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Everything posted by Kastor

  1. Are you worried? Quick question, and its somewhat long worded, I suppose. How does the governments of BK, TCW, Acadia, etc. Feel about the fact that NPO brought in 500+ people to join their alliance or sphere. And while this war continues to go on, they're building them up to get into range to affect certain things. Now they won't be able to beat you right now, but lets think. Say you're the Black Knights. You're pushing for total victory and total defeat against Chaos/KETOG all while most of NPO's allies are sitting and growing, and are funding their whaling corp. So while a lot of them are inactive, you could probably get around 200 nations from that alliance to play and actually attack you. So the question(s) are: 1. Are you, the governments of BK-sphere, worried about NPO's allies sitting and growing and your "rivals" becoming more powerful than you by the day. 2. Should you push for a total victory over Chaos/KETOG sphere, if these are more or less the alliances you'll be picking off for the next global. 3. If you support NPO bringing in members, and you want total victory over Chaos/KETOG sphere, are you then saying that NPO/tS aren't your political rivals at this point? Moreso than TKR and KT?
  2. How do you come up with the exact opposite of what we’re trying to solve?
  3. This is a radical idea but... remember when Alex removed the ability to have max improvements and max military when your infra was shot? Add that back, which means its harder to hold people down. Incentives getting new players, and makes it harder for one alliance or one tier to dominate long-term.
  4. I’m not in their party..?
  5. So the plan is obviously to subdue all their enemies, and now import players to establish their hegemony with other players not being able to stop them. Also that “don’t talk to the community” is a classic NPO-PW move.
  6. So I think the way bigger news that everyone missed is that Roquentin only trusts Oblivion. A small, mostly less than 10 person alliance. He trusts them over every other alliance on the other side.
  7. @Roquentin you might’ve missed this
  8. I think it’s really weird how you have reasons for not trusting literally every single alliance in the game. So quick question: What major alliance that you’re fighting against, do you actually trust? Stipulation: You must have had lengthy or semi-lengthy discussions with them. Not just someone you’re fighting against.
  9. It does seem to me that BK/NPO planned something, idk how far it went down Buorhann’s conspiracy theories or whatever. But there was obviously a mutual consensus around something.
  10. Kastor

    War Goals?

