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Fox Fire

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Everything posted by Fox Fire

  1. Oh right. Well your problem seems to be that you have no friends. Or at least none you can effectively work together with. Scrounging alliances together with a handful of noobs that don't know each other as your base is an alliance that just doesn't know it's dead yet.
  2. Your alliance vote will have a major impact on our decision.
  3. Why?! Why sir must you conceal your great "protip" wisdom behind such strangely worded riddles?!! What do I do with the hat? What does it mean!!?
  4. A massive announcement you say? By massive do you mean it will be a meaningless wall of text like the first one or is the coalition just feeding us Monroe as an appetizer?
  5. The wiki page was utter crap. So I partially fixed it: http://politicsandwar.wikia.com/wiki/The_War_On_Piracy I would finish it, but this doesn't even really deserve a page. Edit: I'll at least add the rest when it's over.
  6. OK so I'm just going to assume you got rolled and this is a ragequit....
  7. Works every time. Just ask Adolf Hitler. Yeah, they just ship them right over. Japan invaded Alaska once. They all died on an uninhabited island without setting foot on actual Alaska.
  8. I'm just wondering what's going on and why you're leaving. That wasn't explained well in the OP. Hopefully someone at least answers before this gets locked and ban hammered.
  9. How is it our problem that you decided to attack us? Now you're trying to weasel out when you realize you made a stupid move? So basically what I have learned in this thread is that if you had more support you still would have hit us. This is pathetic. Just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't possibly get any worse. You have no sincerity. I will burn you to the ground. Stop playing at school/cheating. That's how. Yeah, church is all over trying desperately to get people to roll us. If you were his entire coalition, I'm disappointed.
  10. Wait what? Why? Doesn't this contradict what you said earlier about baseball not being a significant way to make money, but more just for fun?
  11. It should be noted that China and USSR were never allies or even on very good terms. China defending USSR in a bloodbath is extremely difficult to imagine.
  12. Except there really isn't because the US dominates international law?.....
  13. Combat seems like the least opportune time to be blind if you ask me.....
  14. Why does Polaris have no eyes?
  15. Oh hey, speaking of that, can we take this as an official "dropping our protection of people fighting Arrgh"? Considering Mortimer was their "protector"? I'm going to assume this means you have no ties to..... Whatever those things are.
  16. I'm sorry, is Trump not big enough for you?
  17. The problem I see, and I take this personally from an old critique of when I was once a mod here (from a current mod who basically hates me non the less), is that it can appear to be bias if things are not distributed evenly. So unless the same exact thing is being posted in every single welcome thread, I'd suggest avoiding it entirely. It's not the moderators job to welcome new players. Welcoming some and not others, or welcoming some more than others, can give an appearance of bias.
  18. How many !@#$ing threads do we need for the same god damn topic? Apperently we need a minimum of 20 for anything.
  19. This is just because you were raised in a society without firearms being a regular thing. While I was growing up, knowing how to shoot a rifle was childsplay. Practically required by law. But was it just some toy we played with? !@#$ no! Adults wouldn't even hand me a loaded rifle until I proved I was responsible enough to handle it appropriately in every single aspect. Even being an adult, me and friends alike occasionally have to remind people to handle firearms as tools of death, not toys, which around here, never becomes an argument. It's basically "You're right, sorry". Or something like that. We aren't nutjobs. We may have some uneducated people, but the vast majority of firearm owners are responsible. As much fun as it sounds to get really drunk and shoot slugs out of my single shotgun, it's just not a bright idea, so I don't do it. Regardless of how fun it might sound at the time. Generally speaking, the people you see arguing for gun rights and such are actually the people who obey the law. I'm fairly acquainted with the underground scene along the northwestern US and that's where shooting, even stabbings, tend to occur. Gang or drug related garbage. If you aren't part of that, you will very likely never be caught up in it. The decision to be caught in the middle of such nonsensical things is entirely up to each and every individual person. I've known a few people who've been killed by gun violence, but it doesn't change my opinions about guns. I believe in equality. Either everyone/houshold should own at least one gun, or else nobody should (including the military and police). But like the military, there needs to be a focus and reason to own these things. Having anything for the sake of having it does nobody any good. However, neither does restricting the power to end life to specific groups of people. All it does is breed more contempt. Proof? BLM and all that garbage stirred up from a continuously militarized police force that's disconnected from the people they police. I don't think some jackass with a pistol and a black uniform is in any way more suited than I to carry a gun. And I never will.
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