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Donald Trump

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Everything posted by Donald Trump

  1. Trump will make anime great again, baka! (though I haven't watched any anime for about 3 months, hmph...)
  2. Why move from an actual forum to a free platform?
  3. If you define the left to right line as capitalism vs communism, then an authoritarian government that is 100% capitalist is in effect impossible due to the fact it'd need to get it's money from somewhere, which would require intervention in the markets.
  4. is the game meant to be slow? as it seems fine to me.
  5. Mostly because there's no far right people. There's reasonable centrists and center right people like Solaire and Bubblegum. However, anything that isn't a part of the far left Liberal worldview is a "Nazi". If you disagree, show me the last time people came on here with Swastikas, denying the Holocaust?
  6. Trump2016. We have myself and Bubblegum who are most likely the smartest people in game. And you'd never know...
  7. So people will just abuse muiltis to store resources as well then? Great idea kiddo.
  8. If Salazar is Partisan, who the hell is Nagini?
  9. Hobbit was less Holywoodized. So LoTR.
  10. I'm amused that you call other people Nimrods, how are you anything but one yourself if you play this terrible game in the first place?
  11. He's probbaly on there, the Left are pretty much Nazis anyway. I like the Daily Express.
  12. Meh, If a page takes 1 second longer to load it's really worth it compared to players losing resources
  13. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/kanye-west-talks-aboiut-running-president-2020-article-1.2871606
  14. So I was looking at some of Hillary policies and I've noticed a trend...alarmingly, put together, Hillary is objectively worse then Hitler. 1.Holocaust Vs Hillary The Holocaust killed 6 million Jews. Now hillary also supporters murder and genocide, called "Abortion". Let us compare the two. 43 years, so 43 * 1,500,000 = 64,500,000. That's 10, almost 11 times worse then the Holocaust. So Hillary kills more then Hitler. Winner, Hillary. 2. Theft Hitler supported mass theft of the property of Jews, a minority in Europe at the time, taking their gold, businesses and money from them. However, Jews are a minority, Hillary supports the mass confiscation of guns from gun owners in America. As one is theft from a minority and one from a majority, Hillary is also worse then Hitler in this department. Winner, Hillary. 3. Theft Hitler's Germany had a relatively free market. With businesses making parts for the German people and the armed forces, such a Volkswagen a business that could only come about via the free market. Hillary supports many of the Socialist policies of Bernie Sanders and Socialism has never worked in practice, look at Venezuela. Meaning Hillary's policies will negatively impact the economy, more so then Hitler. Winner, Hillary. As we can see. Hillary is worse then Hitler objectively.
  15. Bugs Bunny and other western cartoons are pretty much pro establishment propaganda. Watch anime.
  16. I like how you're an anime fan and a Trump supporter. Trump is a major supporter and fan of the anime community.
  17. I wouldn't call them stupid...more like evil slimy snakes, but Hillary is blatantly a manipulative psychopath. Green party is where you more get the stupid.
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