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Everything posted by Caecus

  1. Lol. Listen to yourself. You - someone who thinks that sexual assault is okay at a certain age, pedophilia is an admirable trait in an elected official, and the KKK's white nationalist agenda is a good thing - think that you have courage? You're right. It does take a lot of sweaty old white Evangelical Nazi balls to admit that you are objectively a terrible person. Just look at yourself jumping through hoops to try and defend the indefensible. It's sad. You claim to have love, courage, desire, and hope, and yet at each turn, you support hatred, cowardice, apathy, and despair. Hatred, because the deceitful Trump wants a white feudal America ruled by a hypocritical Christian corporate elite. Cowardice, because Trump's new tax plan gave into corporate special interests. Apathy, because Trump has not only failed to unify the country, but further divide it through toxic rhetoric and indecency. Despair, because Trump no longer draining the swamp of short-sighted pork-barreling that is choking America's working class and has actively worked against American interests abroad to appease the very foreign powers that he claims has raped our country. What I'm telling you is, be a better human being. Learn decency and tolerance. Think for yourself. Actually aspire to have love, devotion, courage, and hope and not just claim to have it when you obviously don't. And if you don't have a god damn idea what you are talking about, don't pretend like you do.
  2. Yes, yes. Trump has declared his war against political correctness, to the point where he actively endorsed and campaigned for a pedophile in the reddest state in the !@#$ing Union and lost to basic human decency. I love how you think Trump has some morality here. Only you would be blind to the fact that Trump has been actively endorsed by the KKK and white supremacist organizations who threatened not to vote for him if he condemned domestic terrorism. Have you ever considered the possibility that Trump is just a piece of shit? I mean, what does he have to do? Grab women by the !@#$? Desire an incestuous relationship with his daughter (oral is not incest right?)? Insult American veterans and their families? Collude with an enemy state to win the presidency? Fire the FBI director that was investigating him and then claim it was because the director was unfair to Hillary Clinton? But don't take my word for it. 58% of Americans think he's a piece of shit, and I trust the opinion of 200 million more people who actually live in this country and not drink the cool aid over you. He's already the KKK's man, and he seems to like pedophiles in the Senate despite a state that voted for him overwhelmingly for him thought not. Just admit it, you just like craven little shits who undermine the US, so you can feel a lot better about your own crappy country shooting themselves in the foot.
  3. I don't understand how that is fake news. Is Trump not politicizing Christmas? Didn't Trump equate Nazis to protesters that ultimately resulted in a moral equivalency of hardline, murdering racists and anti-confederacy protesters? Is Trump's insistence that "Merry Christmas" is going out of fashion not a dog whistle to white nationalists who see the use of the inclusive "happy holidays" as undermining to their utopian dream of an ethno-nationalism? Did people stop using "happy holidays" just because Trump got elected? Besides, you guys seem to be taking the wrong message from the article. The article isn't saying that Christmas is/was born from Nazism. It's saying that Nazis have forcibly interned the holiday into a political tool to promote their vision of a white, Christian America and that Trump is (for a reason nobody seems to know why...) wielding that tool on high from the moral leadership role of the President. Sometimes I wonder if you guys actually read the articles you post about.
  4. Well, yes, generally speaking, libertarianism is on that end of the extreme. I think anyone who has a sense of politics would want to carefully define where government can or cannot intervene in. That being said, an unregulated economy would increase the wealth gap. As of 2010, the top 20% control 82% of the country's total wealth. The bottom 40% don't even show up on the map. Without things like the estate tax or government regulation of predatory industries (payday loans come to mind), there is eventually going to be a 1% class inheriting their wealth and owning the houses/cars/education/paychecks of the rest of the 99%. Besides the fact that this is against American values of being born equal, it's bad for the economy and kills innovation. How do rich people get rich? Unless you are a football coach, nobody gets millions of dollars a year. Even corporate CEOs base annual income is around $1 million. So how do the mega-rich get billions? Real estate. Buy properties, lease them to 99% schmucks, and suck their money out of their pockets. Donald Trump is a billionaire, not because he was a CEO somewhere, but because he bought property and rented it out to people for passive income. How did he get that much property to lease out in order to become a billionaire? Inheritance from his daddy. Fact of the matter is, rich people stay rich by controlling and owning the livelihoods of others, not necessarily through innovation. Rich people spend money to get more rich. It's the engineers/workers/scientists/service members that rent out homes and apartments owned by the top 1% that create new technologies, or build the buildings they live in. Elon Musk may have a firm grasp on the engineering and technological aspects of his company, but most would agree he is unique among CEOs, and it's not like he actually designed the batteries and builds them himself. The point I'm trying to make, is that the government's role in the lives of citizenry is not that clear cut and dry. The complexity of the economy (especially as we enter into the late stages of an information economy) demands government involvement, not necessarily just for the physical protection of its citizenry, but to ensure that a landed estate (the embodiment of everything wrong with the Old World) doesn't develop. It's rather ironic that the US - born from the concept that all men are created equal - has one of the largest wealth gaps, on par with China.
