Holy shit, it's been awhile. I'm back! After Khevin and Harzotchka a bunch of !@#$ ups, I'm brand new. I don't know what else to say, but school got the best of me and just I couldn't keep up with this, but now I'm back and I'm ready to !@#$ it up. Jk, I'll prob !@#$ up even worse.
Nation name: Harzotchka
Baseball: N/A, team sport
Football: N/A, team sport
Basketball: N/A, team sport
Swimming: 0
Cycling: 0
Diving: 0
Beach volleyball (In integers of two): 10
Volleyball: N/A, team sport
Track: 1
Fencing: 2
Judo: 7
Taekwondo: 2
Nation name: Harzotchka
Nation link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=11048
Which city will be the host city: Kairo
Why you should be the host of the 2016 Summer Orbolympics (At least five sentences of information): Harzotchka is a warm nation that can host all events of the Orbolympics. We are a nation that is warm for all nations that haven't attacked us. We are a cultural nation while preserving our past no matter how much we reject it, in the Pyramids. We have lots of open sand, urm, land that can be exploited to create all venues and housing for the Orbolympians. We still have a barter economy from old Khevinist times, so we will be able to do everything without an issue.