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50+ Culturally Enriched in Orlando


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The church was/is following the teachings of Paul, as opposed to Jesus (AS), and so can be called out by anyone with even basic understanding for the fraud that they are. However my reading on Martin Luther indicate that he was just as equally corrupt as the church in terms of his beliefs.

How so? 


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Ah he is I thought as much. What it has to do with it is for all of his faults (and there are many) he does actually debate these matters. The rest will try to distract and move it elsewhere such as SoS who has admitted he's tried to move the subject from Islamic Terrorism to "Guns are evil".


Now in regards to the subject there is news that his father supports the Taliban and that he (the terrorist) sold his house for a minuscule sum not long before committing the act implying family knew. Which takes us to an often brought up situation of Muslim families knowing of terrorist family members but not doing anything about it thereby leading us to the meme of, "A Radical Muslim wants to behead you, a Moderate Muslim wants the Radical Muslim to behead you".


Also http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/14/orlando-gunman-was-a-regular-at-lgbt-nightclub-pulse-before-atta/points towards the terrorist being homosexual himself. Now some might jump at that and state that it disavows Islam's place in this completely if he was Homosexual, however I disagree. If I had to guess on the matter he at some point became heavily religious, you don't commit these types of Islamic terrorism if you don't have a strong belief, so talk about how he was years or whatever back are irrelevant. Knowing how much of a "sinner" he was it likely promoted his belief that he should gun down gays to sort of prove to Allah that he's a "good boy". 


Now how to solve such things if that is how it went? Very simple. You target the discrimination and violence that happens in the Muslim community on Apostates and state to them that their actions against the so called Apostates is unacceptable and will be severely punished. Once Muslims (or Apostates we should say I suppose) can be gay openly, state their disbelief, disavow parts of their religion, and so on openly without fear then guys like this will be less likely. However to do that would be to admit that the minority, that being Muslims, are at fault and as we know to the "left" minorities are like children and never accountable. Instead they will promote gun control which will further inflame people against Muslims as people will rightly see that instead of focusing on the Islam problem, the left is instead attacking them. 

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...was she hot?


Maybe like?





She's look good, but not better than this one.


Seriously, most of the refugees criminal think raping white woman is a good idea, since European is full culturally enriched.

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...was she hot?


Maybe like?c531882ea90a0f8bb5fc458f1eb13457.jpg


I don't discriminate. However as a !@#$ing WHITE MALE that just means I'm a (even bigger) racist who shags women of colour to show how dominant my whiteness is. No need to attack me peeps who are planning to call me a racist, I know. 


I don't mingle with supermodels but they weren't bad looking no. 

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Trump is correct as usual on these things. The families do not do not enough and big consequences need to be brought in if that is to change.


Also apparently it was not a AR-15 used: http://www.redstate.com/streiff/2016/06/13/orlando-shooter-use-ar-15-cares-narrative-building/

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I thought the topic was a shooting? Only the shooter's race, but not guns may be discussed? Maybe you should put guns in the hierarchy above all else.

"Hey guys, Japan just invaded Manchuria. Let's focus on disarming the entire world, not stopping Japan." 


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I thought the topic was a shooting? Only the shooter's race, but not guns may be discussed? Maybe you should put guns in the hierarchy above all else.


You quite clearly stated you wished to distract the conversation away from what it was on to guns, specifically that certain guns should be banned. People then argue gun control and mission accomplished, once again you've gotten away with it. No thanks.


There seems to be a simple reason people won't be changed by the oh so sanctimonious arguments you could bring forth. People know it doesn't just stop at the AR-15, thats just the current target to inch things further towards the ultimate goal. Put simply no one trusts gun control advocates to stop there and quite rightly, they're nasty dishonest people.

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No, Obama should ban all guns.


I live in rural Central Kentucky. If a drunk idiot drives up my driveway and tries to break in at 2 AM, what am I do to? It would be a good 10-15 minutes for the police to arrive- and that's assuming any officer for the city or the county is awake and on patrol at that late a hour.


Or, alternately, what if the coyotes get real close and go after my cats or dogs? One night last year, they flanked both sides of the house and only went away because my stepdad shot at them with his .38.


What are the people to rely on hunting for their subsistence during certain parts of the year to do?


Or, what about the people who work in arms manufacturing suppose to do who they lose their jobs?


What about the 2nd Amendment? 


What about all the people who wouldn't surrender their guns? Millions of people wouldn't obey such an order. Would local law enforcement be expected to arrest all of them?

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No, Obama should ban all guns.

Who’s going to go around door to door to do it? Are you volunteering? Get ready, because people will shoot back. There would be a Ruby Ridge, Waco Siege, or Oklahoma City Bombing scenario every week. 

