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Gary Johnson Mega Thread


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  Gary Johnson on Abortion   

•Don't require insurers to provide birth control. (May 2012)

•No federal funding for stem cell research. (Jan 2012)

•Women's right to choose until fetal viability. (Jun 2011)

•Right to choose up until viability of the fetus. (May 2011)

•Leave the decision up to the woman. (Jan 2001)


   Gary Johnson on Budget & Economy   

•National debt, approaching $20 trillion, is bankrupting us. (Jan 2016)

•National debt of $20 trillion is obscene & unsustainable. (Jan 2016)

•Lay out a process for state bankruptcies. (Aug 2012)

•No bank bailout; no farm subsidies; no stimulus. (May 2012)

•Cut federal budget by 43% to bring it into balance. (Feb 2012)

•Trillion-dollar stimulus failed; so will another $450B? (Sep 2011)

•We could have avoided default without raising debt ceiling. (Aug 2011)

•Ending the fed OK, but that's only part of the solution. (Aug 2011)

•Stop incurring more debt; balanced budget by 2013. (Jul 2011)

•Our debt is greatest threat to our national security. (Jul 2011)

•Opposed TARP, stimulus & Fannie Mae bailout. (Jul 2011)

•End the Fed; they've devalued the dollar by printing money. (May 2011)

•On verge of financial collapse unless we balance budget. (May 2011)

•Balance budget by cutting entitlements AND Defense. (Apr 2011)

•Uphold commitments to states before other spending. (Sep 2001)




  Gary Johnson on Civil Rights   

•Supports separation of religion and state. (Aug 2011)

•Prostitution is safer when legal and regulated. (Jun 2011)

•I support gay unions; government out of marriage business. (Apr 2011)

•Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment. (Feb 2001)

•Overturn CA Prop. 8: Let gays marry. (Apr 2013)


  Gary Johnson on Corporations   

•Eliminate double taxation embodied in business income taxes. (Jan 2016)

•Built Big J Enterprises into leading construction company. (Aug 2012)

•Visited Occupy Wall Street; we need radical surgery. (Feb 2012)

•Started a one-man handyman business; grew it to 1,000 people. (Sep 2011)

•Eliminate corporate income tax as real way to create jobs. (Jun 2011)

•Lower the tax burden; eliminate corporate tax. (May 2011)


  Gary Johnson on Crime   

•Too many unnecessary laws leads to too many in prison. (Jan 2016)

•Vetoed early release of prisoners due to overcrowding. (Aug 2012)

•Vetoed hate crime legislation as thought-crime. (Aug 2012)

•Built private prisons to replace out-of-state prisoners. (Aug 2012)

•Private prisons cost $20 less/day than public control. (Aug 2012)

•DNA evidence shows many people are mistakenly convicted. (Aug 2012)

•1994: Proponent of death penalty, but willing to debate it. (Jan 2012)

•Death penalty as a public policy is flawed. (Jan 2012)

•Don't risk putting innocent to death. (Aug 2011)

•Half of crime is drug-related; legalizing drugs cuts crime. (Jan 2001)

•Supports flexible federal block grants for crime programs. (Sep 2001)

•Zero tolerance for violence against government employees. (Aug 2001)


   Gary Johnson on Drugs   

•States are finally seeing the failure of the War on Drugs. (Jan 2016)

•Why do we tell adults what they can put in their bodies? (Jan 2016)

•People 95% positive on legalizing; incumbents 100% negative. (Aug 2012)

•Marijuana is safer than alcohol. (Aug 2012)

•75% of border violence with Mexico is due to drugs. (Jun 2011)

•Marijuana is safer than alcohol. (Jun 2011)

•Legalize marijuana instead of 1.8 million arrests and $70B. (May 2011)

•Harm-reduction: health issue rather than criminal issue. (May 2011)

•Drug policy today parallels Prohibition in the 1920's. (May 2011)

•Other governors privately support ending drug war. (Oct 2002)

•War on Drugs is a miserable failure; $6M for treatment. (Apr 2001)

•Drug use is up despite $30B spending on War on Drugs. (Jan 2001)

•Prescriptions for heroin & methadone at local pharmacy. (Jan 2001)

•Allow medical marijuana and needle exchanges. (Jan 2001)

•More federal funding for all aspects of Drug War. (Aug 2000)

•States should make drug policy, not feds. (Aug 2001)


  Gary Johnson on Education   

•Public education system needs major reform. (Aug 2012)

•Vouchers OK for church childcare & church schools. (Aug 2012)

•$3,500 voucher for every K-12 student. (Aug 2012)

•Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care. (Aug 2012)

•Competition would make our schools better. (Aug 2012)

•I support evolution; but no federal involvement. (May 2012)

•No student loans; they cause higher tuition. (Nov 2011)

•Education Dept. takes 16 cents for every 11 cents it gives. (Sep 2011)

•Abolish Departments of Education and HUD. (Aug 2011)

•Give every student in New Mexico vouchers worth $3,500. (Jul 2011)

•Put educational funds in the hands of the people who use it. (May 2011)

•End the Department of Education. (May 2011)

•No student loans; they cause higher tuition. (Feb 2011)


Gary Johnson on Energy & Oil   

•Cap-&-trade imposes costs with no environmental improvement. (Aug 2012)

•Alternative energy good; ethanol subsidies bad. (Nov 2011)

•Supports nuclear power. (Aug 2011)

•Current policy prevents common-sense energy development. (Jul 2011)

•No cap-and-trade; no taxing carbon emissions. (Jul 2011)

•I accept global warming but not cap-and-trade. (Jun 2011)

