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Everything posted by Keegoz

  1. Upon community feedback, it is likely we will leave Military Salvage as is for now.
  2. I have agreed that project slots should be changed (have for a while), however I also need to be realistic of where I choose my battles. We have a limited amount of people coding for a limited amount of time. There are a number of changes that I would like to make and I could propose but they may not see the light of day. Part of the reason why changing projects was the core focus here for an econ update was because a lot of it is already coded, making it easier and more likely to be implemented. Until Generals is implemented, I won't be looking at any other large coding changes to the game. So although yes, there are many things the game *should* be doing there is only so much it can do. There is also a need to introduce new content vs fixing the issues with the current content (which honestly could probably fill the next 2 years of updates alone).
  3. I have the current costings, although it is important to note that with the current major war that these are skewing the numbers a bit. I'll update the sheet in a bit.
  4. Project & Commerce Update Proposal Been a long time coming, the design team is looking to update projects and alter commerce as a new economics update for the game. This is a rather large proposal, so please bear with me. For those who don’t like to read much I will quickly now dot point the reason for this proposal: Have prices and effects closer to their actual value Buff the weaker/overpriced/useless projects Bring the pricing of the old original projects closer in line with the new ones Reduce the cost of city planning projects to prevent stalling smaller nations growth leading to lower retention rates Shift costs more towards raws, which need more sinks and away from manus that don't + to make costings more consistent across the board Buff profit per slot for commerce to allow smaller nations with less infrastructure to viably go above 100% commerce The proposal is far too big to fit into one thread. A large number of projects have merely had their costs changed to make them more consistent across the board or more evenly spread out which resources are required. I will be detailing some of the more major changes in this thread however. To see the full proposal please go to: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z3Ye0oAtHWoYOfHQn1AGYmg80jsPl4fKLK3FPtSeFao/edit?usp=sharing Resource Production Projects (Arms Stockpile, Bauxiteworks, Emergency Gasoline Reserve, Ironworks) The cost of these projects will be increasing, currently their price is incredibly cheap, largely because they are some of the earliest projects in the game. They are however some of the most profitable. Their cost has also been made to be more equal overall, that is, each project is worth roughly the same amount. Arms stockpile no longer use more lead than a nation can produce, so nations can be self-sufficient, but also receive a slight nerf to production. Changes to other Economic Projects (Bureau of Domestic Affairs, Fallout Shelter, Military Salvage) Feedback on these projects has been that they aren’t realistic on ROI or usefulness. Bureau of Domestic Affairs has had an additional perk given to it. Specifically ‘adds a +25% effect modifier to your chosen Domestic Policy’. Fallout Shelter has been tweaked to ‘reduces the radiation impact on food production by 15%’. This means all radiation will be reduced by 15% rather than protecting 10% of production during high radiation. Military Salvage will be renamed to Military Logistics Planning. Its benefit has changed to ‘Military Logistics Planning is a national project that reduces the steel and aluminum of all units by 5% when already at war.’ Spy Project Changes (Spy Satellite, Surveillance Network) Spy Satellite now requires an Intelligence Agency to be built. It received a slight increase in cost. Surveillance Network feedback suggests that this project is very underpowered and not worded very well. So I’ll quickly clarify on what it does before discussing the change. The project adds a modifier to decrease the odds of a spy attack by 10% and increase the chance of the enemy spy to be caught by 10%. E.g. If a spy attack against you had 40% chance of succeeding normally, it would now only have a 36% chance of succeeding. Given that this is a fairly insignificant buff, we have added the additional perk ‘It reduces the damages received from successful espionage operations by 25% (excluding missile/nuke).’. Hopefully this change makes it a more worthwhile project. Activity Center The activity center was created to replace a new player project. Rather than give raw resources it was changed to give cash. When this was introduced, new player raiding was a lot more profitable than it is today. We have therefore increased the total amount from logging in for new players to $2,000,000 per day. The project has also had its city cap raised from c15 to c20, in line with the pre-existing new player bonuses and where city timers begin. We hope this will continue to allow new players to grow without necessarily needing other nations to support them. Although we do note more work needs to be done around new player experiences. City Reduction Projects (Urban Planning, Advanced Urban Planning, Metropolitan Planning) Alright, this is the one that is always discussed the most and we’re often given a lot of feedback on. I am going to firstly discuss some reasoning again before discussing the changes. Firstly, the projects are extremely expensive for the relative size of these nations. This often means that these projects become ‘roadblocks’ to progression in this game and given we have a lowering amount of retention rate in the game we need to address this. It’s worth noting that although these projects have been discounted, a lot of other projects that would be bought by these nations have subsequently increased in price. Secondly, most of these nations are being asked predominantly for resources that they simply would not produce or cannot produce efficiently at the size of