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  1. Past hour
  2. El Doradoooo Nachooo ma libre fighterrrr, most professional FA to have ever graced the all time rank 1 aa of PnWarioooo telll mee, share la sabiduriaaa, eel saberr Are you ret@rded?
  3. Oh great, not only is sweetheart a debate bro, they are also a a liar and conspiracy theorist. The level of delusional entitlement from this nino. Im here as an individual like you claim to want nino. Build your infra and military to my level like a mano and we can fight! Quit HIDING behind no infra, no military, and day of protection of nukes, my baby monkey.
  4. Today
  5. ICS is gone & Remnant. Anyways from what Remnant leader said in my server, seems they don't want to be part of this anymore.Guess even though Nanami is alliance hopping to avoid war, they did it to help a "friend". I don't really care about ICS other than they let Nanami drag them into this, so might just leave it be with them.
  6. Cough, General Discussion…
  7. Currently, city builds can only be changed individually or all at once. The whole system to change builds is incredibly awkward and dated. The following suggestions can help improve this. Templates The solution is to allow players to save city builds as templates. This would ideally be done by allowing players to save an existing city build as a template, and then apply it in a drop down menu to cities. A visual aid of city templates Mass Import Tool A mass import tool that functions similar to the mass infra/land tools, allowing you to change a dropbox next to the list cities and import across all cities. A visual aid of the Mass Template Tool These two small quality of life changes could make the management of builds considerably less tedious, and also open up avenues for mechanics in that future that encourage diversifying your builds from city to city, to make the economic systems in the game a little more interesting.
  8. this already has been done by the osec community and a large list of funds has already been refunded back to LOD and its people it has somewhat also been confirmed in the news so this is kinda old news by now lmao
  9. I don’t think they’re going to be 2ic much longer
  10. LOD requires Peace only agreeing upon their statements.
  11. Thank you for understanding gentlemen
  12. I think you are confused. See this is the “alliance affairs” topic. That means alliance to alliance affairs. Your internal squabbles should go in your members discord channel….. not…. here….
  13. @thalmor that this is already well known case and OSEC community already investigated and could confirm it
  14. Imagine losing 8 Billion in your bank for exposing your API key
  15. I'm gonna touch u mister
  16. Peace must be established, yall ruining my great affection, and I request 1000 denouncements "the pain of war" Regards, Pykpb of Darkovar
  17. Please tell me this isnt chatgpt so I can dunk on @Monti
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