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  1. That's hysterical. What happens if they just remove Camelot from the list and just continue the vote after the war. I mean this is giving cash to arrgh.
  2. Arrgh not late, they just keeping us in suspense!
  3. Go here and create a ticket: https://discord.com/channels/216800987002699787/670462900917370908
  4. I am still relative new to the game so this may have been answered before but why don't we use city count instead of instead of score for up declare and down declare limits?
  5. There will be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead
  6. You slept for 48 hours, must have been a late night.
  7. Raiding being buffed for a long time with the two pirate projects. This might even it out bit. I am for the idea but maybe the number can be adjusted.
  8. Only if the food prices go to 5000 ppu.
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