  5. Here's the thing: I also believe that individuals - when left to their own devices - will (barring basic human stupidity and socio-psychological habits) make the best financial decisions for themselves. However, I don't believe that makes them "virtuous." Quite the contrary. I believe if individuals are given the chance to push fellow man onto the train track for money, there's going to be a lot of dead people on train tracks. You just need to look around you. If it wasn't for government regulations, Deutsche Bank would own your house, you would be slaving your paychecks to a payday loan company called "Kwick Kash" that charges 300% interest, at least 2 of our family members would have died in car crashes (presumably taking the fast way out the front windshield) while driving to the hospital for lung cancer treatment, nobody would have car insurance to clean up after the mess, and some old white !@#$ who got a shit ton of money from his daddy would all somehow profit from your misery. Libertarianism will always be looked down upon in the US, simply because it is too closely related to anarchism. I believe Gary Johnson only got like 2% of the vote in 2016, and he had to shift a lot away from the hardliner libertarian philosophy. We tried it in the Gilded Age, and we tried it again in the Roaring 20's. The post-Keynesian economy simply can't handle unfettered capitalism without blowing itself up. Hell, many economists argue that Keynes is the only reason why capitalism still exists. David Hume may say that pursuing your own self-interests is beneficial to the rest of society, but he was writing in a pre-industrial age where nobody had anything. Ayn Rand's ideas sound pretty consistent, but putting unadulterated libertarianism into practice is as unrealistic as PnW is to the real world. Libertarianism would ultimately result in a feudal society powered by advertisements and poor healthcare.
  6. Ammosexuality is an abomination against God! This country cannot condone barrel-cleaning. These disgusting heathens rub gun lube all over their metal moving parts, and then finger their triggers in public settings at ranges! All you ammosexuals better stay in your gun vaults and never come out! ... That actually gave me an idea. Why doesn't the NRA lobby for tax deductions for owning a rifle? You know, like having a kid? Except less hearing loss. Besides the fact that it would bankrupt our country, that would be an amazing idea! All those sweet, sweet tax deductions for more ammo at the range.
  7. lol. Because, you know: that's ur occupation. You shoot porn with your massive benis in presumably a harem setting while drinking a vodka martini (shaken, not stirred) and climaxing to the sound of gunfire. And then at the end of the day, you think to yourself "Oh. My. God. I TOTALLY FORGOT TO DO THE DAILY CHECK IN FOR THE EXTRA BONUS CASH ON POLITICS AND WAR!!!!!" And end up here, just in time to post a snarky comment about people from Alabama that so happens to relate to your occupation. I'm on to you.
  8. This statement is ironic. As for this op, let's suppose that August refused to have sex with someone from Alabama. This is a perfectly valid reason, because Alabama as a state has abstinence-based sex education which has led to high rates of unintended teen pregnancies and a bad case of some super Gonorrhea running around. CDC estimates 1 in 3 sexually active people have clyamedia there. If people for the past 500 years have at best refused to bake a cake for you, at worse killed you because you were Alabamian, can you see how negative stereotyping can be seen as "I'm an ignorant little shit who judges people based on the little information that I have about them, presumably collected over the countless generations of Alabamophobic mainstream culture that demonizes our existence?"
