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Aisha Greyjoy

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Everything posted by Aisha Greyjoy

  1. Also, Ironborn, hello! Never pay the gold price for anything again!
  2. It seems like the path out of this was pretty simple and it was taken. To me, this indicates that both Guardian and DEIC are reasonable and are both seeking to avoid confrontation. This increases my opinion of both alliances.
  3. OMG, I'm agreeing with Hereno twice in one day. Maybe I better re-read my Marxist-Leninist tracts in this new light! It seems like Casey was the force behind disbandment, and that if he was done with EoS, it would have been more proper to hand over control to the King and let him figure out what to do.
  4. War and Blockade New India are the ways to stop his undercutting.
  5. I agree with Hereno on this one. A week on beige can let you come back and fight(albeit at a lower tier then before) effectively.
  6. A lot of web developers in this game. That has potential.
  7. Hi Sam! I'm a database developer(Lotus Notes), but I've moved on to web design, and I've fallen in love with bootstrap. I feel like web design is made easy with bootstrap and I can focus on getting the code to work(pulling data, writing data, etc) and let bootstrap handle most of the UI for me. All I need to do is use the right css classes and it all works great. Do you use Bootstrap at all or have you tried a different framework?
  8. Welcome to the game! Hope you're enjoying it so far. I sure am.
  9. Welcome. Enjoy the game, ask lots of questions, join an alliance, have fun.
  10. That gives benefit to win quicker, and penalty to "not win' or "win slowly to drag out the damage". You're 100% right, its bizaare the best way to win wars is to not win, or win as slowly as possible.
  11. Actually, I think its entirely justified. Thats what embargo is for. To not give profit to someone you disagree with.
  12. Maybe increase the amount of the spoils the faster the war is won. If I "win" in 25 hours, maybe I get 50% more resourcs. If I "win" in 72 hours, maybe I get 25% less, 144 hours=50% less, etc. This also can emulate realism as in "we've secured the stuff you'd want to steal."
  13. I think of bourgeoisie as more of a middle class thing. I'd switch it to "the ever constant battle the elites and the commoners", which accurately sums up Occupy Wall Street, chinese democracy protestors, the French Revolution, The Russian Revolution, and the great peasant revolts of the middle ages and renaissance.
  14. What is this IC you speak of? Prices are pretty stable due to the fact that neither combatant is buying military resources in great bulk.
  15. The amount of "taking it personally" in this thread, from the DOW, right up the previous post, is disheartening. Its war, have fun, wrap it up and move on.
  16. On another thought, if we do limit it to 1 of each, maybe a cheap project could allow 2(or even 3). Money sinks ftw.
  17. I really expected SI to put up a fight. The overwhelming one-sidedness has me admiring Terminus Est quite a bit.
  18. Yes please. Who tracks turns? Unless you're in middle of a war counting your AP's, no one...
  19. I think one buy and sell order per resource should be sufficient.
  20. I think that makes it too easy for alliances to post a list for everyone to copy/paste. I like that it takes some effort to set up embargoes.
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