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Beige Protection


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I would like to start by making a suggestion by making a slight change in Beige Protection by adding an extra protection from espionage attacks and spy wipes excluding Intel gathering. So many times many people struggle to build even upto 30 spies before having them completely wiped out through spy wipes. Whilst being declared upon is protected in the Beige Color Bloc but spy wipes and espionage attacks are not included. I think it's time to add them to the beige protection.

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23 hours ago, Stanko1987 said:

I would like to start by making a suggestion by making a slight change in Beige Protection by adding an extra protection from espionage attacks and spy wipes excluding Intel gathering. So many times many people struggle to build even upto 30 spies before having them completely wiped out through spy wipes. Whilst being declared upon is protected in the Beige Color Bloc but spy wipes and espionage attacks are not included. I think it's time to add them to the beige protection.

What you propose will not solve the problem; it will only temporarily halt the same problem. Although the concern is valid, spies are terrible, especially with recent updates that have made them public. I would say spies genuinely need a complete revamp, tbh. 

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8 minutes ago, Coolossus said:

What you propose will not solve the problem; it will only temporarily halt the same problem. Although the concern is valid, spies are terrible, especially with recent updates that have made them public. I would say spies genuinely need a complete revamp, tbh. 

I've been asking for years, to the point where I gave up. So I'm happy that someone else is posting about it.

Sheepy actually posted in this one, yet nothing has been done in the past year and a half.

This one has links to my previous topics.


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3 hours ago, Coolossus said:

What you propose will not solve the problem; it will only temporarily halt the same problem. Although the concern is valid, spies are terrible, especially with recent updates that have made them public. I would say spies genuinely need a complete revamp, tbh. 

It's a start, it least it will give the player the chance to rebuild whilst in beige, for how ever long the player remains in beige, beige already protects people from being declared upon, it should also protect people in the beige from espionage attacks, but in saying so, people in beige shouldn't be able to perform espionage attacks either besides intel only, if they do, beige protection should be forfeited also. In order to prevent any unfair advantages over another player. Intel gathering exempt.

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It's something I am open to do, and I do think is logical. However people will see it as nerfing spies further, as the benefit of winning the spy battle becomes even less important.

I agree spies need a rework but it's a difficult topic when so many vested interests exist. I'll put it onto my list for the next milcom update, but that might be a way off for now.

[11:52 PM] Prefontaine: But Keegoz is actually bad. [11:52 PM] Prefontaine: He's my favorite bad leader though.

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