  9. I honestly don't understand why anyone would think the Trump administration is out for the middle/working class of America. What exactly has the Trump administration done for Middle America? Give us a 5 year 0.5% tax break in a permanent corporate tax cut policy that will bankrupt our children? Well, maybe your dog then, since you don't get child deductions in the new tax code. That being said, the Net Neutrality will be challenged in court. I'm pretty sure there are a half a dozen lawsuits filed before the vote, and it's probably going to only go up after the repeal. If the repeal is going to get held up in court, it would mean that Congress would have to pass legislation to clarify the repeal. I would be investing in Comcast stock right now. Not to mention there is little enforcement (even in the Obama era, but especially in the Trump administration) of anti-trust laws, you can expect that the US internet infrastructure in 10 years will be exclusively from comcast or Time Warner. The FCC repeals favor the huge infrastructure companies who have captured most of the population as consumers. This will allow these mangy little !@#$ to use the extra infrastructure and capital to squish out smaller start-up competition. Less competition means shittier service and more farming, not "innovation." Expect Comcast to go back to the shitty ISP it has always been, except you'll be paying for website packages on top of that "modem rental" you already pay. The great irony of this is that all those internet nazi trolls will find it hard to visit all those reddit white supremacy sites without their parents screaming at them from the kitchen upstairs about a bigger internet bill, all the while still sucking the penis of the president who made it all happen.
  10. I understand the second amendment just as much if not more than anyone else here. You're wrong. Also, I was rather fixated on the AR-15 part of his statement, not because I don't like people who own guns (otherwise I would hate myself), but because he sets an image in people's minds about how dumb, redneck hick shit everyone between California and New York are with their extra chromosomes and their guns. Who the !@#$ "dial(s) AR-15 or draw the knife not 911"? Besides the fact that this guy doesn't understand English !@#$ing grammar, his statement doesn't make any god damn sense. He's just trying to act all tough like he's a wild west cowboy who has to shoot wild Indians running along his farm in !@#$ing Iowa back in the 1860's. Honestly, he just makes men look like a bunch of uneducated little shits who try to compensate their poor ability to please the opposite sex with a garage full of firearms and missing punctuation. I'm just here to correct people's assumptions by pointing out that he's a rather singular and unique case of !@#$ing retarded.
  11. Yeah, that's great and all, but my argument (to which you were responding to) was ANYONE WHO !@#$ing THINKS WOMEN DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO THE ECONOMY IS A !@#$ing IDIOT.
  12. Lol. I own an AR-15. What, you think I'm some coastline hippy who hasn't touched a firearm in his life? I'm insulted. Hell, I'm willing to bet money that my barrel is longer than his. And you clearly didn't actually read what I was saying, which is that women contribute to the economy and anyone who thinks otherwise is a !@#$ing idiot. Does your graph show that women don't contribute to the economy? No, obviously women have jobs and shit. You are literally making the same argument as me.
  13. But your argument literally is in favor of what I am saying. Unless you are presenting evidence for my argument, in which case I should be thanking you for doing my research. Also, "Skim" does not mean "I didn't read a !@#$ing word." It only means that I didn't think too hard on your argument, especially since its pretty much what my argument is. If I dropped a random link to an article, that means "I didn't read a !@#$ing word."
  14. .... ...I totally forgot about that. Oh well. Barack Obama for term 3? God forbid, Joe Biden.
  15. U troll. I wasn't talking to you. Though you do have spelling problems. My recommendation for you: get laid. Put a ring on that finger, and pop out a couple of kids. You'll find the deductions for having a family may go well with your AR-15 for compensating your small penis size. Though you may be in a catch 22 if you have a small penis and can't get laid. Might I suggest presenting a case to the Supreme Court to legalizing marrying your AR-15? I assume it would have to be a AR pistol, since the barrel might be too long for you.
