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Everything posted by Toxxikation

  1. Not all wars are finished, but here are some numbers for the community to ponder: Money stolen through attacks: Socialist International: $187,870.40 Terminus Est: $4,193,829.18 Infrastructure lost through attacks: Socialist International: 3719.5, Estimated Value (calculated at the cost of 1 infra at 750): $14,966,300.93 (Just about $119.75 real US dollars lost.) Terminus Est: 49.5, Estimated Value (same calc as above): $199,175.13 (Just about $1.60 real US dollars lost) Military Losses: Socialist International: 332,813 Soldiers, 1,338 Tanks, 87 Aircraft, 2 ships Estimated value lost (taking average cost of each resource at 12:00 Server time): $3,684,824 Terminus Est: 139,305 Soldiers, 864 Tanks, 25 Aircraft, 0 Ships. Estimated value lost (same as above): $1,821,628 Total Monetary Losses Socialist International: $22,844,954.11 ($182.76 US Dollars) Terminus Est: $2,208,673.53 ($17.67 US Dollars) Hope everyone has a great night! EDIT: Edited the real US Dollars Lost on the Infrastructure. The US Dollars value is not an actual value. I simply divided the damages by 3,750,000 and then multiplied that number by 30 to get these values.
  2. Heh. You're cute. I like you. I send you a little gift basket, spunky.
  3. Sweet Jesus that missile must have hit really hard. Tough break. I hope he's not blockaded...
  4. Bad idea. This would not foster the growth of new alliances. It will turn into a stagnant pool of alliances at the top with a bunch of members only there because they can't make it on their own and they're too weak to start their own alliance.
  5. Just an FYI, Rose has 33% more letters than TAC. 3/3 + 1/3 = 4/3. Conversely, TAC has 25% less letters than Rose. 4/4 - 1/4 = 3/4. Isn't math wonderful?!
  6. Gas prices will be down to or below pre-war levels within the week.
  7. Is it still rubble after you blow it up, though? Really?
  8. No, you said "the winning side" not "the eos side." Winning is something EoS' side has NOT done yet. And considering that most everyone outside of those three and your alliance sees EoS as the agressors, and the fact that EoS couldn't beat TAC without the other two jumping in... A moral victory is more important at this stage than a military victory.
  9. It's funny. He challenges you and then tries to make it look like you were the agressor. Reminds me of... something else. EDIT: Phrasing.
  10. Placentica, Minimum wage hasn't risen since 2009. US Inflation rate has risen every month since December. Also worthy of note: The month of our last minimum wage increase: Inflation was -2.1%, average for 2009 was -0.34%. Based on these numbers it looks like raising wages didn't increase inflation, but rather decreased it. The minimum wage increase in 2007 showed the lowest July inflation rate since 2003. 2008 had the market crash, which attributed largely to the increased inflation rate (highest July, even with an increase in wages, since the 80's). No doubt exists in my mind that some, if not most, of the -2.1% in July 2009 was from the market rebounding, but you can't deny that these numbers are intriguing. http://inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflation_Rate/HistoricalInflation.aspx http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm I'll go back through this when I have more time to see if there's actually an increase or decrease (or if they're not connected) between increases and wages and the inflation rate. It'll be interesting to see the outcome.
  11. Under, broseph, let me let you in on a couple little secrets. 1. We have a blood oath with TAC, not a treaty, mkay? 2. If you want to fight Phiney 1v1, go for it. It was you who suggested the fight with Phiney. Like you said, put up or shut up. 3. TEst makes our own decisions, but thanks for your suggestion.
  12. I know which part made your belly jiggle the most (from laughter, of course.)
  13. Should be the Schoolyard Rumble based on purple's gang-up tactics.
  14. EoS uses the weak defense that TAC was planning to attack them and rather than sit and wait to be attacked (which TAC says wasn't going to happen) EoS attacks first. TAC starts to beat EoS, so EoS called their buddies to jump TAC.
  15. The problem is that countries can equally produce the necessary resources by buying the raw materials. Maybe this needs to be a suggested game mechanic to make the market more profitable and less susceptible to large influxes of profitable resources during wartime (thus driving the markets down) is a penalty to resources created if the nation cannot mine the raw materials. If you have to import lead to make munitions you should only make half as much each turn. That way it makes the markets more stable and gives an incentive to picking a location that suits your needs... BRB, posting to the game suggestions board.
  16. The problem is that now that munitions are so high, people would rather buy lead and make them themselves (thus driving up the price of lead.) Then you have people like me who would rather sell 100 at 1,000 than 10 at 1,500 just so that I get cash before you.
  17. The Schoolyard Rumble See, cause EoS started the war, was losing, and it's friends jumped in so that it could claim "victory".
  18. I can confirm that I am also getting this same warning message.
  19. You must really not care about aiding the enemy. One look at TAC's market sharing screen would let you know who is offering exclusive trades to TAC members.
  20. Because it's propaganda. Each side holds a truth. It is the opposite of the truth of the other side. Each side will hold a piece of propaganda as their justification for this war. This is Empire of Spades' piece of propaganda.
  21. When aren't you? You're not even my real father anyway.
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