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Everything posted by Roquentin

  1. (((GHOST IQ))) Everything NPO does is already objectively wrong on here, so we don't need to admit anything Everyone will present themselves in the best possible light, but for a minority voice on the OWF, it is even more important to argue its side.
  2. It didn't affect what Chaos or KETOG were doing much, but the issue was it wasn't actually about GOB-Guardian, it was about boxing NPO into a position where it couldn't defend its sovereign interests. We weren't aware of how strict Sisyphus would insist on it being because it became problematic when the other side saw it as a beneficial deal for them and rather than a unilateral stance that could be modified if it made sense, it was instead more or less a deal made with KERTCHOGG where they would get to win the overall war similar to TEst-Pantheon situation where paperless didn't expand. The point was never about a ghost IQ but that an absolute win for KERTCHOGG would be problematic if it enabled them to come against us. You wanted it to be a ghost IQ because it suited you better than admitting we might have had genuine concerns. HS is a different thing altogether and they've been allied to tS forever and tS has included them in their future FA, so they don't have the same incentives we do to not partake. TS doesn't want NPO around, but they do want HS and HS hasn't had animosity shown to them by tS. We didn't have an alternative to offer them in terms of an FA path as there are very few potential options and they hadn't been interested in parting ways with tS so it was a very tricky situation. Ultimately our tie with HS has come about in part due to our tie with tS except HS has always treated us an equal partner but it would be arrogant for us to expect them to choose us over their ally of almost 3 years.
  3. Um what? Your other deals took precedent over being allied to us multiple times. We have allies on the coal B side as well. I can't recall a single time tS was hit before this and this was due to you prioritizing your ratlines for these guys over us. You had been enabled in all sorts of stunts prior to this and we no longer had a reason to enable you by threatening people when you made it clear you no longer wanted us as an ally. They didn't start deprioritizing. They decided NPO was finished as far as tS was concerned and weren't upfront. You deprioritized us way before anything else happened and prioritized PR and relations with Chaos over sensible military strategy/flexibility. When Kayser disappeared, tS more or less decided we were just a redheaded step child that could either be smacked into line or cut. This whole BK is the end all be all is frankly a joke and it became evident the rabid irrational grudge you have when it wasn't good enough that BK sustained the same economic damage a losing war would have given them. Oh no Gorge and Leo might get to shittalk a bit. The world is going to end.
  4. There's been a war ongoing and coalition warfare has always taken precedent over external things. It's one of the things Partisan himself has criticized BK over in that he saw them as valuing shooting first in raid situations over coalition warfare. We weren't planning to cancel as we hoped the relationship could be salvaged but when it was clear it'd just all be a game of deception, we couldn't get to that until the war was over.
  5. There isn't much to do in the game on a daily basis, so at least not nerfing every game would mean people have something to do that's constant and based on effort rather than accumulation.
  6. I mean whatever strain is gone then and everyone is a big Wilhelm fan once more. He said he wanted to undo the FA damage Kayser and I did to tS and he's done it in spades. You(tS) didn't take a gamble in any real sense on us unless the gamble was whether we'd be up for facilitating some sort of vendetta based on Camelot raids or something or facilitating everyone's dogpile on BK. You had us twisting ourselves into pretzels for you and one disagreement was enough to kill the relationship. You were not interested in working things out. You failed to inform you no longer valued NPO as an ally and that the decision had been made to move on from NPO until you pulled a fast one and signed new allies that had exited the war and essentially told us to go to hell.
  7. Usually the usage of being hostile to someone in particular means they harbor a particular dislike. As an ally of tS, we offered a significant deterrent to any potential aggression from them to you or others and you threw it away and had tS sought to retain NPO as an ally, treated us as equals, and tried to find common ground, we would have had your back in the situation of them gunning for you. BK's confrontational approach has been problematic, however.
  8. You do realize BK is just super undiplomatic and acts the same way with everyone? They never had designs on tS. The flaws in their approach to dealing with raid snafus have been highlighted to them, but you decided to see it as them trying to get you specifically and made it into a real one-sided grudge.
  9. You'll never see the truth since it's not in your interest to see it because anyone who does something that's against BK is good, but the undeniable truth is tS was done with NPO so there was no reason to continue to back tS's plays. We let them harbor people who went to Guardian/CoS, we didn't raise a fuss over Sanreizan since we believed they'd actually get dropped post-war, we didn't hit TEst right away and everyone in Coalition B was constantly walking on eggshells around tS's moves because they knew we'd defend them.
  10. Are you kidding me? Until this point, we had always privileged tS over anything else except our ability to impact the war. We severely restricted our FA to appease tS, we stayed out for several days which caused us severe damage and made it a worse uphill battle, we lost other allies, and we enabled their protection of hostile elements. We let reliable people get burned. We took patronizing rhetoric and outright taunts.
