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Everything posted by fistofdoom

  1. Maybe you guys should stop buying up out of range of them and fight mano a mano? I mean, they had the decency to proclaim their intentions before taking action. That counts for a lot in my book.
  2. You are a: Centrist Cosmopolitan Fundamentalist Collectivism score: 0% Authoritarianism score: 0% Internationalism score: 0% Tribalism score: -33% Liberalism score: -83% Anyone want to explain this?
  3. You appear to be challenged when trying to understand what was said. Please reread the announcement.
  4. We acnowledged that TEst has initiated a war against us.
  5. Insert British Slang describing your Insert American Slang
  6. Going back and forth between this an a livestream on twitch has kept me entertained longer than I expected. Whelp, time for a shower. War on, guys!
  7. You've ignored the conditions placed on the reward and have disqualified yourself from being awarded anything. There is also a separate topic for that.
  8. (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ÇןʇʇÉq
  9. So are you a whole milk kind of guy?
  10. maintenance? I think its a question of who supplies the suppliers etc. If you're making the assumption that if all needs are met then all the process is also automated, then I get what you're saying.
  11. I looked up "command economy" and got this: So my guess is that by unlimited goods and services you mean a future where supply matches or is in excess of the demand on all or nearly all fronts and keeps pace with it too. There would be a need for a highly intelligent/competent administrative force making sure that all the industries are kept supplied, up to date, and running efficiently. The debate I think is about what kind of administrative force could potentially be. The answer is obviously Jesus.
  12. Can I get an update on price? If its still 14k, then I'd like to buy five shares.
  13. I know that watching arumba on youtube is entertaining while he plays it. :|
  14. Me thinks it has little direct influence besides as a political tool unless it is widely coordinated with other alliances. Some political developments would need to take place for it to be used on such a large scale, but that'd be interesting if it came about anyways. On Color Senate: Maybe have the three largest alliances on a color have a vote that influences their color in some way related to economics, with later increasing that number as the game size increases. Or have the votes within the colors be based on some other statistic besides overall strength, idk. Maybe total member count on a particular color in the same color alliance versus the same for the other same colored alliances. You'd have a majority vote if you basically controlled the whole color, but it'd be interesting either way.
  15. I can confirm everything said here. Also, welcome to the fray!
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