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Jacob Knox

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Everything posted by Jacob Knox

  1. To roughly quote Peter Griffin: "Omg. Who cares!?"
  2. Nah. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't really make sense, in my opinion, to claim activating a defensive clause that didn't exist at the start of the war. And, in my opinion, this should be a DoW not an RoH since we never attacked USN. Like I said, they can have fun trying to find slots. Good luck, have fun. (Also I am happy for the both of you that you have a new treaty)
  3. So you're activating a defense clause of a treaty that didn't exist when the war was declared? Ok I suppose. Enjoy trying to find slots.
  4. Ok now you're just being annoying ngl
  5. The counters tbh. The only defensive war I received was from MinuteMen and it was frankly pathetic. Now I'm at least slotted by capable opponents, so at least now things will get interesting smh.
  6. Proud member of CHA-CHA Slide 💪
  7. Aside from the fact that I disagree, this is literally not even a Quality of Life (QoL) improvement.
  8. Downvoting primarily because of the middle head smh.
  9. I know, right? They're focusing so hard on you, they haven't even bothered to use their MAPs against me. Like... I get it, you're zeroed. But you've got nukes and missiles! SHOOT THEM AT ME!!
  10. Ouch, me too. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. Welcome to the Forums and a belated welcome to Orbis.
  12. Did somebody say Clock reunion? Wait for me!!
  13. Well... guess they'll be activating our secret treaty then. I'M COMING TO HELP, ECLIPSE!!!
  14. 24? You're cute. Bifröst Blitz was 26, so if you count Ragnarök as 27, this would be 28.
  15. The real meme at this moment is my life apparently. Also, the fact that it's almost been 24 hours since the blitz and I have yet to receive a counter.
  16. Today I Learned (TIL) in the Orbis Forum School of Foreign Affairs (OFSFA) You're expected to honor a non-existent clause and if you don't "your word means nothing" (regardless of how they wronged you) It's ok to vote out a core, founding member in secret while giving them no chance to defend themselves It's acceptable to leak opsec information When an ally tells you about what they feel is a credible threat and tries to gather a defense for the sphere, you should tell them to f off Even though everyone complains about P&W being "excel simulator," the moment you try to do anything remotely interesting, people will be up in arms one way or another Thanks for all the useful information about FA, everyone!
  17. Bet. Who are you having issues with? I will personally defend you against them.
  18. Hm... but the first one would provide the same level of power as a nuclear power plant if someone has 20 farms and 4k land and the second one would provide 3k power for someone with 4k land. That seems incredibly unbalanced and removes all need for farming whales to buy uranium and just further allows them to go inactive, so I fail to see how it is beneficial to the game as a whole.
  19. Somebody has never heard of life sentences and capital punishments. 🤣
  20. I kinda feel bad now, because I genuinely had to do a bit of digging to figure out who this was lol.
  21. I can't even leave to celebrate my birthday for the weekend smh. Y'all are gonna feel my fury (in 2-5 business days).
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