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Everything posted by Rageproject

  1. What are you babbling about? That guy who declared on your member did it because the nation raided an applicant of ours. So I sent your guy an in-game message letting him know that. And you sent a ton of wars since. Guess we just have to join the rolling party until everyone on an again quits another feeble attempt by you to play pirate and be a weak leader. Also, don’t call yourself a libertarian. That’s an insult to real libertarians like myself who can actually vote in the upcoming cycle.
  2. I think having a problem with nuke turretting is as silly as being anti-raiding. It’s part of the gameplay. Sure, it sucks when you’re the one getting hit. But like Hatebi said, there’s some ways to deter and defend. The only “issue” I see is missiles and nukes are extremely cheap relative to the potential destruction they can cause when used in the nuke turretting — more than previously. It would be fair to increase the cost to produce them slightly. From a logical standpoint, requiring missile project to be able to get Nuke project makes sense in military development too. But at the end of the day, nothing in the game will ever be perfect. With every situation someone will develop a strategy to exploit or counter it. And that’s not a bad thing.
  3. 3K+ infra at c3 This will go well. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=611736
  4. Allegedly I heard he turned down a merge because it would make them look weak due to being attacked by THT already and he didn’t want to give us the satisfaction.
  5. Factory Shutdown Notice We regret to inform Orbis that The High Table is issuing a Shutdown Notice to Apex Factory. This shutdown is due to poor work conditions, labor law violations, mismanagement, and fostering hostile relations with inspectors conducting routine observations. Unfortunately, our attempts to allow Apex Factory to remedy their mistakes and improve have gone as neglected as their employee development program. We have been informed that the owner-operator of Apex Factory and The Convenience Store, Nashdar, has taken a leave of absence after being responsible for much of the deteriorations and behaviors that have led to this decision by The High Table. We have also been informed of and witnessed threats of violence against to escalate tensions by managers and rogue employees of the Factory against the inspectors. We apologize for any inconvenience to any innocent workers of Apex Factory and hope they can find better opportunities in the future in better work environments once this factory closes officially. To avoid shutdown, Apex management may pay the fine of “100 credits” to The High Table — the exact amount Nashdar said he would “invest and spend into blowing [THT] up” before removing himself from leadership. TDLR: The High Table is burning down Apex Factory.
  6. As we reach a milestone and reflect upon 365 days from inception to its present evolution, The High Table wishes to extend a toast to all. Join us in celebrating and uniting all peoples of Orbis from the lonely one-nation nano, to the 200-nation mega-macro, to the tax farms that have perished, and the micro dreams that are yet to become a reality. Raise your glass of our finest Red Wine — Glory to The High Table! And may John Wick have mercy on those nations receiving personalized invitations from our devout members to join them in celebration.
  7. Guys, this isn’t about all of us anymore. This is about the new players. Don’t forget that.
  8. Related color quality of life issue… Can we fix the problem with having to toggle from gray to an actual color? Currently, a gray nation has to go into Edit Nation page, select another color, and then reselect the color they want, and save the page. Eliminate the ability to ”hide in gray” and it should automatically revert a nation to its prior color upon login. Beige players move to gray as usual, until they login and it reverts to their prior color. If it’s meant for inactivity, then let’s keep it strictly for inactivity. Let players and alliances fight about taxes amongst themselves instead of exploiting what feels like a glitch in the game. Plus, this is a huge frustration for players who think they fixed colors it and didn’t, and it draws active players to be attacked and mistaken as inactive constantly.
  9. Isn’t one alliance with 36 inactive members and constantly suspected multi nations already enough for your group?
  10. I don’t disagree with you on much of this. But it is why I feel the game doesn’t put in place the mechanisms to create any sort of balance — like capping out alliance membership numbers, or having a tiering safeguard that enables these mega alliances and nanos to exist and not compete in the same arena. If an alliance is not Top 50-60 at this point, it’s not exactly relevant. And like Epi points out, the cut off for any relevancy is going to continue to shrink based on sheer exponential growth of the top tier alliances because that’s what the mechanics allow for. This is all relevant to this topic of Atlas, because here’s an example of a micro that has (sorry Mac) become quickly declining in status in recent months for both internal and external factors.
  11. I look forward to my phone now trying to autocorrect “two” to “TWO” all the time. Thanks a lot.
  12. Oh, hey… I know these guys! Good luck.
  13. You praise yourself for making BS successful… but blame an entire community when you fail despite your own actions along the way. Propaganda until the end. That said… Best of luck in whatever world you inhabit outside of P&W. Sincerely.
  14. Honestly one thing that should be considered is the barrier to entry on Missiles and Nukes. You should have to reach a certain city tier before being capable. And probably have basic projects. I agree with the fact it’s too easy to just lob missiles/nukes simply to be disruptive.
  15. You can’t argue with Professor Steiner
  16. Happened to notice this too… confirmed multi
  17. Maybe a random IP that’s cycled around? This happened to pop up when I just looked out of curiosity.
  18. Looks like this is connected to another account already banned for multis. They shared some sweetheart trades. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=587935 Possible multis which are on the same network and activity seems sparse enough to indicate they create, go inactive, create again. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=593126 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=588092 some other nations showed up as possible hits but didn’t look as suspicious.
  19. Pretty clearly someone who either doesn’t care or understand the policy. No attempt to even be creative. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=566368 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=578334 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=591378
  20. As we all burn each other down, the real victims are the nanos who have no clue why their tiny farms aren’t producing food and it’s 250 ppu on the trade market.
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