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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Hello members of Orbis, I have something thaT has been weigHting on my chest for awhIle now. Back in Feburary, the game was getting Stagnant, and I was getting bored. I decided to have a lIttle fun and play a joke on RoSe(they were the group I was closest too). I decided to create a huge troll account and mess with Rose, pArticularly Belisarus and Abbas. It didn't take me long to get kicked out of Rose. I decided to keep this character active, so I went and Joined and trolled mOre alliances, even creating a few of my own. It was all in good fun, but some haven't viewed it that way. I'd like to say that I've stayed within the rules of the game, and not allowed myself any cheats to progress at all. I've even thrown out a few radical ideas I liked to see how you would view them. Its also the reason I've been sKilping the radio shows under both pErsonas, I didn't want to get found out. The reason I'm coming out and saying this now is, I've realized that several people dislike the Kazy persona. I want to apologize to anyone I've hurt in any way. It was all good fun. I will most likely be retiring the persona soon.
  2. The purpose of this isn't necessarily because I think we're going to have 10 wars a week now, it's just tying up two "loose ends" together in a system that should create a little more inequality and instability. If people are uncomfortable in the hot seat with a treasure, that's good, that means the system is actually working like it should in theory. I don't suspect that will be the case, and honestly even a 10% income bonus isn't /that/ significant in the grand scheme of things. What this does do is reduced bonuses globally, which will help game inflation as well. There's a number of pros to this change, but you're right, it's not going to create alliance wars out of thin air and be this magical update.
  3. These answers are correct, destroying a project does not reset the timer. Remember, though, that if you had to wait 5 days before you destroyed the project, you'll still have to wait 5 days after.
  4. Then you get to just sit and watch whatever alliance holds all of the treasures grow larger, and larger, and larger, and outpace you and your friends. I can't imagine it will be long before they try to strong arm the rest of you, and you'll either have to bow down and subject to their demands, or fight back.
  5. Alex

    Forum Issues

    Have you tried a different browser? It's working fine for me.
  6. I disagree. The new Color Stock Bonus system will create greater inequality, which I think is good in this case. If you let one alliance get even half the treasures, that's a 30% income bonus that they're getting. That should put a big target on their head, and hopefully force some diplomacy. And when diplomacy fails, there's only war.
  7. I didn't even look to see who the attackers in question are, so don't take anything personally here. If you intended to attack him after 4 days of inactivity, then that's great. My response was to Wisd0mtree's post: And my point was that if someone read "Has been active in the last 7 days" as "inactive for a week" they're not very smart, or at least not good at reading comprehension.
  8. You can see the little color diamonds next to player names on the Search page. For example: https://politicsandwar.com/index.php?id=15&keyword=&cat=everything&ob=date&od=DESC&gopage=%3E%3E&maximum=41&minimum=82 Blue is active now, Green is active in the last 60 minutes, Yellow in the last 24 hours, Orange in the last 3 days, Red in the last 7 days, Purple in greater than 7 days So yes, if you were gone for more than 3 days you would've been listed in Red which is "In the last 7 days" AKA between 4-7 days ago. Unless your nation color changed to gray, though, you'd been active in the last 7 days, and the guy who attacked you just isn't very smart and thinks 4-7 days of inactivity makes you inactive.
  9. That's not necessarily true at all. A small alliance with a lot of treasures will have a much larger bonus than a large alliances with only a few. I'd say it encourages alliances to have a higher average score, and be capable of gathering treasures.
  10. Alex


