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Everything posted by Hodor

  1. The four R's Roquentin, paRtisan, pRe, and adRienne. Runner ups: buoRhann, admiRal ogaden*, stRumm and yoso, pfeiffeR*, thalmoR, sRd, and a numbeR of otheRs but my body is old and my mind feeble. *impact over their time was unique/immense but they lack the longevity or scale of impact of the top 4.
  2. It was actually these logs that @Horsecock was trying to keep hidden...
  3. You know that The Circus attacked TKR and their ally, yea? This isn’t an act of aggression.
  4. I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else here, sir. Mayor lives in a weird paranoid universe where grudges abound and branch and multiply. I merely say my own name. hodor.
  5. I changed my mind. Ro$e, let's fight.
  6. My friend, everything I've posted in this meme thread is a joke.
  7. How are we defining chain war here? Cus p sure we just straight up declared war in Guns & Roses?
  8. Oh yea, we agree on that. If there were a risk of a blow back which was more threatening than the threat this agreement was meant to address, the agreement wouldn't have been entered into. That being said, extraordinary measures have been taken before, consequences aren't outside the realm of possible... but certainly wouldn't be easy
  9. I'm doing a lot of work trying to help y'all understand something that is super detrimental to me.
  10. Touche. Well, kicking the shit out of Mystery and Oasis seemed to do the trick. [spoiler]
  11. People like you are the worst. Just read. But, I won't fight bad manners with more of the same and not deliver some value: 1. Precedents stick because they work. 2. This isn't a precedent because it didn't work before (Mystery and Oasis got the shit kicked out of them). 3. It isn't likely to be a precedent if you all make sure it doesn't work/has consequences that disincentivize it. 4. It also isn't likely to be a precedent unless those involved in the agreement have the combined strength to disincentivize other from challenging it. Welcome back to being on the same (correct) side, friend!
  12. A large reason it isn't a precedent already is because Mystery and Oasis got their assess kicked for doing it.
  13. Happy to clarify and, hopefully, rally people to channel their angst elsewhere. This move is incredibly pragmatic. For Ro$e and HW, it is only beneficial. We have 1) guaranteed our security while two smaller spheres fight and 2) have opened more cordial diplomatic channels with each other hopefully breaking a tradition of distrust. The risks of taking this move are minimal. Neither BR, Clock, or their combined forces are in any position to do anything about it. If it were made privately, there would be more fallout, but arguably it would be justified because it would only be found out if Clock made a move to attack ro$e or HW. It being made publicly eliminates at least the "SEKRIT TREATY" argument and actively deters any moves against the parties involved (which, many have hinted here, it may have done). Now, I was not super happy to hear this move was in the making specifically for article 3, but mostly because I think that moves like this should have consequences. When a move can be made regardless of any PR fallout because no one can do anything about it, some scrutiny is necessary. It's up to the rest of the game to stop !@#$ing here and determine what consequences they will force. I, personally, think that #2 above is worth the fallout and any potential consequences. I am so damn tired of fighting t$ and its allies. We were in a good position (see Parti's post) to hit ro$e next war. The ro$e treaty was negatively received by third parties and during/after our last war with t$ there were many WoT posts directed at t$ to address it's FA policy. But, to keep up this pattern would be so unbelievably stupid and, as you all say, stagnant. That all being said, I think we need to take a look at the mechanics of the game here. We keep yelling at each other for making moves which are unarguably beneficial to the parties involved. But what incentive is there to switch it up other than to take enormous risk and promote an alternative path forward within a system that actively inhibits it? Let's look at the state of things as I see them: 1. Very few wars are now fought in which the winner is not known from the outcome. Therefore, no alliance is incentivized to start a war unless their victory is all but assured. This is pragmatic but boring. 2. Wars are won largely by first strike advantage buoyed by an extra day of militarization and greatly helped by some advantage in the whale tiers. Therefore alliances will largely look to start offensive wars and consolidate whales. This is also boring and makes CBs out of thin air to secure a first strike advantage. 3. War lengths are determined by the tiering of the fighting parties. Longer wars benefit lower tiers, shorter wars benefit whale tiers. So, if you've successfully launched an aggressive war with ample whale tiers, you're gonna smack someone around for a while then offer peace. If you're going whale hunting, you're going to drag out a war forever to do as much damage to those whales. Neither of these are particularly fun for either party outside of stat padders. 4. Wars are fricking stupid in this game, mechanically. If you are facing a competent enemy and are on the defensive, after the first round, you're done. Now you sit and clear the notifications as your nation burns. If you're facing an incompetent enemy and are on the defensive, it takes a level of involvement that most don't have to punch holes in their attack and counter. Wars are simultaneously very expensive and not nearly expensive enough and I have no idea how to fix this, but I think this is where we need to start. If we fix the war mechanics the impacts will flow down and affect the incentive structures of points 1-3. I am not smart enough to figure out what needs to change, but I do think that it's not controversial at all to say that if the primary tool of sphere interactions (war) is broken, so too will be the sphere interactions. Hodor.
  14. This is simultaneously the best and worst FA move this year. Only time will tell which it will be.
  15. I'd chalk that up to BR handing the evidence for the CB over themselves on page 1...
  16. Might as well call out who you think is guilty of this? I think, at best, your evidence is anecdotal.
  17. Sir, if you think 2 pages of mostly memes is drama, you may be playing the wrong game.
  18. We cannot get out. We cannot get out. They have taken the bridge and Second Hall. Many fell there bravely while the rest retreated to the Chamber of…Mazarbul. We are still holding...but hope …Óin's party went five days ago but today only four returned. The pool is up to the wall at West-gate. The Watcher in the Water took Oin--we cannot get out. The end comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming. Please note, OttoVonBisbark turned 6 months today and, as is custom, was neutered. A sudden change overcame him, all dreams of grandeur and expansionism evaporated faster than urine on a fire hydrant in mid-July. Carefully, the door to the presidential chambers opened, doors that had been held shut for months to protect the innocents of the land. Quietly, the former powers leashed the now docile Otto and guided him towards a comfy bed and a bowl full of milkbones. In the coming days, the curfews are lifted, the parks were once more open to those who traverse the land on two feet, and the national anthem, previously just endless varieties of squeaking and the work "walk" repeated for 7 and a half minutes, has been restored to it's former form. We've learned much of what we took for granted in Hodor. We apologize for all the harm done to our neighbors during this trying time and, as always, please spay and neuter your pets. For all our sakes.
  19. Dubious pairing, but for the sake of the dope flag and theme, wishing y'all success.
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