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Pol Pot

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Everything posted by Pol Pot

  1. marx and lenin believed in equality, this is not social dawinist this is a christian belief.
  2. add these to list. all these are polciies endorsed by fascist states 6. are you gay? yes: - 5 no but i support gay rights: - 3 no: - 0 i hate gays: +2 7. are you racist? yes: +4 no: -0 no and i hate racism: -2
  3. it is intresting so many people go for the bourgeoisie idea of evolution without checking the facts. the idea that the earth is billions of years old is silly, why hasn't the world filled up with people yet and everybody has died due to overpopulation for example? one of the biggest problems with evolution is that if people used to be monkeys and evolved from them, why are there still monkeys around? that to me seems proof like the bourgeoisie idea of evolution is a lie. belief in bourgeoisie evolution also leads to social dawinism that caused hitler's rise to power and fuels capitalist oppersion. evolution is very bad the best bet is the source of infomation written at the time, the bible. it shows the earth was made 6000 years ago in 7 days, it is solid source of infomation this website should help you - https://answersingenesis.org/
  4. Pol Pot

    Spam Bot

    you mean IP address?
  5. Pol Pot

    Spam Bot

    yes remove it spam is bad and is used to fund capitalist buisnesses without capitalism we wouldn't get spam bots it is root of problem
  6. are cornerstone socialist alliance?
  7. one of your members is rage quiting because she got removed from gov lol http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5828-internal-protesting-in-the-quarian-empire/
  8. ok kid, so you got removed from gov and now you plan to rage quit the alliance because you have no power? funny girl
  9. yes idea is good. but more improvements be better.
  10. is this communist nation that zombies be in?
  11. the republican party seem to have large christian voting base and push forth policies that aid Christians it is relevant, as Christianity makes up a large amount of the Republican christian party, but jesus was a socialist and they're capitalists. these are actual bible verses, good lord and pardon the pun there.
  12. it doesn't matter what it's motives was, to say it is a fallacy. what we're debating is why the party tries to be christian when its not due to these verses.
  13. why do capitalists say they're Christians when they're clearly not? jesus would not approve of exploitation of the working class.
  14. i read intresting article on other site that it turn children into sex slaves on christian site so i disagree. it promotes individualism which is against the socialist messages of jesus.
  15. welcome comrade. i think he's getting enough of those messages in game, don't harras the newbie
  16. ok i think the great sheep is finding it hard to find the cause of some of these problems. if he cant find them there's not much he can do without recoding the entire thing the fact is he is adding new stuff and we should be glad that he is. he could quite easily just turn this game into a cash farm and milk it, but no, he has it up for our benefit. so stop !@#$ing complaining everywhere it's annoying
  17. 1. eh, i think that would over complicate things the war system seems alright as it is, if loads of changes like that are added, it will get too complex. 2. see 1 3. see 1 again 4. nice idea, but they'd have to be very expensive in order for it to work, like 10X the price and upkeep so utterly not worth it. but still gainable 5. no, that's silly and will just annoy people. people can still talk elsewhere as well 6. see 1 7. we have embargoes already
  18. i am not tywin. he is a close friend of mine and we just have very close opinions. i do disagree with him on some things like putin though, as i think he is bourgeoisie to the very core and a class traitor the great soviet union.
  19. interesting. in the DIEC you most likely will be in the class of Petite bourgeoisie due to your socialist roots, but you still will be bourgeoisie, just not full bourgeoisie unlike the leaders. it is concerning that there's a large amount of lumpenproletariat in this game, i dont want it ending up like another game where the bourgeoisie DBDC took over and destroyed the order. what we need is NPO or polaris to come here and bring francoism to this chaotic world. then the game will be stronger then it ever will be.
  20. can you add feature where people can pay for year VIPs? which cost less in total then if you got each one separately.
  21. cowardice and betraying your comrades and joining capitalist alliance does pay i see.
  22. because the great sheep cannot be censored...do not deny his powers!
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