•Voluntary partnerships reduce greenhouse gases economically. (Aug 2000)

•Kyoto Treaty must include reductions by all countries. (Aug 2000)

•Federal tax incentives for energy, with state decisions. (Aug 2001)


Gary Johnson on Environment   

ʉۢNo compromise on clean air, but no cap-and-trade. (Oct 2011)

•More state autonomy on brownfields & Superfund cleanups. (Aug 2001)

•Support State Revolving Loan Fund for flexible Clean Water. (Aug 2001)

•Focus on prevention and states for Endangered Species. (Aug 2001)

•Collaborative, incentive driven, locally-based solutions. (Aug 2001)

•Apply "Good Samaritan" rules to abandoned mine cleanup. (Aug 2001)

•State primacy over water quantity & quality issues. (Aug 2001)



Gary Johnson on Families & Children   

•Refused 'Marriage Vow' pledge; it condemns gays & singles. (Nov 2011)

•Encourage fathers' participation in child-raising. (Sep 2001)

•Federal funds & state involvement in fatherhood initiatives. (Aug 2001)


    Gary Johnson on Foreign Policy   

•We can no longer afford to shell out billions in foreign aid. (Feb 2012)

•No foreign aid spending unless it protects U.S. interests. (Nov 2011)

•Flights to Cuba ok; trade promotes friendship. (Sep 2011)

•Act in US self-interest, but wary of unintended consequences. (Aug 2011)




  Gary Johnson on Free Trade   

•No tariffs, no restrictions; but no corporatism. (Jul 2011)

•Eliminate needless barriers to free trade. (May 2011)

•NAFTA benefits New Mexico; jobs lost are those we don't want. (Jan 2001)


  Gary Johnson on Government Reform   

•Strong advocate of term limits for governors & Congress. (Jan 2016)

•New SuperPAC, "Our America PAC", for principled candidates. (Dec 2013)

•Should government be doing this policy in the first place? (Aug 2012)

•Won 1994 with $510K of own money & not beholden. (Aug 2012)

•750 vetoes & contentious relationship with legislature. (Aug 2012)

•OpEd: managed to improve the state while slashing the budget. (Nov 2011)

•Vetoed more bills than all other governors combined. (Sep 2011)

•As governor, vetoed 750 bills. (Jul 2011)

•Government creates jobs by reducing its role, not expanding. (Jul 2011)

•"Governor No": 742 total vetoes of bills over two terms. (Jul 2011)

•1996 tort reform: limit punitive damage awards. (Jul 2011)

•Unlimited campaign contributions by corporations. (Jul 2011)

•Cost benefit analysis on all government spending. (May 2011)

•Full disclosure, but no limits on campaign donations. (Jan 2001)

•Term limits let politicians focus on issues, not re-election. (Jan 2001)

•Reforms must respect state's rights to select electors. (Aug 2001)



 Gary Johnson on Gun Control   

•Supports gun ownership rights. (Aug 2012)

•Laws regarding guns are ineffective. (May 2011)


  Gary Johnson on Health Care   

•ObamaCare's promise of lower cost simply isn't happening. (Jan 2016)

•Government-managed healthcare is insanity. (Aug 2012)

•Block grant Medicare; carte blanche to the states. (Aug 2011)

•ObamaCare is unconstitutional; so is Bush's Medicare Rx plan. (Aug 2011)

•Salud!: managed care for Medicaid recipients. (Jul 2011)

•1999: vetoed 12-cent-a-pack cigarette tax hike. (Jul 2011)

•Cut Medicare/Medicaid by 43%, as part of $1.675 trillion cut. (May 2011)

•Repeal ObamaCare & failed Medicare prescription drug benefit. (May 2011)

•No federal pre-emption of employee health plan regulation. (Oct 2001)

•More federal funding for rural health services. (Aug 2001)

•Protect state tobacco settlement funds from federal seizure. (Apr 1999)


  Gary Johnson on Homeland Security   

•Spying on U.S. citizens dismantles the 4th Amendment. (Jan 2016)

•Founding Fathers would be disgusted about spying on citizens. (Jan 2016)

•Overturn simplistic, chaotic, reactive military policies. (Jan 2016)

•Should we have 100,000 troops on the ground in Europe? (Aug 2012)

•Patriot Act is a direct assault on privacy & due process. (Aug 2012)

•Torture has created millions of enemies we wouldn't have had. (Aug 2012)

•Let the PATRIOT Act expire; respect habeas corpus. (Jan 2012)

•Due process at Guantanamo; no torture of terrorist suspects. (Jan 2012)

•Allies want more US military spending, but cut by 43%. (Nov 2011)

•43% reduction in military spending; cut foreign aid too. (Sep 2011)

•No physical or psychological torture of terrorist suspects. (Aug 2011)

•Abolish the TSA; let Patriot Act expire. (Aug 2011)

•No waterboarding under any circumstances. (May 2011)

•Deal with terrorism as a joint federal-state responsibility. (Feb 2001)

•Include states in anti-terrorism planning. (Sep 2001)

•Study terrorist threats against nuclear waste repositories. (Aug 2001)


  Gary Johnson on Immigration   

•Bigger border fence will only produce taller ladders. (Jan 2016)

•Arizona anti-immigrant law leads to racial profiling. (Aug 2012)

•A 10-foot wall just requires an 11-foot ladder. (Aug 2012)

•2 year grace period for illegals to get work visas. (Nov 2011)

•1 strike & you're out for legal immigrants who violate terms. (Nov 2011)

