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Everything posted by Greatnate

  1. Any Islamic state is a theocracy. The main cultural different is that when you have a local legal dispute, under Western Democracy you consult your local Judge and under an Islamic state you consult your local Imam. The whole concept of "Human Rights" is a western concept that we apply to non-western states on an ad-hoc basis. If you asked your average Iraqi citizen to define the inalienable rights of man, he would not come up with the same list as an American citizen. The American military is overburdened and over-relied on from a global perspective, a couple of years ago we were spending half of total global military expenditures, without recompense that is unsustainable. We cannot maintain an Athenian hegemoney with a Roman level of military expenditure. Before WW2, the US was a strong secondary power, maybe a lot of economy, but no power projection and a laughable military. We were the Brazil of the 1940's. We still have the ills of the cold war upon us, but even under Bush we finally started shifting from conservative dictatorships to conservative democracies, which is a huge step for the US. Have we gone overboard with power? Yes. Have we jeopardized our former forms of hegemoney, like the UN and NATO? Yes. Has this hurt the USA in the long run? We'll see, but the answer is likely to be an unfortunate no.
  2. I kinda of wish someone would do a comparison of the Big Mac index and minimum wage across the entire globe.
  3. But what if you accidentally promote him? Realistically, this suggestion is ridiculous.
  4. He trades pretty heavily on all of the markets, even the fairly inactive ones.
  5. Then they're shitty people who miss out on further growth and the opportunity to gain a voice in their own government.
  6. Yep, the Chechens are well within the Russian sphere of influence, as apparently the Ukrainians are too, since we haven't lifted a finger to help them. The problem is if we don't utilize our "Superpower" status for as long as we have it, we will lose out in the long run. While I wouldn't use the n-word, selling arms to both sides of a conflict created by British borders is something we have done and would do again. The division is not a conspiracy though, ill-informed British nobles thought it was a good idea, which any American could tell you meant it was a bad idea, but their territory, their bullshit. Nobody cares that it's the cradle of civilization, that was clearly demonstrated by US/NATO bombings of horrendously important archaeological sites. The problem of conspiracy is that it makes all of the power-grubbing governments look suddenly competent and lets them act as if everything was planned. In the real world, every country is scrambling, the US just has a lot wider net of scramble than everyone else. Either way a unified Islamic state is a vile concept for both the hegemonic western powers and the local regional powers, so boo on those terrorists that support it as a way to independence. They should go back to focusing on their hatred for the west and tone down this theocratic bullshit.
  7. I'm still playing around with my setup, but my favorite thus far was Brasilia/Scientists/Continental Surveyor/Machinery. What's your favorite?
  8. Pretty much they allow you to gather information on your enemies and prevent those enemies from gathering information on you. A nation with no spies is very easy to spy one, but spies have limited utility beyond gathering basic information.
  9. Welcome to Orbis. And ignore Fox Fire, they are apparently the town drunk.
  10. Asgard relies on donations which thus far seem to be far more generous than any tax rate that every member would accept.
  11. Aamir update: You successfully gathered intelligence about New India. Your spies discovered that New India has $195,342.03, 39.06 coal, 8.20 oil, 21.09 uranium, 0.68 lead, 27.28 iron, 2.99 bauxite, 131.15 gasoline, 124.03 munitions, 0.86 steel, 39.48 aluminum, and 3,193.98 food.
  12. This is sad news, but good luck in your future endeavors.
  13. Stanley had a dream about giant purple penises which he learned about first-hand. As he farted and thought about snorting lines, he suddenly choked on an absurdly large chicken, which came from the incredible pleasure inside his stainless steel throat. Crying like a racist toaster, Stanley whipped out his new wallet, searching for Barack Obama. He tried desperately to stop World War Z with copious feminist claims, but alas he was forced to suck a racing truck. Meanwhile his spidey sense told him that a large plot of feminists got obliterated by a radical fellow known as only "Larry". So he got up and devised a plan to hasten in Latin, "ago", meaning ''You'', so that he could understand what kind old Bernice thought of. While he still sucked a racing truck, Stanley jumped on to the Grand Bridge to find a badass set of electronic bolas which someone was eating with Obama. Stanley sat on top of the "garbage" and he saw Larry milking a sagging set of pudding and something sticky and something called fried kibbeh which was not good. Larry lost his children when he sold them for 500 other children, sick with Radioactive Ebola, Unbalanced Humours, and Super Nerdophobia which was his single reason why his wife left, because he ends sentences. She preferred a blue sea shell
  14. Yep, that sounds like context. /s I literally just said that the British made a bad decision by ignoring the Arab rebels that they had supported. They couldn't possibly hold this new hostile territory, so they cut it up arbitrarily and let it go. Expecting the British to do a better job of deciding borders than the Ottomans is insane. The point was that the pre-British borders were already bad. COIN operations have never been successful, but we have a vested interest in the resources of the middle east and preventing weird Theocratic governments and Sadrist economies. What exactly is the American government supposed to do to exert hegemonic control without angering the local populous? Because, let's be honest, pan-Arabism or pan-Islamism is not going to produce a viable state anytime soon, so the middle east remains a region open to hegemoney. The friendly option of not murdering the natives just allows the Russians or Chinese to murder the natives.
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