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Everything posted by namukara

  1. Start that global already, nobody knows what you're waiting for
  2. I would really like to know if schrutesphere would try to white peace with a single person.
  3. You're in range of some people who really cannot fight who could still destroy some infra.
  4. Or you could continue attacking whales, let them lower your infra for you and then become the worlds scariest raider.
  5. At speaking my mind? Every alliance I'm in thinks I'm way too good at it. Apparently it tends to put them in a bad light
  6. So he didn't benefit from it, yet he should be attacked...because he didn't follow the exact letter of the law? When do you plan on reforming goons? He made some rl money, big deal. We're all broke rn, I'm sure the rl money served him well.
  7. I just want to know what the conversation between Kim and TEst leadership was when they came up with this marvellous plan...unless of course it was TEst leadership who proposed it.
  8. Could you please show me the proof you obviously have that EM gained an ingame benefit from this? If you can, I'll gladly stop arguing what I'm arguing, I'm not too proud to admit I'm wrong if I am. Right now though, I'm seing a dogpile and I'm not a fan of those.
  9. What is this, an alliance announcement in alliance affairs? Congrats Adrienne!
  10. So...EM was being a middle man for some ingame cash for rl cash thing, in which, if anything, he was providing the ingame cash. Unless perhaps you don't think that money should exist, I'm struggling to understand where your anger towards him rather than Nokia or George comes from, because he didn't profit from the transaction ingame. What unfair benefit are you arguing he received?
  11. Cypher, weren't you that guy who we all had to disassociate ourselves from in the last global when you were gloating about BK getting hacked? That's right isn't it, and now you're trying to take the moral high ground.
  12. Similar happened when for some reason somebody decided to make a nation with the same name as one of the banned NPO people.
  13. I only give to good causes, sorry.
  14. You can fire off a maximum of 4 nukes per war. Your nuclear attacks are doing just under 2k damage; his navals are doing 1.3. You're also slotted. It'll likely cost him more to rebuild than you because 4k infra, but he has more money than you. Whatever way you look at this, you lose.
  15. I'm sure CoA appreciates your sacrifice. Let it serve as a warning to all cheaters that, if their crimes continue, two random people will voluntarily allow you to destroy all their infra. I'm kind of thinking that they were expecting someone else to show up lol.
  16. I'm sure CoA are trembling at your every word...rn your ability to recruit people for a mass embargo is looking about as effective at your skill in controlling arrgh during the last global.
  17. Planning on doing something about it? Unless you can get all the biggest whales to attack him (good look on getting rnr or wtf to join in) you're just shouting.
  18. You are clearly not a politician. I would be surprised if a lot of the most vocal critics of the NPO weren't secretly thinking 'Now how could I do this, but better.'
  19. I want the money I put into the nova bank. You've got access to a big bank so he can pay me first.
  20. What are you going to do about it? Pay Fenris, the pointguard and Sphinx to tagteam him?
  21. Don't make a protectorate with Amon, whatever you do. It's quite possibly the worst decision I ever made in the game.
  22. Do I need to make a pledge to stop fricking moralising? Seriously, moralising annoys me more than the cheating itself.
  23. Good people of Orbis; I am sure you will join me in condemning the utter disregard shown by this OP. Although my nation spawning factory is not located in China, as their children are slightly too expensive for my budgets, hundreds of Cambodian children will now be out of a job thanks to the senseless and indefensible stance taken by those who have adopted this pledge. It is my belief that the Cambodian children are blameless in this situation; yet it is they who will be disadvantaged most by this action, hundreds of innocent young lives thrown into chaos and confusion, families deprived of a source of income, all for the sake of a game. The fact some are flocking to this cause is simply shameful, and it is my honest belief that they must now all take a good long hard look at themselves, then look at a starving child, then at their priorities and realise that they have been very naughty boys and girls. Won't someone please think of the children?
  24. You remind me of the people who kept on about how TI was going to lose half its members when they entered the global.
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