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Everything posted by JadenStar10

  1. @Thalmor got competition ๐Ÿ‘€
  2. The Kingdom of Daeltheria suggests that if Cossackia wishes to be gender neutral, replace "him/her" with "they" instead as some people do not identify as either him or her. Furthermore, the Kingdom of Daeltheria is appalled by Cossackia's policy in determining abortions. Daeltheria itself used to have a very conservative past, and sees the problems of limiting Abortions. Abortions should be easily accessible as they are in Daeltheria. Though Daeltheria values Cossackia's value of rights, whether it be gender or human, Daeltheria feels as though the current Cossack regime does not realize that gender rights, whether it be a binary gender's rights or not, do not conflict with human rights, as they are a part of human rights. Daeltheria applauds Cossackia's international opposition to imperialism by other countries, such as the one in Myannmar mentioned, though I completely oppose the embargo as it worsens the humanitarian situation, and do not think Cossackia understands the meaning of an Embargo. An Embargo is to restrict the exchange of goods, so doing airlifts is in complete contradiction to this. NATO during the Berlin Airlift delivered goods via air due to them overcoming a rival nations' blockade, not their own. Overall, the Kingdom of Daeltheria has a neutral view of Cossackia, recognizing it is trying to do good, but not going far enough. The Kingdom of Daeltheria wishes to see more progressive policies take place in Cossackia, both international, and domestic. The Kingdom of Daeltheria would be happy to establish an embassy and a diplomatic relationship with Cossackia if Cossackia agrees.
  3. I would suggest somewhere between a 30%-50% decrease in rebuilding.
  4. Unpopular Opinion, I dont think it would be bad for Pacifica to come back. On the other hand: NPO doesn't want to come back to the game. (most of) Orbis likes they wont come back, and NPO is glad they arent in what they describe as a shitty game with horrible moderation. Both "sides" are happy so its a win win for them both in reality. Orbis doesnt deal with NPO, and NPO doesnt deal with Orbis.
  5. Alanfall 3.0, Electric Boogaloo, Insider Edition
  6. Abolish the Monarchy, distribute the means of chocolate!
  7. Congratz! Time to go back to spamming my basebond team...
  8. Mental Health is always more important than the game, I would know , good luck
  9. I appreciate your data, however, I think a much better way for comparisons would be to measure members, cities, average cities, etc etc. This'll help us get a better depiction of the situation. You cant compare a random top 100 micro to Rose for example. I dont personally believe Quack to be a hegemony though I fought against them, but I feel as though your statistics do not show the full picture
  10. There are people who have been in IRON CN for months to years in the P&W AA fam, what are you on?
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