•Let some, but not all, illegal immigrants stay in US. (Nov 2011)

•We educate the world's best & brightest; why send them back? (Jun 2011)

•Open the border; flood of Mexicans would become taxpayers. (Jan 2001)

•Mexican immigrants are pursuing same dreams we all have. (Jan 2001)

•Share costs of legal immigration between states & federal. (Feb 2001)

•Federal government should deal with criminal repatriation. (Feb 2001)



Gary Johnson on Jobs    

•Governments don't create jobs--businesses do. (Feb 2012)

•Oppose NLRB recent actions against Boeing in SC. (Jul 2011)

•1999: Vetoed raising minimum wage from $4.25/hour to $5.65. (Jul 2011)

•Long unemployment benefits postpones dealing with problem. (May 2011)

•Create block grants for Agricultural Stewardship. (Aug 2001)


Gary Johnson on Principles & Values   

•Side-by-side issue comparison to Mitt Romney. (Aug 2012)

•My desire to serve has been with me since childhood. (Aug 2012)

•I view government in the same way as philosopher Ayn Rand. (Aug 2012)

•Seven Principles of Good Government for work & life. (Aug 2012)

•Graduated from UNM and married college sweetheart. (Aug 2012)

•Gave fiancee "Atlas Shrugged" to explain his politics. (Aug 2012)

•Let people drive 75 mph & buy beer on Sundays. (Nov 2011)

•Favorite philosopher: Milton Friedman. (Aug 2011)

•Tea Party insures that Republicans are part of the solution. (Jul 2011)

•Calls himself classical liberal; others prefer libertarian. (Jun 2011)

•Majority of America is fiscal conservative & social liberal. (Jun 2011)

•Religious affiliation: Lutheran. (Nov 2000)

•Member, National Governors Association/Economic Development. (Jan 2001)

•Member of Republican Governors Association. (Aug 2001)

•Member of the Western Governors' Association. (Aug 2001)


  Gary Johnson on Social Security   

•Raise the retirement age to 70 or 72. (Aug 2012)

•A portion of Social Security ought to be privatized. (Aug 2012)

•Replace the payroll tax with FairTax. (Feb 2012)

•Raise the retirement age; plus means testing. (Aug 2011)

•Reform all entitlements, including Social Security. (Jul 2011)

•Open to personal accounts for Social Security. (Jul 2011)

•Change escalator from wage-based to inflation-based. (May 2011)

•Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare. (Aug 2001)


  Gary Johnson on Tax Reform   

•Current tax code penalizes productivity & investment. (Jan 2016)

•23% national sales tax while eliminating the IRS. (May 2012)

•Get rid of income tax and capital-gains tax. (Feb 2012)

•FairTax on all new goods & services, with prebates for poor. (Feb 2012)

•FairTax would absolutely reboot the American economy. (Sep 2011)

•Replace tax system with a FairTax. (Sep 2011)

•Replace job-killing tax code with FairTax. (Sep 2011)

•Reduce state personal income tax from 8.5% to 8%. (Jul 2011)

•No national sales tax or VAT. (Feb 2000)


Gary Johnson on Technology   

•No government "back doors" into encrypted, private info. (Jan 2016)

•Oversaw construction of 500 miles of new highway. (Aug 2012)

•Highway 44: Private alternatives to infrastructure spending. (Jul 2011)

•Opposes Net Neutrality; no government regulation of Internet. (Jul 2011)

•NM building twice as many 4-lane highways with no tax raise. (Jan 2001)

•Level playing field for Main Street vs. Internet sales tax. (Aug 2001)



 Gary Johnson on War & Peace   

•We are no safer after years of failed nation-building abroad. (Jan 2016)

•Afghan nation-building will fail; withdraw immediately. (Aug 2012)

•Cut all support and aid to Israel. (May 2012)

•No military threat from Iraq, Afghanistan, nor Libya. (Aug 2011)

•Iran is not currently a military threat. (Aug 2011)

•Let Israel deal with Iranian nukes; not US role to tell them. (Aug 2011)

•Absolutely would not have gone into Libya; get out now. (Jul 2011)

•We wiped out al Qaeda 10 years ago; leave Afghanistan. (Jun 2011)

•No threat from Libya; so no authority to topple dictator. (Jun 2011)

•Afghan War initially warranted, but not for 10 years. (May 2011)

•Military surveillance should discover WMD before invasion. (May 2011)

•I opposed the Iraq War from the beginning. (May 2011)

•No Afghan timetable; start tomorrow & finish in a few months. (May 2011)

•Eliminate ineffective interventions in Iraq & Afghanistan. (May 2011)


Gary Johnson on Welfare & Poverty   

•Impose gross income cap on welfare recipients. (Jul 2011)

•Maintain federal Social Services Block Grant funding. (Sep 2001)

•Maintain flexibility & funding levels for TANF block grants. (Sep 2001)



VoteMatch Responses

Based on these stances:

 Favors  topic 1:

Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

(+2 points on Social scale)  No federal funding for stem cell research: Opposes topic 1

Women's right to choose until fetal viability: Favors topic 1

Right to choose up until viability of the fetus: Favors topic 1

Leave the decision up to the woman: Strongly Favors topic 1

 Favors  topic 2:

Legally require hiring women & minorities

(-3 points on Economic scale)  Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment: Favors topic 2 

 Strongly Favors  topic 3:

Comfortable with same-sex marriage

(+5 points on Social scale)  Refused 'Marriage Vow' pledge; it condemns gays & singles: Strongly Favors topic 3

I support gay unions; government out of marriage business: Strongly Favors topic 3