    So @Roquentin and @Thanos let me ask about this then. If you didn't already achieve your goals, then what goal hasn't been achieved, and if you have already achieved your goals, what is the reasoning behind not going to the table to have peace?
  11. As someone who isn’t apart of any sphere really. This is a huge reach to “disbanding communities”.
  12. So I was considering something, and I think I realized something really interesting. All the intended parties(BK, TCW, TGH, KT, TKR, CoS, and NPO) all achieved their war goals with this war, albeit at different times of the war. KT/TGH/TKR wanted to incapacitate BK sphere for targeting them. They are, and you could honestly say that FA-wise, they lost a lot of allies and meatshields, so this war crippled their FA pull. BK/TCW wanted to incapacitate the 2 smaller spheres, they did so, they achieved their goals as KTsphere and Chaos can’t realistically fight them anytime soon. NPO wanted to incapacitate KTsphere and Chaos from being able to roll NSOsphere post war. While their may be smaller things, this is what every sphere wanted. Sooooo why can’t everyone end the war and move on? It’s literally gotten to the point where everyone won what they wanted.
  13. This is a terrible idea. Just enable the entire tag feature. Why is the forum limited to what you, yourself wants instead of the player base? That makes no sense.
  14. 1. Wouldn't that be the case anyway? And are you sure that you want to state this and adopt this FA policy? If you have 4 "major" spheres, BK, Chaos, KTsphere, and NSO, and if 2 teamed up to take down one, that one that sat out would "technically" be at a disadvantage if they decided to swing at you. But thats a big IF, and it'd have to be after a long war where the losing side gets steamrolled and stays down for a long period of time. Even 1-2 rounds into this war, we saw that wasn't the case, BK and friends started making the way up, beefing out the bottom, and while they wouldn't have won, it probably wouldn't have been a long war. Maybe 30-45 days max. Then, it would make no sense for Chaos/KT nations, fresh off back-to-back wars, lowering resources to turn around and fight you in the next 1-2 months(60 days), allowing BK to build back up. Let's keep in mind that both Chaos and KT fought each other as well. 2. I see you clarified that later, seems like you thought your allies were rather lacking to be able to fend off an attack from 2 smaller spheres fresh off 2 "Global" wars. I can't exactly go against you here, as its your belief, but that really says something about your alliance's military skills and your ally's as well. 3. Fair enough. A follow-up question for you based off of what you said about "balance." 1. While other things obviously led to the attack, you cite trying to "balance" the war" as one of the main components. My question is, do wars need to be balanced, and by extension fair? And if so, how do you defend your attack on TKR in Knightfall? If wars don't need to be balanced and fair, how do you defend your attack on TKR in this war?
  15. Well while I'm not saying I agree with Roq, all I got from your replies is this: 1. MD-level allies are not supposed to defend MD-level allies, and if they do, they're just mindless cannon fodder. 2. Citadel is supposed to just go back on its word of signing the treaties, if that treaty is somehow chained into fighting you. Whats worse, apparently Citadel gave you an out by not blitzing BK, and you didn't take it. While I won't say it hurt or helped your war effort to disregard them, it really shows that on the surface your words against Citadel don't mean much. You can't call them out for defending their allies, especially when you had a shot for them not to defend them, and ignored it. If anything, they're the inverse of the NPO situation, which you say was terrible. So which is, either you dislike NPO's way of handling it or you dislike Citadel's? Or you just want to shit on both because they're against you? My pick is the latter.
  16. As someone who's more impartial and doesn't really care who wins, I do have questions that I think the average person viewing the forums and reading this has as well. First, to @Roquentin, 1. Would you have attacked TKR & Friends even if it meant losing t$ and HS? and if so, wouldn't that put you back in the same "FA" basket that you were at before this war/IQ split? 2. Do you think you would've lost a war against either TKR sphere or KETOG after this war? 3. The way you structure your arguments around the forums make it seem like you consider this war defensive. If it is defensive "from future aggression" what signs have been shown that made you think that war was coming your way. Also, can you clear something up, so you got logs from TKRsphere that stated that you were next, but the logs seem to indicate(from what you, and other NPO gov have said) that TKR was going to attack you in the next few days, or the near future. Is that true? Or, were you more worried about them attacking you several months from now? For @Buorhann, 1. Can you clarify whether or not you were told that attacking BK would result in Citadel's entry into the war? 2. Is it not true that several Citadel nations were attacked in the first round by your side? 3. How do you feel about this war, going forward? 4. Is Citadel not supposed to defend MD-level allies, in this circumstances?
  17. I’m not on tgh nor have I looked at Empy’s discord for around a month lol.
  18. Here’s my question: Does BC/FR leaking info about BK/IQ actually break any intel clauses? Might cause some tension but....did they actually do anything wrong?
  19. So, IQ has basically gotten back together, the major alliances in the war are NPO, BK, TCW, GoTG, Acadia, and UPN. Besides TCW, this is basically IQ 2.0 now, so that makes me wonder and ask, regardless of the outcome of this war, where do we, as a community go from here? IQ basically got a renewal of FA after Knightfall, one they're most likely not getting again after this. Will the game only ever amount to NPO & friends vs TKR and friends? Because since NPO's First time, in 2016, 5/8 major wars have been NPO vs TKR, to some extent. The 3 globals that weren't were when TKR and friends beat up TEst, KT vs NPO, and Surf's up. Will we *EVER* see any difference in wars going forward, the mini spheres are going to basically be over and we're more or less going to go back to the FA world that circulated before(and somewhat after) Knightfall.
  20. Does it beat "Rose's Surrender" thread from Silent war?
  21. Rule 1. Majority of this advice is utter garbage and the people who gave it almost never built an alliance “ground-up”.
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