the nation it is aimed for. This punishes any new alliances without many established nations. We have therefore tried to reduce some of these resources' cost and move them into other resources they could feasibly produce on their own. We did not remove all of it entirely though as we want to promote use of the market still. The following roughly brings these costings to be around 3 cities to ROI on. In other words you should be able to actually break even from these projects before being at the city requirement for the next one. Urban Planning Costs: Food 250,000, Uranium 12,000, Raw Resources 4,000 Advanced Urban Planning Costs: Food 500,000, Uranium 24,000, Raw Resources 8,000 Metropolitan Planning Costs: Food 750,000, Uranium 36,000, Raw Resources 12,000 Commerce Based Project Changes & Commerce Change (International Trade Center, Telecommunications Satellite, Specialized Police Training Program) Finally we have a rebalancing of commerce and commerce projects. The current issue in the game is commerce projects are not very viable for smaller nations with less infrastructure, due to the low profit per slot of supermarkets. This proposal will seek to change how the existing commerce projects work, and also change the current commerce and slot values for existing commerce improvements.. The two main commerce projects have been modified as such: The International Trade Center, in addition to increasing the cap to 115%, will also increase base commerce in each city by 1%, and the cap on Bank improvements from 5 to 6. The price of ITC has been increased. The Telecommunications Satellite in addition to increasing the cap to 125%, will also increase the base commerce in each city by 2%, and the cap on Shopping Malls from 4 to 5. These changes will work in conjunction with an adjustment to the commerce rates on improvements: Supermarkets will see an increase from 3% to 4% commerce per improvement, and a reduction in their cap, from 6 to 4. Banks will see an increase from 5% to 6% commerce per improvement, with their cap increasing to 6 when you possess an ITC. Shopping Malls will see a decrease from 9% to 8% commerce per improvement, with their cap increasing to 5 when you possess a Telecom Sat. Stadiums will see a decrease from 12% to 10% commerce per improvement, with no changes to their cap. Specialized Police Training will receive a buff, making it a minor commerce project. As it stands, Specialized Police Training is a largely ineffective project, only useful at the highest amounts of infra for saving a single slot. The increase in cap on police stations is redundant, as the default cap is already higher than needed to eliminate all crime at even the highest infra levels. Instead of increasing the cap on Police Stations, SPT now increases base commerce in all cities by 4%. This will effectively replace a supermarket, saving all players who buy it a slot, rather than just people with extremely high infra levels. With these combined changes the total improvements needed to achieve 115% commerce is reduced from 17 to 16, and the total improvements needed to achieve 125% commerce is reduced from 19 to 17. SPT further reduces this by a slot. Additionally, commerce builds fit correctly, with no need to cap at 114% commerce due to the awkward slot usage. This makes higher levels of commerce far more viable for smaller nations at lower infrastructure levels, and makes projects like ITC and Telecom Satellite more accessible to the mid tier. Congrats to those of you who read all of that. Please be specific with feedback and suggestions, this took a long time to go through and a lot of the changes are related to one another so keep that in mind.
  5. I also told him that it was more funny to watch him high. So he took some of the advice.
  6. It's just a discussion to seek community feedback. Suggestions may or may not be introduced in future updates.
  7. There will be a thread going out soon on a re-costing for projects.
  8. We'll exist for as long as possible, purely to spite you.
  9. Let's bring it back folks. Start the meme train.
  10. I think you'll find I don't care either way. Your pixel hugger human brain couldn't comprehend though.
  11. I made this point before, but NAPs need to be more specific on who they do and do not cover (as use to be the case). Given the game shuffles around quite often during NAP periods, I don't think it is healthy to leave it up to interpretation of different alliances. We've also never seen anyone break a NAP for a MDP partner in this game, I know a lot of people have expressed they would but it is one thing to say it and another to do it.
  12. I'm just going to congratulate @Thalmorfor making people have a proper discussion on the forums.
  13. Pretty good deal, given I was tied up in a basement.
  14. Lol wut. You bragging about pixel hugging as Aurora's leader is believe it or not, about Aurora. Not to mention the thing you've referred to is something you decided to get involved in. Once again, stop making this about you. You're not even close to being near the top of our shit list.
  15. Are you trying to brag about pixel hugging? Aurora has changed man. Get TP back.
  16. Xi, believe it or not. Not everything is about you and Aurora. Stop taking our fun personally.
  17. I do love whining about winning. Damn winning all the time.
  18. They're whining on discord instead. You can come and join, I need more salt in my life.
  19. There are ways to still figure out who is who.
  20. I believe there should be an option in the game to archive significant alliances that are no longer active. Currently alliances are lost, names stolen or someone is forced to sit on the alliance until the end of time to keep it alive. The simple solution to me is to allow the alliance to retire itself. I think the option needs to be fairly expensive credit wise to avoid people doing this to sabotage active alliances and I do think there needs to be a requirement so not every alliance can just be archived. Possible cost/req: Cost: 15 credits Requirements: Existed for at least 365 days. Reached a top 30 ranking in that time.
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