    Yes, I appear to have inadvertently caused that when I fixed the other issue. It's being fixed in the next patch.
  11. Saludos y bienvenidos a los Politics & War foros. Te estoy emitiendo una advertencia , porque este es un foro de habla Inglés , y tenemos una regla en contra de la publicación en la no- Inglés . Entiendo que esto es probablemente un inconveniente , pero si usted puede comunicarse en Inglés en los foros que se prefería . No creo que se encuentran muchas personas aquí que pueden leer y entender español de todos modos. Estoy utilizando Google Translate para este mensaje en caso de que no se puede leer Inglés , aunque yo estoy asumiendo que usted debe ser capaz de entender que si ha creado una nación y una cuenta en el foro ya . Una vez más , pido disculpas por este inconveniente , y si usted no es fluido en Inglés tú eres libre de escribir sus mensajes en español y traducirlos al Inglés antes de la publicación . --- Greetings, and welcome to the Politics & War forums. I am issuing you a warning because this is an English speaking forum, and we have a rule against posting in non-English. I understand this is probably an inconvenience, but if you can communicate in English on the forums that would be much preferred. I don't think that you will find many people here that can read and understand Spanish anyway. I am using Google Translate for this message just in case you cannot read English, though I'm assuming you must be able to understand it if you've created a nation and a forum account already. Again, I apologize for this inconvenience, and if you're not fluent in English you're free to write your posts in Spanish and translate them to English before posting.
  12. Hello, everyone, I'm excited to announce that we're working on a change to how Color Stock Bonus works. Please bear with me through the main points of this topic to avoid common questions. It's likely that your questions are answered somewhere in this topic. This change is being tested on the Test Server, available at http://test.politicsandwar.comFIRST let me address some FAQ about the test server. 1. Registration is disabled. If you don't have a nation on the test server, you cannot create one. 2. To login to the test server, you use the same e-mail address and password you would've had on the real server from late August. 3. Anyone who's created an account from 9/1/2015 onward should not have an account on the test server. 4. If you're getting a password error, and you have an account on the test server, send me a PM. 5. I will not create an account on the test server for you if you don't have one. At this time, it's closed to registration. Okay, now on to what this change actually is: Under this new system, Color Stock Bonus has one variable that increases it, and one variable that decreases it. What increases your color stock bonus is the number of treasures held by nations on a color. For each treasure held by a nation on a color, that color sees a 1% increase in Color Stock Bonus. This is capped at a maximum of 10%. For example, if there are 5 treasures held on the Yellow color, then Yellow has a gross Color Stock Bonus of 5%. There is a penalizing factor to Color Stock Bonus, and that's the number of alliances (with a score greater than the largest nation in the game) on that color, less one. For each qualifying alliance after the first one, a -0.5% penalty comes into effect. Here's the formula for all of this: Color Stock Bonus = MAX(MIN((Treasures on Color/100),.1) - ((Qualifying Alliances-1) * 0.005),0) So, if Yellow has 5 treasures, and 3 qualifying alliances, they have a Color Stock Bonus of (5*1)-((3-1)*0.5) = 4% It's a simple and straightforward system. Now, that we know how a Color Stock Bonus is calculated, who receives the bonus? Nations that receive this bonus (to their gross income) are: Nations not in an alliance that have that color Nations that have that color and are in an alliance of the same color An example of a nation that would not get a Color Stock Bonus is a yellow nation in a green alliance. They get neither the yellow Color Stock Bonus, nor the green Color Stock Bonus. Beige nations always get a 5% bonus regardless of whether they're in an alliance or not. Gray nations never receive any bonus. --- Okay, great, so you understand how Color Stock Bonus has been changed. However, that's not the whole picture. There's a new bonus that's been added as well: Alliance Treasure Bonus For each nation in an alliance that holds a treasure, all nations (not including applicants) in the alliance will receive an income bonus directly proportional to the number of Treasures held. The formula for this is: Alliance Treasure Bonus = (Treasures In Alliance) * 2 Each Treasure increases the bonus by 2%. There is no cap on this bonus. So, for an example, Alliance A has 3 nations with 1 treasure each. Their Alliance Treasure Bonus is 6%. All nations in Alliance A that are on the same color as their alliance (not including applicants) receive a 6% bonus to their income. Beige and Gray nations get no Alliance Treasure Bonus. --- On the revenue page, both of these bonuses are displayed, and a new row called "Cumulative Bonus" has been added to see the total bonus you receive to your income. I also have hidden the Approval Rating change listed on the Revenue page, though it still exists. For more information on each of these Bonuses, I've written up P&WPedia articles: Alliance Treasure Bonus and Color Stock Bonus --- Treasures still provide a nation bonus like before, and are transferred between nations when one nation is defeated in war. Half of the 30 treasures automatically respawn every 30 days in new nations. --- The goal of this post is to alert the community of an incoming change, and to help test the change for bugs before making the change on the live server. If you have any questions or concerns, ask here, and I'll do my best to address them. Thanks!
  13. I'll put this on my to-do list! I'd like to improve the messaging system anyway, so this will be good.
  14. Lots of good stuff in here, thanks to everyone who's shared their thoughts.
  15. Actually, it looks like it was grabbing the population correctly, just that your population is updated when you view your nation page. In any case, what I've done is increased the limit to 3%, and that'll roll out in the next patch so this will likely never be an issue again.
  16. Again, no delays, the Tanks page just is likely using a different calculation than the nation page. I need to double check and fix the issue regardless, but that's my initial suspicion.
  17. "Defending ISIS" seems very subjective to me. Let me just give some examples of what I think might be okay and what isn't okay: "I love it when ISIS beheads people!" <- This would not be okay, it's actively supporting terrorism and beheading people is illegal, there's a rule against promoting illegal activity as well. "ISIS beheads people because it says in the Quran [insert something here, I just made this example up and have never read the Quran so pardon my ignorance]" <- This would likely be permissible, if you're discussing the group ISIS and giving an explanation for what they're doing, that's a lot different than defending what they're doing. Many of the reports I've seen have been of the latter case and not the former, and I haven't issued warnings for them. There are no rules against discussing terrorism or groups like ISIS, but there are certainly rules against promoting and advocating for them. I hope that I've made this distinction clear.
  18. This post has been reported, but there's no rule against this. It's in the spam forum, and likes are meaningless, so if you want to like each others posts for no reason... go for it I guess.
  19. Some good points being made in this thread, and plenty of things to consider.
  20. Current redemption price for credits is $1,000,000 each, but they average around $1.5-2m on the market. However, less and less people are buying credits each month, a large portion of people are using their credits for VIP and player advertisements, which are both good things, but unfortunately that's not everyone, and a small chunk of usual sales. I thought that spending more money on advertising to bring in more players would ultimately lead to more credit purchases, but that doesn't appear to be the case either. I'm trying to come up with ways that we can increase the number of credits that are purchased, which ultimately stems from the value of the credits. What can we do to increase the value? With the amount of money that alliance banks have stored these days, it doesn't seem that anyone really needs to buy extra money. One thought I have is increasing their infrastructure value from 50 to 100. Yes, that would mean large players could build even larger cities, but extra infra only does so much. Extra slots aren't really needed for large players, and we see stagnant growth in cities due to infra costs. If we could make it easier for larger nations to get infra at high levels, we might see bigger cities (more damage to do in your wars ) and an increase in demand for credits. The other option is to simply increase the amount of money they can be redeemed for. Again, I don't want a pay to win game, but it's kind of a necessary evil of the monetary inflation in-game. I guess my question for everyone is, at what monetary benefit ($1,000,000? $1,500,000? $2,000,000? $3,000,000? $5,000,000?) would you be willing to spend money to buy a credit? I think we're below the equilibrium point currently and have a shortage of demand, so I'm trying to figure out how to change that.
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