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Everything posted by TellUrGrlThx

  1. Revenue log is showing turn 22:00 and reset didn't happen btw
  2. >sheepy releases an update that adds awards that are dumb to have because most of them are for people who have the most cities in the game >game breaks the same turn I'm pretty sure we know he messed something up.
  3. I don't know how he got his steel or when so as far as I see it that's $42million in damages just in tanks. Also average sell price of steel up till January has been in the 3000s. Yes I have data that proves that. The lowest it has hit during peace is 1950 and the highest it has hit during war is in low 5000s but in between it's high 2000s to mid 3000s.
  4. then what was the purpose of that pic by Moreau? Rape isn't a joke Moreau. If you don't want to look like you are joking about rape then don't use the word rape. Also negative points for those who didn't see the irony of the joke.
  5. Dude you must know how to do basic math but here's how much you lost so far in just tanks I count 10,858 of your tanks lost so far. Current price of steel is $3,839. 10,858 * $3,839 = $41,683,682 Each tank costs $60 to build so 10,858 * $60 = $651,480 $41,683,682 + $651,480 = $42,335,162 You have $42 million in damages just from the tanks you've lost. Congrats I'm positive you have taken more damage than him so far.
  6. Leave it to the Alpha-Rose side to make jokes about rape. Come on guys, you are better than this.
  7. I assume you just looked at his nation and none of the people he is at war with. In my professional opinion(I've won and managed a lot of wars), he's doing pretty well since in most of his wars his targets are either completely destroyed or barely have less than him. Also that blockade means nothing if he has a stockpile and even if it isn't that big of a stockpile all those ships blockading him will be gone in a day or two tops. Note: He has more planes than all of his enemies which is a main factor in winning wars but you guys are a military alliance you already know that or now you do.
  8. You know what I'm gonna ask something I know you're too lazy to find and back up because you love to talk out of your ass more than anything. Proof? or you're a lying !@#$.
  9. where the !@#$ is most ships killed? I put a lot of time and effort into that
  10. The leak of your allies discussing the TEst-Sparta situation freely in their gov forums (I assume) made it sound like it. And I'm not saying that because it benefits my allies but because your ally literally said you guys were willing to go through with attacking TEst no matter if the CB was fake or not.
  11. Slow down there Steve. You are typing so fast you don't have time to check your grammar.
  12. It's like you can't read... they did the same thing they just did with Roz Wei. Did you complain when they did that? I don't remember you doing so.
  13. Honestly I'm interested in when this demilitarization is happening that Steve said Alpha would be doing.
  14. Out of all the conspiracies in this thread the one I'd believe the most is Inst is secretly Sheepy because why else wouldn't Sheepy ban a guy who abuses a rule to shitpost on these forums?
  15. I believe you should only treaty those who you are willing to defend no matter what they do. If it isn't felt both ways then it isn't a treaty you should have. I'd gladly march to my death for my allies no matter how bad they !@#$ed up. If you can't laugh off the damage and have fun with your fellow ally then what's the point of allying them?
  16. I think his sheet is weird or off too. On Mensa's Alpha has a 55% militarization followed by Mensa's 53% then TEst at 52% and Sparta over there with 50% and this is data from about 6 hours ago. Note: High 40 and above means you are very militarized Actually Alpha has the most average of soldiers, tanks, planes, and ships per nation. If I was betting on someone starting a war I'd assume they were. The actual numbers: http://prntscr.com/av47ha Btw the green is a color coding thing to compare who has the most of what the darker the color the more they have compared to others same with the red at the bottom. Edit: I was just informed that his post was to show alliance build up since yesterday which means his sheet makes sense because alpha was already built up. Everything else I said is still pretty relevant anyway so I'm gonna leave it.
  17. I'm gonna go with Avruch on this. It sounds like someone explained our raid rules to you and you took it in the wrong light. If you are interested most often new alliances contact us after or during a raid and we let them know how to get on the list that avoids us having to speak again about our raiders. But if you seriously don't think that's how it happened then feel free to send me logs if we are really in the wrong I don't have a problem apologizing and working on fixing any wrongs.
  18. Just got conformation that Pfeiffer never threatened NPO and the closest thing he might have said to the subject was he wanted to fight alongside them and not against them.
  19. You know you love us come back to the forums and chat with us
  20. Okay first unban me from #alpha
  21. To reiterate this we really are sick of the feud with Rose that seemed to be mostly between Pfeiffer and Pub. We've even reached out to Keegoz since the new leadership for both alliances to work on the relationship. Please stop dragging us through the dirt because Pfeiffer made it so easy during his reign. Also @NPO if we did threaten you guys for a treaty (I was never informed we were even talking to you guys except for the convos I have with Shell because I consider us good friends) I would like to apologize if Pfeiffer did say anything awful towards you because we already confirmed none of us in the current leadership ever said such a thing. And @The last war, Mensa joined the war in defense of Guardian which is a defensive move the rest is history that has been played out and over talked. If you care to read my public convo with Vanguard and where I apologized for the raiding and Pfeiffer's conduct then go find the thread and read it.
  22. snek attack. No one saw it coming
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