I support gay unions; government out of marriage business: Opposes topic 3

Overturn CA Prop. 8: Let gays marry: Strongly Favors topic 3 

 Favors  topic 4:

Keep God in the public sphere

(-3 points on Social scale)  Vouchers OK for church childcare & church schools: Strongly Favors topic 4

Supports separation of religion and state: Opposes topic 4

 Strongly Opposes  topic 5:

Expand ObamaCare

(+5 points on Economic scale)  ObamaCare's promise of lower cost simply isn't happening: Strongly Opposes topic 5

Government-managed healthcare is insanity: Strongly Opposes topic 5

Government-managed healthcare is insanity: Strongly Opposes topic 5

ObamaCare is unconstitutional; so is Bush's Medicare Rx plan: Strongly Opposes topic 5

Salud!: managed care for Medicaid recipients: Opposes topic 5

Repeal ObamaCare & failed Medicare prescription drug benefit: Strongly Opposes topic 5

More federal funding for rural health services: Favors topic 5

Protect state tobacco settlement funds from federal seizure: Neutral on topic 5 

 Favors  topic 6:

Privatize Social Security

(+2 points on Economic scale)  A portion of Social Security ought to be privatized: Strongly Favors topic 6

Open to personal accounts for Social Security: Strongly Favors topic 6

Change escalator from wage-based to inflation-based: Opposes topic 6

Maintain federal Social Services Block Grant funding: Favors topic 6

Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare: Opposes topic 6 

 Strongly Favors  topic 7:

Vouchers for school choice

(+5 points on Economic scale)  $3,500 voucher for every K-12 student: Strongly Favors topic 7

Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care: Strongly Favors topic 7

Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care: Strongly Favors topic 7

Competition would make our schools better: Strongly Favors topic 7

Abolish Departments of Education and HUD: Strongly Favors topic 7

Give every student in New Mexico vouchers worth $3,500: Strongly Favors topic 7

Put educational funds in the hands of the people who use it: Strongly Favors topic 7

End the Department of Education: Favors topic 7

 Favors  topic 8:

EPA regulations are too restrictive

(-3 points on Social scale)  Oversaw construction of 500 miles of new highway: Favors topic 8

More state autonomy on brownfields & Superfund cleanups: Favors topic 8

Focus on prevention and states for Endangered Species: Strongly Opposes topic 8

State primacy over water quantity & quality issues: Favors topic 8 

 Opposes  topic 9:

Stricter punishment reduces crime

(+2 points on Social scale)  Too many unnecessary laws leads to too many in prison: Strongly Opposes topic 9

Vetoed early release of prisoners due to overcrowding: Favors topic 9

DNA evidence shows many people are mistakenly convicted: Strongly Opposes topic 9

1994: Proponent of death penalty, but willing to debate it: Favors topic 9

Death penalty as a public policy is flawed: Strongly Opposes topic 9

Don't risk putting innocent to death: Strongly Opposes topic 9

Half of crime is drug-related; legalizing drugs cuts crime: Opposes topic 9

Supports flexible federal block grants for crime programs: Neutral on topic 9

Zero tolerance for violence against government employees: Neutral on topic 9 

 Strongly Favors  topic 10:

Absolute right to gun ownership

(+5 points on Economic scale)  Laws regarding guns are ineffective: Strongly Favors topic 10

 Strongly Opposes  topic 11:

Higher taxes on the wealthy

(+5 points on Economic scale)  Eliminate double taxation embodied in business income taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11

Current tax code penalizes productivity & investment: Opposes topic 11

23% national sales tax while eliminating the IRS: Strongly Opposes topic 11

Replace job-killing tax code with FairTax: Strongly Opposes topic 11

Reduce state personal income tax from 8.5% to 8%: Strongly Opposes topic 11

Eliminate corporate income tax as real way to create jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 11

Lower the tax burden; eliminate corporate tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11

No national sales tax or VAT: Neutral on topic 11

Federal tax incentives for energy, with state decisions: Neutral on topic 11 

 Strongly Favors  topic 12:

Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

(+5 points on Social scale)  Bigger border fence will only produce taller ladders: Strongly Favors topic 12

Arizona anti-immigrant law leads to racial profiling: Strongly Favors topic 12

A 10-foot wall just requires an 11-foot ladder: Favors topic 12

2 year grace period for illegals to get work visas: Favors topic 12

1 strike & you're out for legal immigrants who violate terms: Favors topic 12

Let some, but not all, illegal immigrants stay in US: Favors topic 12

We educate the world's best & brightest; why send them back?: Strongly Favors topic 12

Open the border; flood of Mexicans would become taxpayers: Strongly Favors topic 12

Mexican immigrants are pursuing same dreams we all have: Strongly Favors topic 12

Share costs of legal immigration between states & federal: Neutral on topic 12

Federal government should deal with criminal repatriation: Neutral on topic 12 

 Strongly Favors  topic 13:

Support & expand free trade

(+5 points on Economic scale)  Flights to Cuba ok; trade promotes friendship: Strongly Favors topic 13

No tariffs, no restrictions; but no corporatism: Favors topic 13

Eliminate needless barriers to free trade: Strongly Favors topic 13

NAFTA benefits New Mexico; jobs lost are those we don't want: Strongly Favors topic 13

 Favors  topic 14:

Support American Exceptionalism

(+2 points on Economic scale)  Overturn simplistic, chaotic, reactive military policies: Strongly Opposes topic 14

No foreign aid spending unless it protects U.S. interests: Strongly Favors topic 14

Act in US self-interest, but wary of unintended consequences: Strongly Favors topic 14

