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Franz Von Dietrich

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Everything posted by Franz Von Dietrich

  1. I'll bomb you to the !@#$ing stoneage.
  2. shut up ya bloody nugget. (Sorry! not really.)
  3. uw0tm8 yermum. (Sorry, had to live up to the title of this thread, >.>).
  4. Enjoy your trip, be sure to place your nation on vacation mode.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law- You really should study this. Secondly, your personal attacks have nothing to do with this conversation, which makes it invalid and derailing the topic. Thirdly, the FSA has been proven to use chemical weapons. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23249104 https://disarmament-library.un.org/UNODA/Library.nsf/780cfafd472b047785257b1000501037/e4d4477c9b67de9085257bf800694bd2/$FILE/A%2067%20997-S%202013%20553.pdf But of course, this is *propaganda* according to your biased mindset.
  6. And now for the weather; WAR, War, war, even more WAR
  7. "Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return"
  8. "Allahu Akbar" has became more of a islamic battle cry over the years, not a "god bless them!"
  9. Not once did you make a single coherent point. National Socialism and Fascism is not the same. Liberalism and Fascism are COMPLETE opposite, liberalism invokes the imagery of "true freedom".
  10. These videos provide otherwise, and I agree, FSA is a loosely held organization, that shouldn't be considered the "reps of Syria". *WARNING* *THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN GRAPHIC CONTENT, CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK.* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESIUs8blMm4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY1X5EuhYtE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wqWYC8_ZGg The list goes on and on.
  11. No, I am not. I've said this many times; I'm agnostic. But, that doesn't matter, as it is derailing the topic. The point is; there is no difference from a terrorist and a "freedom fighter." Which FSA is a prime example.
  12. Foreign Fighters know whats best for Syria? Explain their religious fanaticism.
  13. The Free Syrian Army doesn't exist as a unified "coalition" of rebels. They're all religious fanatics who have done more damage than good. Let's also not forget that most of FSA's ranks are swelled with foreign fighters, NOT SYRIANS.
  14. Just a joke I don't understand why people can't sense sarcasm, or even the slightest hint of amusement.
  15. 1. It was a joke. 2. Most conservative Jew's located (not outside) in Israel are profoundly Zionist.
  16. Zionist confirmed to rule Khevin as the upper class!
  17. People say war is bad, but the profit says otherwise!
  18. That's implying if his so called "Security Forces" aren't children.
  19. I wouldn't take Abu serious if I were you.
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