  11. What are you confused about? He hosted a ted talk and he wrote the topics discussed down. 1. Solar cancelled on Carthago and is still allied to AK but the name of the bilateral treaty is Citadel bloc. 2. They declared on all of KERTCHOGG retroactively. 3. list of acceptable acronyms 4. KiWi declared himself lifetime dictator of Solar and Snardjeki is #2 and no one else has authority to speak on Solar's behalf. 5. if someone hits their ally en masse then they don't care about the why until they have already shot those people up. tS recognized hostilities with solar so solar reciprocated and also declared on typhon and other tS prots/allies. 6. They can hit any pirate at any time because pirates aren't real people. 7. If someone betrays solar, they aren't cool with it. 8. Coalition warfare doctrine meaning they will enter in defense of any coalition partner or to assist any coalition partner if they feel it's convenient. An attack on one coalition member is an attack on every coalition member per Solar doctrine.(Though "an attack on one is an attack on all" got to meme level in cn) 9. Wait for next announcement or contact him via other means if he missed something.
  12. Exactly when TGH/Rose/KT/North Point/etc. all hit us in retaliation for the DoW it was a direct hit on NPO and our treaties came into play but that wouldn't have been convenient for the other side. At least no one in this case is saying tS is going to be salted like Carthage or whatever.
  13. you're my knight in shining armor
  14. Okay, I hear your concerns. Here's my offer: if KERTCHOGG agrees to surrender, a NAP, some color and meme terms and a month-long 1k infra cap, we'll hit BK for the month. I think this will solve all the problems the community has.
  15. well I had a k-pop avatar on here before, but switched to boston terriers as my forum gimmick. Check this out though since it's related to the topic:
  16. No, are you? TKR and BK hate each other and the rest of Chaos hates BK. KETOG dislikes BKsphere. The war was inevitable if you could get enough buy in for a hit on them. The screens were enough to rally around when most people had already lost their infra, so they had nothing to lose.
  17. Hodor asked for our side of the story. We gave it. tS is a forum darling. Every announcement that wasn't the DoW has been praised. We aren't going to discredit them. There aren't any victims here in terms of us or TS, just tS decided we weren't worthy of being treated like an ally anymore and they thought sticking to their hardline stances was right and charted a post-NPO FA path. They did what they felt was right and had poisoned the well to the extent they had ruled out reconciliation. The only victim here is House Stark since they tried to mediate only have to those efforts shot down by syndicate and now it's a pretty bad situation. It's your more your side is obsessed with BK/ex-IQ that everything is in the scope of benefiting/hurting BK. It was made excessively clear that even though BK have done a lot of things wrong that it wasn't enough to make it the cornerstone of our FA. You guys just always feel entitled to win and get back or stay on top that you make them out to be invincible to justify your actions in the name of saving the game or whatever. BK isn't invincible and many of their side wavered when it got tough. The bridges were burned already. Syndicate didn't want to be allied to us anymore. The level of crass disrespect and condescension shown to us was unparalleled in diplomatic communications. Just keep cheering them on because as long it hurts us, it's a morally just action.
  18. Well I'll be damned. Solar is allied to BK, so I don't have to declare on them. Imperial Decree The Order has always sought to honor its defensive obligations where they may exist to the letter of the treaty. Our good friends in the Syndicate have decided to call upon us in their quest to secure safe passage for pirates to Treasure Island. Does it matter that they no longer felt obligated to the Order at all? No. Pigeons have terrorized Orbis for over 5 years at this juncture and we will do what we can to stop them. Even though the odds are against us and we will likely fail at this endeavor, we cannot allow the reign of terror TheNG and underlordgc have unleashed upon Orbis to continue without us standing up to their tyranny. They delight in chasing players out of the game. The Syndicate's philanthropic efforts for the benefit of the innocent Frontiersmen in Sanreizan only raised the ire of the purveyors of purple drank and their feathered friends. We cannot simply let this slide. They have committed numerous sins and the Syndicate are a brotherhood of saints who could never harm even the smallest of animals. Pursuant to article II in our treaty with the Syndicate, the New Pacific Order declares war on Acadia and the United Purple Nations. May Alex have mercy on your souls for we shall have none.
  19. It was intentional. tS wanted to move on and make a new sphere and having Boyce and co was a good pick up for them and letting their own member who ghosted CoS back in was the decision they felt was right as well.
  20. The anchor cable in this instance is clearly TEst. I didn't get my JD in e-lawyering for nothing you know.
  21. I'm glad someone else remembers Home Improvement. Small victories in this war. As for rey liking it, I don't think so, Tim.
  22. It wasn't on our orders. The original plan to hit KETOG as a limited war was scrapped due to the Sphinx leak making it untenable as it made come off as a hegemonic thing in partnership with BK to dominate the game. There was an agreement that the way GOB/Guardian integrated with KETOG was a way to go back to prior statfarming while only fighting limited rounds since they'd have KT/TGH/Arrgh/oblivion maybe Rose due to abbas liking KT/TGH etc. to cover for them, which would essentially undo what was done in the prior war.
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