 Strongly Opposes  topic 15:

Expand the military

(+5 points on Social scale)  Should we have 100,000 troops on the ground in Europe?: Strongly Opposes topic 15

Allies want more US military spending, but cut by 43%: Strongly Opposes topic 15

43% reduction in military spending; cut foreign aid too: Strongly Opposes topic 15

Balance budget by cutting entitlements AND Defense: Strongly Opposes topic 15

 Opposes  topic 16:

Make voter registration easier

(-3 points on Social scale)  Strong advocate of term limits for governors & Congress: Favors topic 16

New SuperPAC, "Our America PAC", for principled candidates: Strongly Opposes topic 16

Won 1994 with $510K of own money & not beholden: Strongly Favors topic 16

Full disclosure, but no limits on campaign donations: Strongly Opposes topic 16

 Strongly Favors  topic 17:

Avoid foreign entanglements

(+5 points on Social scale)  We are no safer after years of failed nation-building abroad: Strongly Favors topic 17

Afghan nation-building will fail; withdraw immediately: Strongly Favors topic 17

No military threat from Iraq, Afghanistan, nor Libya: Strongly Favors topic 17

Iran is not currently a military threat: Strongly Favors topic 17

We wiped out al Qaeda 10 years ago; leave Afghanistan: Strongly Favors topic 17

Afghan War initially warranted, but not for 10 years: Strongly Favors topic 17

I opposed the Iraq War from the beginning: Strongly Favors topic 17

No Afghan timetable; start tomorrow & finish in a few months: Favors topic 17

Eliminate ineffective interventions in Iraq & Afghanistan: Strongly Opposes topic 17

Include states in anti-terrorism planning: Neutral on topic 17 

 Opposes  topic 18:

Prioritize green energy

(+2 points on Economic scale)  Cap-&-trade imposes costs with no environmental improvement: Opposes topic 18

No cap-and-trade; no taxing carbon emissions: Strongly Opposes topic 18

Voluntary partnerships reduce greenhouse gases economically: Neutral on topic 18

Kyoto Treaty must include reductions by all countries: Opposes topic 18

Create block grants for Agricultural Stewardship: Neutral on topic 18

Collaborative, incentive driven, locally-based solutions: Neutral on topic 18 

 Strongly Opposes  topic 19:

Marijuana is a gateway drug

(+5 points on Social scale)  States are finally seeing the failure of the War on Drugs: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Why do we tell adults what they can put in their bodies?: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Marijuana is safer than alcohol: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Marijuana is safer than alcohol: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Harm-reduction: health issue rather than criminal issue: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Drug policy today parallels Prohibition in the 1920's: Strongly Opposes topic 19

War on Drugs is a miserable failure; $6M for treatment: Strongly Opposes topic 19

Drug use is up despite $30B spending on War on Drugs: Strongly Opposes topic 19

More federal funding for all aspects of Drug War: Favors topic 19

States should make drug policy, not feds: Neutral on topic 19 

 Strongly Opposes  topic 20:

Stimulus better than market-led recovery

(+5 points on Economic scale)  National debt, approaching $20 trillion, is bankrupting us: Opposes topic 20

National debt of $20 trillion is obscene & unsustainable: Strongly Opposes topic 20

Cut federal budget by 43% to bring it into balance: Opposes topic 20

Replace job-killing tax code with FairTax: Strongly Opposes topic 20

Our debt is greatest threat to our national security: Opposes topic 20

Eliminate corporate income tax as real way to create jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20

On verge of financial collapse unless we balance budget: Opposes topic 20

Lower the tax burden; eliminate corporate tax: Strongly Opposes topic 20

Balance budget by cutting entitlements AND Defense: Opposes topic 20




Gary Johnson is a Conservative-Leaning Libertarian.



Edited by Sailor Jerry
  • Upvote 1


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Lets be straight here. Guy is low energy, nobody cares, and it just ain't going to happen. With how the American system works he'd be better off doing a Bernie if he really is that good. 


I doubt however he is that good. The thing about third party guys is a lot of disaffected people get the idea that their guy is perfect, people just haven't realised it yet. I checked Jill Stein for example and she quite frankly embarrassed herself on a AMA she did which is not a good impression to give. Being "green" she's a cuck so not like I had a positive view going in but I'm not an unreasonable guy. 

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Lets be straight here. Guy is low energy, nobody cares, and it just ain't going to happen. With how the American system works he'd be better off doing a Bernie if he really is that good. 


I doubt however he is that good. The thing about third party guys is a lot of disaffected people get the idea that their guy is perfect, people just haven't realised it yet. I checked Jill Stein for example and she quite frankly embarrassed herself on a AMA she did which is not a good impression to give. Being "green" she's a cuck so not like I had a positive view going in but I'm not an unreasonable guy. 

So when Trump doesn't get the Republican nom.......what will he do then?  Drop out or run as a third party guy?


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So when Trump doesn't get the Republican nom.......what will he do then?  Drop out or run as a third party guy?


You need to get out from under your rock. Trump floated the third party thing to say to the establishment he was bring the fire. In reality he put down at the time people were saying he couldn't do it, that not only would he... but he'd get 1400+ delegates. Everything points to him being completely correct.






Seems like a good advert for Trump, thanks mate. 

Edited by Rozalia
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Seems like a good advert for Trump, thanks mate.

"let's put parties and differences aside while we solve our problems"

Tell me if trump would ever put people's differences aside, I don't think so

  • Upvote 1

Gary Johnson 2016

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"let's put parties and differences aside while we solve our problems"

Tell me if trump would ever put people's differences aside, I don't think so


If thats all you can find that is incorrect then I'd say I was correct enough.


