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Everything posted by BelgiumFury

  1. Wouldn't solve that situation though. I do agree homophobia should probably be in there, but they will still be rampant whereever. Alex made it quite clear that he would not moderate stuff like that in other's peoples discord from the document i just read. (Although it would ofcourse help on the forums, in game and the official discord).
  2. Maybe but you'd also have to ban a lot of catalan flags, and scot flags who are very much not fashist.
  3. I cant comment on the confederate flag because i know too little of the nuances, i do know them of kekistan tho that is why i commented on that specific one. I prefer the safety of not banning innocent people. I'd say rules against homophobia are indeed in place too.
  4. I wish to note a very sizable minority (or even small majority) who used the kekistani flag were not nazis at all. And the problem with crypto fashist is that without actually talking to them it's hard to discern them. Let's keep caution and ban too few over too many people.
  5. How long would these bans last for? Would they be permanent (i personally believe that is a bit harsh, a lot of young people play this game, change happens a lot) or would it depend on the expiration of the points you have? Personally I would prefer the second option (or another non permanent solution). Assuming bans are not permanent, is there a way to "ban" people without deleting their nation so they can come back once they had time to think about their actions and it's consequences?
  6. Once again we have the issue though how extensive that control should be :p. Saying i support it doesnt solve this deep filosophical debate!
  7. This exact thing is what is bugging me most with people against it. Do alliance leaders not talk to their members or? I seem to recall last time i was on gray and didn't pay taxes because of it (we already have the choice to not pay them you see), i got a dm from my IA head and we sorted that shit real quick. Alliances are ways for people to collaborate, every healthy colaborative relationship needs communication. it doesn't matter if it's a 1 on 1 relationship or 100 people sharing a commitement. Assuming you communicate with your members they probably won't opt out of being your alliance color, paying the new tax rate or even joining in an embargo. Unless ofcourse you are taking incredbily bad decisions and your membership hates you, or you just try to sneak stuff behind their back and raise taxes without giving a heads up. I'm not sure what point you are making here? You are aware that this is the only thing you can do right now right? Members can currently: Stop paying taxes, and stop sharing their inventory... Most members won't do that because they want a cooperative alliance. If you can not make a proper announcement saying "well we are embargoing rose because we think tulips are prettier pls dont unembargo" then you don't deserve to have an embargo. Keeping your members in line is like the nr1 priority of most alliances, and something many alliances (can speak of personal expierience) spend a lot of time and people on. If your members actively oppose your alliance embargoing someone you really have to think that you maybe shouldn't embargo those people, or maybe need better communication or it's neither you should perhaps cut some elements from your alliance. Affirmative. --- It feels to me like you don't already know how much autonomy members actually already have, and how rarely they'd actually use it because they aren't actively trying to sabotage the alliance they are in.
  8. You're making my point but a lot better than i made it. I'd write you a love letter if i knew where to send it to. The point is indeed that alliances change in many ways and members should *know* what they are actually agreeing with and a competent alliance who communicates well with it's members should literally find no issue with it's members paying taxes. Unless you are sneakily taxing your members without them knowing ofcourse.
  9. Members need to do incredibly little to contribute to their alliance, namely the following: - Log in once every 3 days. - Change their nation color if they get beiged, or had a period of inactivty. What we are saying here is one little extra button to make sure members agree with what their alliance asks of them. If an alliance can't get their members to be the right color, or click a box once every three months than maybe the issue isnt with the member. The same would apply to embargoes i'd think.
  10. I like this (assuming it is executed well). (and my alliance will hopefully stay reasonable and not tax my shit off)
  11. Alex said he would consider this in some form yes. I hope if this gets added it will be somewhat like what @Zephyr proposed for taxes, ill give you an exerpt: He said taxes should be accepted like this, i think the same could and should apply for alliance wide embargoes, if members then decide to not respect embargoes or taxes leadership can decide to remove those elements. Belgium
  12. Seems like another QoL feauture that in the words of a certain head of state: "Benefits everybody, hurts nobody".
  13. Yeah, the exact contents of the categories can be changed, i just want some organizing. I was thinking about these exact two options you proposed when I wrote this post but ended up going a diffrent route.
  14. I was thinking categories on the top bar. But sure something like that would work too. Just some organization please
  15. That sadly enough doesn't solve the in game situation.
  16. This game has quite some projects, but I feel like the list is already quite long, and we keep adding more and more projects (which is a good thing as far as i'm concerned). The amount of projects however can become an issue if you try to find one (and dont remember the exact name or are on mobile for example).. I propose to put projects in categories (possibly optional categories). Cities: UP, AUP. Militairy: VDS, SS, SP, PB, PE, MLP, CIA, NRF. Resources: ArmsS, BauxW, EGassR, IronW, MIrrigation, UraniumEP. Internal Expansion: AEC, ALA, CCE. Improvements: CRC, GT, ITC, Recycling, TS, SPTP Other: Moon Landing. Preferably people could enable or dissable categories.
  17. That's clearly not what he meant though.
  18. I think having more "crops" for farms seems like an interesting mechanic from a purely mechanics standpoint. Just randomly introducing just hemp tho seems to not fit in with the rest of the game. I have no idea how to add more crops with each slightly diffrent effects in a balanced way.
  19. The problem is that Alex is one guy. And you just gave Alex the vaguest advice in the world. I think working out something a lot more concrete has a much higher chance of getting a real response from both the community and alex. ~~Belgium
  20. It's not unlikely. The game is competitive, i know of people who have bots to snipe trades and even high value raids, i'm sure this would not be unlikely at all. Ill do you one better, if this mechanic came out I'd have a bot made for me to do exactly this. SRD made a great point which would need adressing before it can or should be implemented. (it would be funny though)
  21. Personally I don't know if there is any serious alliance that does not require discord, except The Knights Radient (TKR). TKR uses slack, and TKR forums. If you can use those, it might be the place to go. @Adrienne can you confirm this for me?
  22. I took a quick break from this game, what do I see when I log in to end my VM? Well I see this: I think it is fair to pause them aging when you are in VM. Even more importantly, i think it will make sure there is more mechanical consistency, and who doesn't like mechanical consistency. That's all folks.
  23. Homie, this game is basically literally unplayable without an alliance. Find one that floats your boat, aargh sounds like something for you. Don't play this game if you're not in an alliance you will be everyone's play toy.
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