  16. Yeah, I didn't bother to look more into your journal beyond the abstract for a lot of reasons, chiefly because YOU DIDN'T !@#$ing READ WHAT YOU POSTED. Besides, I don't have a fancy-pansy subscription to actually read the entire article. I briefly skimmed your wall text, but it doesn't seem like you are refuting the claim of the abstract, which is that in New Zealand, women are less of a "financial liability" than men. Secondly, you were responding to my claim that "anyone who thinks women don't contribute to the economy is a !@#$ing idiot." What your wall text essentially says is that women do contribute to the economy (albeit, your argument is that they contribute less than men). So you've already proven my point, and I'll gladly use your wall text as Exhibit A for any other dipshit who thinks women don't contribute to the economy. Finally, to tie this all back into the op, your belief that only the rich people ("net contributors") should have the right to vote is undemocratic and bad for the economy, because it inherently puts a value on the opinions of a landed aristocracy. Considering that a third of the Fortune 500 CEOs inherited their wealth, I don't think you would want somebody deciding the destiny of your country by "virtue of living until you are old enough" to inherit wealth. A landed aristocracy only breeds complacency, nepotism, and stagnation, just ask the Chinese in the latter Tang Dynasty. And if you are thinking, "Oh, but Trump has already installed all of his relatives to positions of power despite being ridiculously unqualified and mega donors now influence corporate tax cut legislation by simply threatening to cut GOP senators off," well... You should be happy with the state of the US then. Rich people and special interests dominate sound fiscal policy, billionaires are awarded official positions in government by virtue of having a shit ton of money and not competence, and the capacity for the people to hold elected officials accountable for their actions is dead. "Democracy," the type of government you so despise for being the inefficient, hand-holding system that takes from the "deserving" and gives it to needy dependent people, is ironically the opposite of what we have now given the excessive gerrymandering, super-pac, unlimited-terms-in-congressional-office system we have now. Also, btw, again. White suburban women in key battleground states allowed for Trump to win the election. In some districts (I'm looking at you, the stinking shithole called Florida), that percentage gap was as high as 30 points. It's ironic that you would all try to take the vote away from them when they were literally the reason why Trump won.
  17. Nobody got my Hitler joke there? Damn, people either need to get a better sense of humor or crack a book on the rise of Nazis in Germany.
  18. That's cute, you think you are making an argument by just posting from a journal that you never read. Oh? How do I know you didn't even read the !@#$ing abstract? I'm glad you asked. First, the country specified in the study is NEW ZEALAND, a country known for its koala-bear hugging hippy !@#$ whose economy ranks below Greece. GREECE. Yeah, the same !@#$ing country that is being propped up by the EU for its massive public debt and stagflation. To compare the economy of New Zealand to the US is like trying to race a F1 race car on a !@#$ing tricycle. Second, and it says it in the abstract itself, but "Notwithstanding considerable within-gender heterogeneity, women are found on average to have systematically and persistently lower net fiscal liabilities than men, especially at older ages." Translation: Men use more public money than women because their penis-driven hormonal thought distracts them from actually having sound fiscal sense as to not depend on the government for everything. Even if it did say what you were thinking it said, using government-funded social welfare programs doesn't mean you don't contribute to the economy. Poor people have jobs, contrary to popular belief. And they consume things with that money they made, at a substantially higher rate than higher income individuals. When you make 10 bucks an hour, you are going to spend a larger portion of your paycheck buying things like TVs and food at restaurants. When you make 6 million dollars a year, there are only so many yachts one could buy. I still stand by my statement. Anyone who thinks that women don't contribute to the economy is a !@#$ing idiot, so thoroughly devoid of education and academic curiosity (admittedly, not necessarily by their own volition) that one might mistake them for being severely mentally disabled.
  19. Nixon says no. The US senate says yes. All Trump needs to do is tweet "I AM NOT A CROOK!"
  20. Only the uninformed idiots of the world would think that women don't contribute to the economy. I would honestly recommend a book on women's role in the armaments industry during WWII, but that might not be a book you would want to read because the Nazis are the bad guys in that one. Besides, Trump carried the vote through white suburban women in key battleground states. If women weren't allowed to vote, all the Nazi internet trolls would still find themselves under a dark rock because society shunned their worthless pathetic ideology. Besides, do you even pay taxes? I'm assuming not, because spelling errors on your tax forms would warrant a visit from the IRS. Talk about not contributing to the economy.
  21. Ur literally too small for me to give a shit. That's a surprise, I never thought the day would come where I would have to tell a Trump supporter that the word "reality" is not "real." You dirty Mexican rapist, you can't fool me with your second-rate English. Trump's going to send you to a "holding facility" for an indefinite period of time slaving away at some menial labor task while you wait for deportation, and then presumably after the Senate building catches fire and martial law is declared, he'll start literally adding you to the American melting pot.
  22. !@#$, please. My country already has a wall to keep out those Mexican murderers and rapists.
  23. Can you tell me who the US ambassador to South Korea is? And how long have they been at that post? The Trump administration's "foreign relations" is a !@#$ing joke. It's non-existent for pretty much all of our allies and most countries in the world, and pathetically underwhelming for everyone else. If you thought Obama's foreign policy was bad, at least he had a foreign policy.
  24. All hail the Mormon Axiom!! Blessed is our promised Zion land in the salty shithole called Salt Lake City.
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