Depends what we're talking about here exactly. Trump is very fair on a lot of matters and some of the issues he disagrees with the republicans on he's compromised by saying he'd leave it up to the states. Now if by "putting differences aside" you mean him kowtowing to the Democrats and doing some of their cuck policies to "be fair" then well perhaps he won't be putting such differences aside no. Considering Trump is a "Strongman", one who as seen can control even a hostile media like a puppet... Democrats should perhaps think of "putting differences aside" themselves instead of expecting it from the Donald. Trump will remember any transgressions. 

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If thats all you can find that is incorrect then I'd say I was correct enough.


Depends what we're talking about here exactly. Trump is very fair on a lot of matters and some of the issues he disagrees with the republicans on he's compromised by saying he'd leave it up to the states. Now if by "putting differences aside" you mean him kowtowing to the Democrats and doing some of their cuck policies to "be fair" then well perhaps he won't be putting such differences aside no. Considering Trump is a "Strongman", one who as seen can control even a hostile media like a puppet... Democrats should perhaps think of "putting differences aside" themselves instead of expecting it from the Donald. Trump will remember any transgressions.


He also not libertarian, socially rational,honest effective,smart, have any political history, qualified, capible, and he will probably be a tyrant if elected

Ps- I mean he is rasicm when I say he won't put differences aside

Edited by Redael

Gary Johnson 2016

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He also not libertarian, socially rational,honest effective,smart, have any political history, qualified, capible, and he will probably be a tyrant if elected

Ps- I mean he is rasicm when I say he won't put differences aside


Wow, I'll try and parse through that.


Libertarian - Wants to leave things to the states in a lot of places, and is also in regards to say auditing the fed for example the only hope for such a thing (Libertarians aren't going to achieve that).


Socially rational - ??? What is this supposed to mean exactly? Trump is more rational than the raving drooling SJWs so whatever.


Honest - Overstated. A lot of his "lying" are comments taken out of context and purposely misunderstood. We only need to see at all the people believing he'll be genociding Muslims in America when all he called was for a temporary ban to work that out.


Effective - ??? Thus far no one has been more effective. Bernie has spent more then basically anyone and is going to end up a yuge loser. Trump has spent the least and is going to win overwhelmingly.


Smart - Shows your own deficiencies if you think Trump is stupid. He's outplayed everybody and every time they think they have him on something he turns it around. Hate him if you wish, but stupid he ain't.


No political history - Seems you've not got the memo. Him not having a political history is a strength, not a weakness. 


Qualified - What are the necessary requirements/qualifications you need to be president? US born and over 35 years of age. 


Capable - Yes... a man who destroyed 16 Republicans with ease, will be the most voted for Republican in primaries in history, and has made billions of dollars... isn't capable.


Tyrant - Yes, him being elected means the beginning of the Trump Empire. He'll change the rules so he's President for life and make it so the President chooses the next one leading to the first female President, Ivanka, who after many years will pass it Barron Trump who will then declare himself Emperor of America.


Racism - Deporting illegals == racism. 

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Wow, I'll try and parse through that.


Libertarian - Wants to leave things to the states in a lot of places, and is also in regards to say auditing the fed for example the only hope for such a thing (Libertarians aren't going to achieve that).-Libertarian-Limited state and fed government


Socially rational - ??? What is this supposed to mean exactly? Trump is more rational than the raving drooling SJWs so whatever.

 -This ad uses it to mean socially left

Honest - Overstated. A lot of his "lying" are comments taken out of context and purposely misunderstood. We only need to see at all the people believing he'll be genociding Muslims in America when all he called was for a temporary ban to work that out.

-90% of the "facts" he states are some degree of inacurrate, don't believe me look it up


Effective - ??? Thus far no one has been more effective. Bernie has spent more then basically anyone and is going to end up a yuge loser. Trump has spent the least and is going to win overwhelmingly.-Bankruptcies


Smart - Shows your own deficiencies if you think Trump is stupid. He's outplayed everybody and every time they think they have him on something he turns it around. Hate him if you wish, but stupid he ain't.-Have you heard anything he said


No political history - Seems you've not got the memo. Him not having a political history is a strength, not a weakness. -How, I want this government run by someone who knows what they are doing


Qualified - What are the necessary requirements/qualifications you need to be president? US born and over 35 years of age. -see last point


Capable - Yes... a man who destroyed 16 Republicans with ease, will be the most voted for Republican in primaries in history, and has made billions of dollars... isn't capable.

 -Winning an election and running a country are two completely diffrent thugs

Tyrant - Yes, him being elected means the beginning of the Trump Empire. He'll change the rules so he's President for life and make it so the President chooses the next one leading to the first female President, Ivanka, who after many years will pass it Barron Trump who will then declare himself Emperor of America.

 -I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not, I would believe it if it happened

Racism - Deporting illegals == racism.- have you not heard the large amount of racist and sexist comments he has made


Added my counter arguments inside

Gary Johnson 2016

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Libertarian-Limited state and fed government


You'll never get "purity", not that Libertarian purity is a good thing to begin with. 


This ad uses it to mean socially left


The absolutism that if you're right wing, heavily perhaps, on one issue then... you're right wing completely is dishonest. Trump for example is for federal protection of homosexuals so they aren't discriminated against and has been friendly towards the group for a long time unlike certain other people who change based on what polls/trends say.


-90% of the "facts" he states are some degree of inacurrate, don't believe me look it up


You should learn pretty quickly that everything is some degree of inaccurate depending on how you look at things. 