Molon Labe 
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Maybe we can let people keep black powder rifles, like the the 2nd amendment intended. Hard to massacre a crowd with a musket. But, they'd be fine for self defense, hunting, scaring coyotes.


Illegal guns and crime involved guns are confiscated every day with little fanfare. They don't really need to take all the guns in some single massive operation. That's how you boil a frog, slowly turn up the heat so he doesn't jump.

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Maybe we can let people keep black powder rifles, like the the 2nd amendment intended. Hard to massacre a crowd with a musket. But, they'd be fine for self defense, hunting, scaring coyotes.


Illegal guns and crime involved guns are confiscated every day with little fanfare. They don't really need to take all the guns in some single massive operation. That's how you boil a frog, slowly turn up the heat so he doesn't jump.

Does that apply to the 1st Amendment too? Do you still write with a quill pen?


The idea was that the citizenry should be armed with the types of weapons equivalent to what the government was able to own, so that the citizenry could rise up against tyranny. So, as weapon technology evolves and is available to the government, so should the citizenry have comparable weapons.


Unless you want computer control. I mean, ISIS recruits online. You don't need to post on Facebook instantly. We can have government moderators filter everything we say. Or ban computers altogether. 




350 million guns in the U.S. Let’s be totally over-optimistic and say you can get rid of 10,000 a day. That’s going to take 96 years. Good luck.


Let’s face it, all the reasons you give for why guns should be outlawed don’t really make sense. You just don’t like guns, and you don’t like the idea of private citizens being allowed to own guns. It’s not logical with you, it’s emotional. 

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Maybe we can let people keep black powder rifles, like the the 2nd amendment intended. Hard to massacre a crowd with a musket. But, they'd be fine for self defense, hunting, scaring coyotes.


Back in US were it just a british colony, musket is also considered a mass murdered weapon same as an assault rifle in the modern era. If you have a god damned assault rifle back in that day everyone would considered you a tough wizard or even worst, a God.


tl;dr: You're not the 1750' britbong, enough with the "Legalize musket only" in the Current Year god damnit, it's 2016!

Edited by lizard noob
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Oh, I actually love guns. I've fired some that would make you cream your pants. Best of all time was the mini-gun. 5,000 rounds in 90 seconds.


I own and will always own guns, regardless of the law.


I also believe it should be a privilege, a "right" you must earn, to own weapons. No one complains that they have to take training, written, and driving tests to get a drivers license. It should be equally difficult to prove that you are responsible enough to own something that you can use to murder 100 people with in a few minutes. Then again, I believe people should have a license before being allowed to procreate. There's a lot of irresponsible people out there. We make them buy insurance and buckle up and not text n drive. They can't do those simple things unless they're forced to. You really think it's a good idea that anyone and everyone should have a deadly weapon?

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Oh, I actually love guns. I've fired some that would make you cream your pants. Best of all time was the mini-gun. 5,000 rounds in 90 seconds.


I own and will always own guns, regardless of the law.


I also believe it should be a privilege, a "right" you must earn, to own weapons. No one complains that they have to take training, written, and driving tests to get a drivers license. It should be equally difficult to prove that you are responsible enough to own something that you can use to murder 100 people with in a few minutes. Then again, I believe people should have a license before being allowed to procreate. There's a lot of irresponsible people out there. We make them buy insurance and buckle up and not text n drive. They can't do those simple things unless they're forced to. You really think it's a good idea that anyone and everyone should have a deadly weapon?


As long as I have a gun beside me, that bastard are nothing for me. You really think I'm gonna wet my pant for a guy who had a big ass mini gun meanwhile I got my rifle which I've trained it for years? Please... The only person who gonna died first is a dumb ass unarmed gun control believer !@#$. If you wanna solves a psychopath with a mini gun, using a damn rifle, at least a you can snipe that mother !@#$ without being seen.


This is why you don't let a dumb !@#$ who know nothing about gun fight into a gun debate.


In fact have you ever know wtf is a weapon is? Weapon is a damn killing tools, use to defend or attack. Of course it always deadly damnit ! What do you think it supposed to do? Throwing candy in front of a children?


I wish you're not a !@#$ 'ing American or you used to born in it because if you do, you have a problem at looking around the world. At least if you're some european cuck I wouldn't waste my damn time making a debate just some cuckold fetish european who let his wife cuck the shit outta him for some refugees or the enemy of United States trying to brainwash and commit Divine and Conquer tactic to the people of American, posting his propaganda just to get his money from every reply he got.

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Omg, are you an american? I always assumed English was your second language.


kek.... I'm not American... But I have my relative in there, they are all have citizenship.

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Ok, then I'm back to admiring your fluency of English.

Ah... thanks! 15 years experience in English would paid off for a South-East Asian guy like me. (Still working on my pronunciation thought...) 

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