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Exar Kun -George

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Everything posted by Exar Kun -George

  1. Im sorry you dont meet the 5% threshold for a recount
  2. Firstly i would like to thank those who believed in me early on. Your support has given me a light at the end of the tunnel. Roq had once told me id never win anything and today I proved him wrong with all my amazing supporters. Next i would like to thank Ricky for telling me about this on Kev and Charlies show, giving me the opportunity to run in a election i had no clue existed. Additionally I would like to thank TGH and its members for giving me this amazing opportunity, chances are ill fail, but at least i tried. Finally i would like to name @Kevanovia as my handmaiden, I have no clue if i can do this but i can try at least
  3. Woh good bank, great place to invest yea this bank is shit, why you would want to own shares in the first place is questionable
  4. Ill have to ask alexio if its funny
  5. I need to Ask Alexio if i should ask Alexio brb
  6. Hey Everyone who may care, Trial run of our 25 million game went well with over 300mil being played, with two players winning 100 million and some winning smaller takes. With that said ill be hosting another 25 mil game on 11/17/2018 at 10pm EST. PM ME ON DISCORD TO PLAY THIS GAME ₱Ɇ₴₮łⱠɆ₦₵Ɇ#653 Rules: 1. Buyins need to be in by Friday night at 8pm est (update) 2. Expect to play for 2-3 hours 3. Dont be a dick Everyone has fun and chills in voice chat, so come on in and play, we have smaller games as well Discord Server: https://discord.gg/3ytG4x9 Top 5 ss: http://prntscr.com/lgwlhu
  7. oh we forgot to mention somthing @Thanos I blame you. jk tho
  8. I mean 6 months to get to top 40.... but i see ur point
  9. https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=5080 How dare you indirectly call this alliance shit.
  10. Im sure this was replied to but the stupidity in the statement actually made me stop and say "I need to reply", anyways im going to assume you know what a protectorate is, with this information you would be able consider to by attacking a protectors protectorate you run the risk of getting countered. The issue here is you took a shot at another alliance thinking nothing would happen from it. If your not ready or prepared to be countered then dont join in the first place! So what if TKR is 100 or 1000x larger, you hit a protectorate and activated a treaty. boo fricking hoo -On that note, here is a step by step plan to fix your micro (or any for that matter) 1. Merge into a top 20 alliance 2. Learn the game mechanics 3. Fight in a real war or two 4. Keep learning 5. Earn money, dont start a fricking micro broke and set taxes to 5/5 or some shit 6.Then after a long time, you can create a micro and work to make a alliance, if your alliance is not a top 40 within 90-180 days start from step 1 again
  11. I am bored as frick, i have never been so god damn bored since ....... ever let me explain a normal update for me this week. I get on 7:30, look at target list, find some TKR guy in my range... i say to myself "FINALLLLLLLY", i pull the "declare war" screen up. At about 3mins before update i have to pull up a fricking satellite clock on my second screen, at aprox 1 min before I fill in the captacha and place my mouse over the "Declare War" button. Exactly 2 seconds before update i click the button just to find out SOMEHOW SOMEONE OR 3 PEOPLE(S) TOOK MY GOD DAMN SLOT. So yes point being, the loosing side is having a lot more fun right now, our side is basically fighting tooth and nail for slots. I dont mind stomping tkr into the dirt, just wished they would not just lay down like a hooker and take it
  12. I mean why not? I guess if people actually care.... i assume its a simple change
  13. Lets start with my crap first (poorly made shit) -------------------------------------------------------------Now the fun stuff, ANTI TKR Ads-------------------------------------------------------------
  14. I sexually Identify as an TKR . Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of getting into easy wars and acting better than everyone. People say to me that a person being a TKR is Impossible and I’m fricking retarded but I don’t care, I know how to spy soldiers. I’m having a plastic surgeon install cuck members, bad leadership and hypocritical members. From now on I want you guys to call me “TKR” and respect my right to hit small spheres with no CB WITHOUT retaliation. If you can’t accept me you’re a cuckahobe and need to check your alliance privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

  15. Oh the “we’re losing, please help us Alex” post has arrived
  16. I’m enjoying the salt, sure the pumpkin was not amazing, but it’s just like Halloween, you see some dumb ass pumpkin while walking down the street and it makes you laugh. Arch was smart to use the current political climate to his advantage, I think Ultimately that’s what secured his victory. So props to him, as for the other pumpkins great jobs guys, some good lookin stuff there, but for next time remember we’re in a politics and war community where shit posts are favored ?
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