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Everything posted by Greene

  1. Simple enough (theoretically), I'd like the ability to archive announcements that we don't need anymore. I'd want those announcements that are archived to have replies disabled, and maybe be moved to an "Archived Announcements" page accessible from the Announcements page.
  2. At 6:00 PM July 20, 1990 (so March 20th for everyone who hasn't a clue...) the Celestial Union completed our rebranding. We are now the Cobalt Clique, and our website (still no forums) are now at www.cobalt.click We made a punny.... and you thought this was something more... 'splosive
  3. Yeah this isn't really gonna work, join GPA...
  4. I don't believe I've ever seen you on IRC, although I could be wrong. I reached out to Pre because I've interacted with him on more occasions. Figured since he's your ally he'd know better how to get into contact with you.
  5. As far as I understand it, TEst was bored and wanted to attack raid those who were woefully unprepared. I admit it, the CU is not prepared for a fight. Our members are going to be screwed over, and there's not a damned thing we can do about it. We don't have allies, so we therefore were trying to not draw the ire of, well, anyone. Anyway fine, TEst wanted to raid us. They say, "Hey Guardian, you want in?" and Guardian is like, "Yeah, bros, we need to train our peeps so they can fight better." Is that the crux of it here? Eh, probably. There are a few things I'd like to bring to everyone's attention. 1. We've been minding our own business, but I, like others, feel that we have contributed more than our fair share to the overall drama machines. Remember the whole bit of us accepting Cyradis? 2. I know several of my members have already been contemplating leaving this game. They weren't terribly active, but when stuff like this happens, it makes it all the easier to justify just walking away. Truth be told, I've been questioning why I'm here in Orbis, but that's for a different time and discussion. 3. I want to take a moment to address the notion that we did not attempt to repair or otherwise improve our relations with Rose. It took us weeks (yes, weeks) to get an embassy on their forums. Rob is our FA person and he was masked as a CU Diplomat, but no Embassy existed. I registered, applied, and was masked, and still no embassy existed even after I mentioned it. It took Cyradis actually hunting down Abbas I believe, for something to finally be done there. The last point of communication in our embassy was Rob confirming something. That happened a week and a half ago. If Guardian wants to support their allies, that's fine. If Guardian wants to pick on smaller alliances and use them for target practice, that's fine too. At some point, sooner or later, they'll do the same thing here that they've done elsewhere. Orbis will become a relatively boring place, and everyone will just reminisce about the "golden months." By all means though, do whatever. I have no hope of fighting back so I'm just gonna spend my money and keep rebuilding so that when the five days of war are over (I believe someone mentioned it was only five) I'll maybe have something to return to.
  6. I would like to be able to set automatic buy orders at a specific price. For example I want to be able to post an automated buy offer for lets say up to 100,000 units of food at >90ppu. I would think that to make it fair we should only be able to have maybe two or three automated buy orders posted per month.
  7. I know it is extremely easy to just buy the resources I want one at a time, but I was wondering if we could have something to where, lets say I need 25,000 of a specific resource, I could type in that quantity and it would kick out how much it would cost to buy that off the market, and I could then confirm whether or not I wanted to go through with it. Also, I would like to be able to say, enter in a particular amount I'm willing to spend on a specific resource, and then I buy as many of that resource as I can for the amount of money I'm willing to spend. For arguments sake, lets say I'm willing to spend $10 million on say Uranium. There would be a bunch of different prices obviously, and it would just buy as much uranium as that $10 million could buy.
  8. Goons? I don't think I've ever been called worse...
  9. I don't know if this has come up yet, but one of the things I always do before even considering an applicant into my alliance is make sure they don't have another nation on the same network. In that instance I tend to do a little more fact checking. I also periodically ask Sheepy/mods to review those who have more than one nation on a single network to ensure I don't have any multis going on within my alliance. That said, I want to know if there is any reason, from a moderation/administration angle, for me to not allow a nation to join the alliance if their "brother" nation is already a member. This hasn't come up yet, but lets say for argument's sake that my brother (I don't have a brother, but lets pretend I do) starts playing this game and wants to join my alliance. Can I accept him into the alliance, can I make him government? Or what if one of my members has a brother who wants to join my alliance and they play on the same network. In short, would this situation be problematic, forbidden, and if not, what should I be more attentive to so that I can ensure that there is no impropriety and I am not complicit in rule breaking? Edit: It should also be noted that the above scenario(s) have not yet presented themselves to me, and I am only asking so that in the event that they do I can be prepared.
  10. I would love to be able to opt out of treasures on a nation level and even on an alliance level. I understand that treasures are intended to create a more dynamic game, but what if all I want is to putter along at my very predictable pace?
