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Noctis Anarch Caelum

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Everything posted by Noctis Anarch Caelum

  1. Happy New Years, I’ll look through some of the old ones when I have time.
  2. Reason bots won’t be banned is just read information from game & the player still needs to make in-game actions. If everyone wants to see NPO’s war stats disappear against bots, we couldn’t have stuff like that either if bots or programs which check for in game changes on stuff were banned.
  3. Lol, would be funny seeing his reaction if someone did request he make a city disappear & ask for refund on city after getting what they requested.
  4. Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Noctis
  5. You seem to have a lot of faith in them being the best for some reason, guess eventually we’ll probably see without you or them needing to keep emphasizing how good they are.
  6. It would allow nations in VM nations still not wrecked to come out for another blitz if war lasts at least 2 weeks. What I would use any nations who who enter VM at start of a war & want to stay at least.
  7. I prefer burning pixels over giving them hugs, but not bad.
  8. Guess that isn’t as bad, although think resource tax for members being lower would help them grow faster. They’d be able to take better advantage of buying raw resources when cheap & producing steel, aluminum, etc, with it. Although in order to make that more profitable versus also mining raw materials for what they produce, taxes on resources make it harder. Also nations can produce much of the resources they need during war without as big of a warchest without them as well. (50% on resources also seems harsh if it’s permanent & not a temporary punishment to teach them a lesson when they screw up)
  9. Pretty sure they’re in until the end regardless of any polls if their leadership can think ahead. So even if true, I wouldn’t take the 18 number to reflect those who care. Sure some didn’t vote since they didn’t think it was worth adding any credibility to the result or didn’t notice it.
  10. Do they have that many in VM? I had assumed he meant only 18 bothered voting in an unofficial poll which wouldn’t effect anything.
  11. I would normally assume anyone kept inside the alliance is considered a full member, although whether a member who can’t vote is a full member could be debatable I guess.
  12. Not saying they’re terrible or bad fighters, just hearing them keep saying they’re better than all these micros, etc doesn’t make them sound any better.
  13. It gets tiresome hearing how much better they think they are than every other alliance all the time, regardless of their history.
  14. Is the 50% tax on cash only or also resources? Would be hard for a nation to grow after expenses if everyone is really stuck paying 50%.
  15. I hope they enjoy fighting with a name like that. Don’t know them well enough to have much of an opinion, but I’ve heard they give their members a good amount of freedom & aren’t bad. Have fun I suppose. Although even if they deserved to get hit here, doesn’t make TGH somehow superior in every way. Sure those who stay and see it through would be better off than any who’d leave to join TGH over this.
  16. They sound terrible separate from that as well.
  17. If not taken in seclusion, think this would probably be taken as a sign they should wait & take another poll after its continued longer if no flexibility is shown on terms. Them being in an uphill war this long would naturally lead to more open toward terms, however still a large portion who think terms are so unreasonable they’d still rather fight.
  18. You’re assuming the poll was meant to prove something rather than see how the membership felt. If the poll was to see if they should change policy; 50/50 would mean leadership is better off going with what they think best. So it’s not a loss for those who want to stay the course if it was just meant for internal purposes. Those who’d leave over them not surrendering would be Yes votes, so if they lose more members the percentage against accepting could increase.
  19. Even in a democracy 50/50 wouldn’t be enough to change policy, so still not a meaningful number. If only half would approve of either decision, I don’t see how that reflects a loss. (Unless you consider it a loss no matter what they do)
  20. I don’t see how it matters, if close to half or just large portion doesn’t think they are acceptable; that is still a pretty big reason to reject them. The poll mostly just reflects how many won’t be angry with gov if the terms are accepted. Just their leadership not thinking it’s reasonable is enough; they’re leading for a reason. If closer to 100% found them reasonable, poll results might be better argument toward surrender even if leaders didn’t find them reasonable. So poll is pretty irrelevant when it’s only around half who think they’re acceptable.
  21. Shows you have no good arguments when petty insults is what you resort to in order to try making your BS sound like anything other than whining.
  22. Only if it pertains to their security like a standard PIAT should he tell them, although he doesn’t need them to screen his content. So if it pertains to BK’s security they’ll probably find out & he might not purposely bash ally in public. Although plenty of other content, never seen one on your alliance or TGH. So he might not report on what you’re most interested in, but BK isn’t only alliance doing stuff.
  23. Not really, BK isn’t the only thing to report on potentially. Can still be factual without covering every topic.
  24. Keep responding with pointless posts, maybe we can get this thread to 100 pages. ?
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