He never went bankrupt himself. He certainly came close once due to a real estate crash... and then did the greatest financial turnaround in history (it's in the books). The bankruptcies were Chapter 11 reorganisations of 4 of his businesses which if you want to hold him to then you'll have to acknowledge the hundreds of successful businesses he has (so he'd have like a 95% business record).


Have you heard anything he said


And? If you've swallowed the bankruptcies bit, and I don't doubt this when some Liberal outlets have said he has "practically bankrupted every company he's touched and doesn't know how to do business". They really want people to believe that. 


How, I want this government run by someone who knows what they are doing


-Winning an election and running a country are two completely diffrent thugs


Who has experience of being President before being President? No one. According to Clinton she's the closest so I assume you'll be voting for her right? After all "she knows what she's doing".


Trump has experience running a massive business. Not quite the same as being a President yes. Gary Johnson has experience being a Governor. Not quite the same as being a President.


-I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not, I would believe it if it happened




have you not heard the large amount of racist and sexist comments he has made


Go on, state them. On women the primary thing I remember is him saying to a woman she'll get paid the same as a man if she does as good a job, so equal pay for equal work, something Clinton jumped on and called him an enemy of women for. Now in regards to racism... what are for one, the major one lets say, his racism against Hispanics? Give me some examples please, a very easy task for you I'm sure. 

Edited by Rozalia
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Not a response, try again and actually speak for yourself. I've challenged you to tell me his racist statements towards Hispanics, something which should be all too easy going by your current talk thus far.


Now as for your link... it's crap too. A lot of those statements aren't racist, others are a completely joke, and others hearsay. I already obliterated you but I'll do so again as it's no trouble.


  1. Laziness is a trait in blacks.(1991)
  2. Black guys counting my money!  I hate it.  The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.

    Trump never said that.


  3. A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market.  I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advatage of this and that… I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.



    Whats racist about this exactly? Through affirmative action a black person is advantaged, even more so if they're darn good to begin with. The "racism" here seems to be "Trump didn't say black people all suffer horribly so he's racist".


  4. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best.  They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us.  They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime.  They’re rapists.  And some, I assume, are good people.


    Hispanics do not equal illegal immigrants. 


  5. If Hilary Clinton can’t satisfy her husban then what makes her think she can satisfy America?


    Trump is known as quite the shitposter yes. However it's actually a retweet and wasn't actually Trump but a staffer. 


  6. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will make Mexico pay for that wall.


    Hispanics do not equal illegal immigrants. 


  7. The Oscars were a great night for Mexico & why not — they are ripping off the US more than almost any other nation.


    Hispanics do not equal illegal immigrants.


  8. [Talking about arabs] They took the oil that when we left Iraq I said we should have taken.  Now Isis has the oil.  What they don’t have, Iran has.


    ??? He said ISIS (who are Arab) have the oil, and the rest Iran has (who aren't Arab). The racism is where?


  9. [About the transgender Miss USA contestant, Jenna Talackova] I looked at her name, and somebody brought this up to me: “Jennatal.†Those are the first letters of her name. And it’s “genital.†And I’m saying to myself, “Hmm, that’s strange, could there be an ulterior motive?’â€


    I love that one. After the woman was banned for being transgender Trump allows her to compete in his competition... but he's a "transphobe" even though his competition is the only mainstream competition of it's kind to allow transsexuals... all because he made talk about the oddity of the name considering she's a transsexual. 


  10. I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. [Just to throw some fatphobia into the mix


    ??? Really now? That was the first of a couple of tweets he made on Diet Coke/Coke in general which is they make you fat as they make you hungry and such. To label that "fatphobia" is really stretching for a reason to be offended.


  11. [After falsely claiming that unemployement was really 18-20%] There are no jobs because China has our jobs, Mexico has our jobs.  They all have our jobs.


    Governments everywhere cook the books on unemployment. China and Mexico indeed have taken many jobs... the racism is where?


  12. Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations.


    It's true. What exactly is racist?


  13. I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.


    ??? Point it out for me, I assume sexism is what this is being attacked on but... his wife is more beautiful than the rest unless you have a very specific fetish. 


  14. And if you look at black and African American youth, to a point where they’ve never done more poorly.  There’s no spirit.


    This is just labeling someone racist because they don't sing of the hymn sheet that minorities are completely innocent. While the system has damaged them certainly not enough is done by them to climb out of the hole they're in. Trump stated at the very least he hoped Obama would be able to give that spirit to black youths but as we know Obama has done nothing for black people, less than nothing I'd say actually. On Trump's part he has said he'll do more for them by bringing jobs back from places like Mexico.


  15. [On Marriage Equality] It’s like in golf. A lot of people — I don’t want this to sound trivial — but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.


    ??? He hates gays? That what this is getting at?


  16. [Discussing his daugher] She does have a very nice figure . . . if [she] weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.â€


    ??? Man says his daughter is beautiful... is sexist?


  17. I have a great relationship with the blacks.  I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.


    Saying Blacks is fine unless someone you don't like says it then it's racist.


  18. [Obama’s religion and citizenship] He may have one but there’s something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim. I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or he may not have one. I will tell you this: if he wasn’t born in this country, it’s one of the great scams of all time.


    Talks about how if Obama was a Muslim and not born in the country it'd be a scam. Considering America would never want a Muslim as president and you have to be born in America to be President (some exceptions here) it would be yes. Birthism was started by Clinton, Trump took the lead, it failed and he's moved on. 


  19. Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are happily and openly destroying Baltimore!