  11. I'm sure this is going to be unflattering to myself and my alliance, but here it goes. I was given some information that I believe is relevant to many alliances, even the ones not directly named (due to a cut-off screenshot, I don't know if there was a longer list). I want to reiterate that I wasn't looking for leaks from this alliance, a member or members chose to release them to me on their own. There are a total of 13 screenshots (so far?) of in-game announcements and other internal alliance data. The following alliances are directly named as "open season" for raiding attacks by 99 percent by their co-leader - The Reaper - New Red Alliance - The Enclave - Earth Systems Alliance - Celestial Union - Kingdom of Westeros - United Sort Alliance - The European Empire - The Elysian League - Brotherhood of the Clouds - Socialist International - United States of Terra For all thirteen of the screenshots, go here
  12. The motto of the household of Penberry (the ruling family) is, Immer Besser, which translates from German as "better and better" The motto of the Kingdom of Resvernas is, Semper Melius Facet, which translates from latin as "Always do better"
  13. No, I'm not saying it's Ashland's fault, I'm simply saying he allowed this issue to become substantially worse than it ever needed to be.
  14. Let me see if I understand this. Ashland, you deliberately allowed a situation to fester and exist where you could excise substantially more money from one of my members. You are then being, ah, what's the word, benevolent? Seems to me there were many opportunities for you to let him, or me, know of this problem. Seems to me this is less like a bank and more like a loan shark.
  15. A certain quantity of resources too, maybe?
  16. I don't know about the rest of the affected alliances, but I know that the CU has still not had our balance restored.
  17. I don't understand what you're suggesting, Arthur. What I'm suggesting, to make sure I'm clear, is that I would like the "about" in-game to be a larger capabilities so that there is less need for people to go to the alliance's forums to learn about the alliance. Of course, many alliances will still keep their own forums, and I'm not trying to discourage that, I'm just looking for some improvements that could ultimately strike a balance that allows those without off-site forums to still have their information disseminated.
  18. I've been wondering if we could get a substantially higher character count for the about alliance section, and maybe utilize something similar to the minimize/maximize thing that you have going with the [?] information areas? Like maybe the first 600 characters are always visible, with a [read more] if it's longer than 600? Could we get up to, say 10,000 or something like that?
  19. For privacy reasons, I'm not going to publicize my alliance's bank balances. Suffice it to say we had thousands more resources in the bank this morning, but now for unknown reasons, probably a glitch, we're virtually barren. Please address this asap.
  20. Yeah we've been cleaning house and removing inactives
  21. There is a lot that can be said about this situation. Yes, Cyradis leaked sensitive information from Rose's government. This was not okay. The way that I handled the situation, it could have been handled better, and it should have. That said, I make no apologies for defending my member. I cannot defend her actions, nor would I ever try. Committing acts of espionage against another alliance is just wrong. In a perfect world, there would have been more of a delay in our accepting her. A lack of communication, or miscommunication I should say, is ultimately what led to this entire ordeal going down the way that it did. The way that the Celestial Union operates, the way that we thrive, is that we've got our members backs no matter what. The minute we accepted her into our ranks, she was extended the fullest protection that the Union could provide to her. What I can promise everyone is that as a result of this, we have definitely taken a hard look at our admissions practices. I also want to take a moment to clear the air about a few things. First, prior to this, the Celestial Union and Rose had, at least from my point of view, an extremely good relationship. I believed, and still do, that without our friendship, the Union would not exist today. That is why it hurt me when accusations arose that I orchestrated this. It still bothers me that anyone could believe that I would ever condone or support such actions. My hope, and maybe it is naivety talking, but my hope is that our two alliances can rebuild that trust and relationship, and ultimately strengthen it in time. Secondly, and again maybe this is me being naive, but I find many of the rumours circling around about Cyradis and myself to be, well, immature. This isn't a condemnation at any one person, just an observation. As I look to the future, I want to take a moment to actually applaud the way that Kurdanak has handled this. He could have been punitive, abusive, or excessive. Instead he was just, fair, and reasonable. Our two alliances couldn't come to a middle ground, we were just too far apart in what we were willing to accept, so he created a middle ground that I actually believe is ultimately the right place.
  22. From where I sit, the goal of this situation is to allow alliances to run more of their economy on auto pilot. Play the game, keep track of your money and the loans you extend, keep on your members to pay back the loans. If you're being constantly screwed, maybe reassess who you're loaning out to and make some adjustments.
  23. When the bank aid cap was put into place in PN, people merely turned to the market as a means of transferring large sums of money. As far as I'm concerned, there will always be ways around whatever systems are put into place. From a players perspective, I am wholly against regulating the bank because it is the alliance's decision how they wish to spend (or horde) their assets. If an alliance has amassed hundreds of millions (or in the future hundreds of billions) then they shouldn't be penalized for it. And I think if all of a sudden an alliance let loose a crapton of cash to fund a war, sure, they'd probably win, but then they'd probably have a coalition of alliances marking them for death for that very reason. Don't regulate this, and watch the politics soar!
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