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Everything posted by Atzuya

  1. You lost ground control over all of your wars when one enemy managed to score an immense triumph ground attack on you, iirc
  2. I'll have to give credits where its due, this is a perfect blitz.
  3. Decided to take another intel spy op and I noticed there's a "you will be able to see this intelligence report under your espionage notifications." I completely missed before. Now I feel like a tool
  4. Really? To be honest I never got anything like that. If that's the case then maybe the red part could stay
  5. Are you sure you didn't mean "opinions that some will agree to and make me look good on them"? But yeh, Arrgh is a good alliance
  6. Now this is one bug I hope isn't present on the game server What happened: I declared on Kadin in the test server, ground attacked him, killing a hundred thousand soldiers along with one barrack, and when I checked his nation page, he only lost 3000 soldiers from that barrack. The hundred thousand soldiers that died earlier actually didn't die at all. War: http://test.politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=65411 At the time of writing Kadin has 64 barracks (used to be 65), and he's active 12 hours ago. He also have 192,000 soldiers As you can see it's just a minute after I supposedly knocked 135k soldiers off him. Even if he's present he can only create 64k soldiers in one go. Before the war he had 195k soldiers.
  7. No one knows the formula other than Sheepy. He once said he'd reveal it but... that's like months ago My guess is one plane deals 0.33ish infra damage on immense triumph against zero plane if you're targeting infrastructure. You'll get much less if you're targeting anything else.
  8. When the spy op is a success, the red bolded part should be excluded And when succesfully gathering an intelligense, the green bolded part should also be excluded as the result is available on the notification page anyway. Or not. I misread this one part
  9. The "Everyone's drunk" war
  10. Pretty sure this thread is about Mensa DoWing BoC... Thread-hijacking much? Anyhow, I hope everyone here can have a fun time in the war
  11. Breaking News: Hundreds of teens found dead in front of lit computer screen; administrator of an online game under investigation
  12. We can do it right now if you feel like it :3 But really, the numbers and formulas for infra and gross revenue are all there. If you ever doubt it, feel free to ask Sheepy or baring that I'd love to give you my full detailed answer
  13. Well... That's certainly one way to continue the lyrics
  14. Metro is yet to be nuked. Can't we focus on a more important matter?
  15. In case you missed the memo, 15000 soldiers will still deal 20+ infra damage on immense triumph (unless you can give me an actual example where it deal less). Times 6, that's already a lot more cash lost in infra damage than what you can earn in 5 days of beige Unless you somehow have magical treasures that aren't visible on your nation page, I can confidently say you're not going to profit in anything
  16. Let's not forget that some treasures only spawn on certain colors or continents
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