    ??? Did Obama have a positive impact on the thugs rioting? 


  20. [Addressing the attorney of a transgendered woman who was excluded by Trump from the Miss USA pageant.] I think Gloria would be very very impressed with [my penis].


    She was later allowed, and the missing context was she said Trump should have to prove he's a "naturally born man", so he said she'd be very impressed by his penis.


  21. [speaking about himself in the third person] Women find his power almost as much of a turn-on as his money.


    ??? Women do find power and money a turn on. As do men for that matter. 


  22. I’ve read hundreds of books about China over the decades. I know the Chinese. I’ve made a lot of money with the Chinese. I understand the Chinese mind.â€


    He knows how China is culturally and has made a lot of money with China... racism where?


  23. All the women on The Apprentice flirted with me–consciously or unconsciously.  That’s to be expected.


    ??? Where? He was the boss and the guy who decided if they won or lost, so he was the guy they wanted to impress. It is to be expected they acted favourable towards him.


  24. Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art is not just superficial or something pretty to see


    The sexism being the whole "He sees women as objects due to including them with buildings and art". Nonsense. 


  25. You know, it really doesn`t matter what (the media) write as long as you`ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.


    It's true. Why should he care what the media shills say about him when he's successful.


  26. I bet you make a great wife.  But just a great wife.  Not a businesswoman and a wife — that doesn’t exist, obviously.


    That is from what I recall related to his first marriage where an issue to him was while at home he didn't want it to be "Business, Business, Business" as obviously when you're with your partner you expect a break from what you do at work. While I wouldn't say it's impossible as he puts it I'd imagine it's very difficult indeed.


  27. [On Liberian immigration] Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there.  THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!


    Racism being not wanting black people coming to the US I imagine... which is nonsense. If you can treat people in Liberia then why not do it there instead of bringing them to the US and treating them there? It's senseless and risks bringing Ebola to the US.


  28. [From the Apprentice]Trump: “Excuse me, you DROPPED to your knees?â€

    Brande: “Yes.â€

    Trump: “It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.â€


    Ah yes, he's a sexist because he said a women dropping to her knees would be quite the picture. Lets remember he said if he wanted to Romney would have dropped to his knees for his (Trump's) endorsement. 

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You are clearly ignorant .the Hispanics aren't stealing our jobs, their getting hired, it's captialisim some people get hired some don't, it's not stealing. He was also endorsed by the KKK. He Said one person who I can recall the name of had "blood coming out of her whatever." He wants to Ban all Muslims, including those who don't follow Sarah's law, and read where the Quran says not to commit sucide, although it does say kill "infidels" but the bible says similar things and as a non-fundamentalist Christian I ignore those but if they both say to kill non believers why should he also ban all Christians.

Gary Johnson 2016

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You are clearly ignorant .the Hispanics aren't stealing our jobs, their getting hired, it's captialisim some people get hired some don't, it's not stealing. He was also endorsed by the KKK. He Said one person who I can recall the name of had "blood coming out of her whatever." He wants to Ban all Muslims, including those who don't follow Sarah's law, and read where the Quran says not to commit sucide, although it does say kill "infidels" but the bible says similar things and as a non-fundamentalist Christian I ignore those but if they both say to kill non believers why should he also ban all Christians.


Wow... I think it may well be seen as cruel to keep stumping but whatever lets run you down again.


1: You're doing that (racist) Hispanics == Illegals again. A illegal by virtue of not being supposed to be in the country to begin with is stealing a job if they have one in the country. Oh and no, the jobs they do wouldn't remain empty if they weren't there. Businesses would have to raise wages, hire Americans (Black Americans benefiting the most), and thus make less money.


2: KKK?



Duke was a guy Trump disavowed many times (he said Duke was a nasty guy as far back as 2000) before the "incident" which some believe was done so Trump could dominate the media.Clinton meanwhile was also endorsed by a KKK guy (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/26/klan-leader-claims-kkk-has-given-20k-clinton-campa/) and was also famously a good friend of Robert "Exalted Cyclops" Byrd.




3: He wants a temporary ban until they can figure things out. Obama as is well known runs a heavily incompetent protection of the borders (as he likes it), so Trump will need to get that in order quick and a temporary ban helps. Now if said Muslims are of good character and have all the paperwork he has said he'd make an exception.


4: Sarah's law? Sarah's law!? SARAH'S LAW!!? 


5: Look kid. I've been very nice thus far and I hate to be rude (though you laughably calling me the ignorant one makes it fair game) but there comes a point where someone needs to tell you a very simple truth. When it comes to these important matters, be it Islam, be it Christianity, be it the isms, and be it politics... you know nothing on such matters. You've been winded up by some very dishonest people and you're here repeating imitations of their very weak points. You've been stumped into oblivion a great many times, learn from that instead of asking for more stumping for your own sake.

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I ment shakes law not Sarah's it auto corrected. Let's rember this is a Gary Johnson Mega thread not e anti trump mega thread and I was mostly saying why it wasn't a trump ad at first then the discussion got carried away, and your aren't stumping me your just providing counter arguments, if you can't see the obvious racism sexism and everything else wrong with trump than you never will.

Sharia law, now i really hate auto correct

Gary Johnson 2016

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why are you bothering to argue with dumb 14 year old roz?


I'm guessing you were mentally retarded at 14 since according to you everyone is, and he is arguing beacuse it's an online fourm and its politics, I am dine with him debating his opinion but this is a Gary Johnson mega thread not an anti trump so that's why I won't put any further arguments on posts he makes in this thread after my last one

Gary Johnson 2016

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