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Aisha Greyjoy

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Everything posted by Aisha Greyjoy

  1. Well you should! If for no other reason then to bless Orbis with the frequent vision of your avatar.
  2. Gun control? I thought we were talking about which special interest group liberals prioritize? Gay muslims or gays of an undetermined religion?
  3. The Christian response is contained in the bible. John 8:8-8:10 Essentially, Jesus is confronted with a sinner and others want to condemn and kill the sinner. Jesus asks that those without sin go ahead and stone her. None do so. As they did not condemn her, so does Jesus not condemn her. Love and forgiveness of sin("as we forgive those who trespass..") is the Christian response. Both for the nutjob shooter and the victims at the nightclub. Lots of those who claim to be Christian do not know Jesus and say "stupid shit" in his name.
  4. Crush your enemies, see them driven before, and hear the lamentations of their women.
  5. Stop with the constant OOC attacks while constantly complaining about OOC attacks.
  6. The last few who are left there are the most hardcore.
  7. Obviously key, as we all knew this next war coming...
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a conspiracy to get to him later.
  9. Isn't there like a whole right-wing movement devoted to the notion that 3% will resist? And I don't want to kill someone because they type stuff I disagree with on the internet. Do you really feel differently? If so, its possible that we hold different opinions about the importance of the 1st amendment as well as the 6th commandment.
  10. You're good to 43, 44 on that one. Its entirely possible when they're older even. An older woman might have significantly more financial security, allowing IVF perhaps into her late 40's, as long as she's not hit her "life change".
  11. I'll skip the holy book here, and focus on my feelings. God is love and we're all to love each other. Killing other people is a very unloving act. Ok, not skipping scripture anymore... "Love your neighbor as yourself." Again, killing other people is a very unloving act. Edit: The Jiminez guy is not "an authoritative Christian response". I'm not sure there can be such a thing given the disunity of the various Christian sects. The Catholic Church would be the most authoritative probably, and I'm certain they've condemned this attack. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2016/06/12/pope_francis_decries_orlando_massacre_and_prays_for_victims/1236740
  12. In all fairness, people been 'itchin bout the stagnation since long before the invasions began. Remember, first three months of Orbis being in 'production', there was a lot of arguing about the top alliance allying with each other.
  13. Dude, the whole reason for your alliance getting leveled for the last month or two is your OOC attacks.
  14. Alas, I am married. I would have to politely turn her down.
  15. Mensa has one of the most street-cred rich reputations for war. I mean, it earned. They joined late and fought a LOT at the lower end before clawing their way up. Taking them on for your first war? Ballsy for sure.
  16. Uh, why try to argue the facts now? The time for argument is past. Now is the time for fighting.
  17. Oh look, some Christian Fundamentalists support the Muslim Gay guy in killing other gay guys. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/mass-shooting-orlando-gay-club-pulse-fierce-controversy-over-pastors-remarks-about-orlando-attack/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=25522901
  18. I might agree with you, but let's face it, legalism and treaties just don't go together in Orbis or...anywhere else for that matter. There's always 2 sides, and no one, except TeST, has fought on both sides in a given war that I can recall. But you guys are like a special snowflake. When you're on side B, you can count on your Side A allies to sit it out. Ideally though, if Side A ally was DOING ITS JOB right, they'd explain to the coalition that no one can hit their ally on Side B unprovoked. A big alliance like UPN could probably enforce that on their own coalition if they so chose.
  19. It annoys me how conservatives ONLY SEE muslims as the issue and most liberals ONLY SEE guns as the problem. Some liberals also see homophobia as the problem. I suppose if he grew up in a "liberal" environment, he wouldn't have had to feel shame and self-loathing at his gayness and that may have led to a happier outcome for everyone. Or maybe crazy is crazy. My hierarchy starts at children and then innocent people and then F'ers who deserved it. Muslims and homosexuals fall in all three categories depending on the individual.
  20. So, he was a mentally unstable, socially awkward bottom-dweller. He was actively (gay or bisexual) and closeted. He beat his first wife. His second marriage was considered more "successful". He claimed loyalty to Shia Hezbollah, Sunni ISIS and Sunni al-Qaida, completely contradictory alliegences. The FBI investigated him twice for terrorist ties, and then he bought an AR-15. There's a lot of facts to put together here before we call it a hate crime or an act of terrorism. Both probably fit, but what's the narrative? I'm imagining he was gay, he hated himself for it, and he found in jihad an opportunity to die a martyr and have his gay sins forgiven by God. Is that terrorism? Is that a hate crime? Probably both, but maybe my version is wrong. We may never know for sure. Its a lot !@#$ more complicated then idiots on the internet shouting "ban guns" or "ban muslims" make it out to be.
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