Inst has the same amount of influence on your bloc that Thrax does on ours...that explains a lot about your bloc.
  13. I don’t agree that downvotes are politicized. For instance, the people who have the most downvotes (from both sides of the coalitions) typically post the things that either make the least amount of sense to others/are seeking attention/are generally disrespected due to their own actions. Roquentin is the leader of the opposite coalition of me, but I would be willing to bet that I have upvoted more things than I have downvoted of his. I would bet that it is the case for a good portion of folks from both sides of the aisle.
  14. You’re trying to set up scenarios into moderation ‘gotcha’ moments, which is not what this game is supposed to be about. There was a thread created that was about the current war. You are someone (by your own admission) that shitposts about our coalition. I pointed out the irony of you constantly shitposting (to a shitpost you made earlier in the thread) using the topic in the thread (the war) to make my point. Just because I made a post that you describe as “bait to derail” doesn’t mean I should be punished merely because my post gave you the desire to derail the thread. I can tell you right now that moderation doesn’t give a shit about ‘Soup Kitchen’ or ‘Coalition B/A’ or whatever. You keep bringing up political points, it’s irrelevant. They’re here to moderate behavior, not politics. I would beg for the warn to shut Inst up. However, it I lay down and take it - it would set the standard for Inst, among other people who want to feel important, to follow in the future and therefore create an even bigger headache for everyone.
  15. Your spin is off-kilter. On one hand you are saying that TKR is best friends with t$ and planned a war with them on NPO. On the other hand you are saying that TKR was planning a war on t$. To the meat of it, the logs that were leaked were about BK/N$O actually planning a war - not a hypothetical. So it is rather silly for you to chastise Adrienne about theoretically talking out how a war would look like if Chaos were attacked. Can’t say I’m surprised, contradicting theories have been the staple of IQ this war. Also saying that TKR is fond of t$ = Hilarious.
  16. The people who dislike Fark aren’t the ones Fark are worried about. I feel somewhat bad for Fark having to do damage control from all of their derpy allies. I guess it’s what they signed up for with the over abundance of paper. Best wishes cleaning up future messes @souparmon hopefully it doesn’t get too wild for ya. You’re a good dude and don’t deserve all of the headaches
  17. So... You have admitted to being the one who derailed the thread, and that you viewed my post as ‘bait’ to derail the thread but ‘to my credit, didn’t derail the thread’. On top of that you have also admitted of wanting to use OOC moderation to impact your IC opposing coalition and do whatever you can to hurt people’s chances of playing this game so that the only people left are people from your coalition. Does that about cover it? Like I said, stop wasting moderation’s time.
  18. I’m using the English language to say that you are using moderation as a weapon. I am not saying that you are breaking the rule against “using mods as a weapon” as it clearly states that one must ‘blackmail another’ in order for it to be against the rules. This is the reason I have not reported you and thus I have stated “as far as I know, you haven’t broken any rules”. (No need to tiptoe around a ‘character attack’ on me. You can point out others fallacies and argument flaws without it being a personal attack. However, in this particular instance there is no fallacy or flaw and you likely incorrect in every regard.)
  19. ? As far as I know, you haven’t broken any rules. Unlike you, I don’t like to make reports that I know are a waste of moderation’s time. Also, it’s interesting that you will only be looking out for ‘infractions’ against ‘my coalition’. By the definition, would that not be using moderation as a weapon?
  20. This report is not only a waste of moderation’s time, it further proves that instead of tackling an issue head on - you want to use moderation to try and divert political arguments or points. In multiple threads you have insulted our coalition and members of our coalition. Which is fine, because this is Politics and War - Politics can be messy. However, when someone then calls you out about the war (in a thread about the war), you run for the mods? Weak sauce, sir. It’s a waste of the mods’ time and sets a dangerous precedent for others to follow.
  21. This is a thread regarding the war and the state of those in/not in war. My comment was about your repeated trolling attempts at our Coalition and the irony that you are not currently participating in the same war that the OP was referencing. Perhaps you can use your own wit/words/actions to defend yourself next time instead of attempting to use moderation as a lifeboat. Mods have a purpose here, but their purpose isn’t to deflect points that you can’t think of a retort to. Godspeed. edit: spelling
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