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Everything posted by Zim

  1. Don't let the outbreak of a small global to stop ya all from bidding, come all come one! Take this as opportunity to buy Arrgh involvement into a global for cheaps! 600 mil is just a steal, prices so low i haven't seen them since black skies offer! In the top 3 for highest damage dealers doing NPO last's time! 32 billion in damages to the Swamp in more recent history. Getting such an alliance invovled in a global for less then a billion! Where else can you get such low prices, without signing away your alliance sovereignty!
  2. Under's list https://politicsandwar.com/bulletin/id=55/just-linking-some-of-my-old-videos-for-all-the-new-players-that-have-not-seen-them-yet
  3. @AlexIsen't this a bit much? Found out by trying to share some stories with a newcommer ingame, about one of the former alliances that used to be around: https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Afrika_Korps Kinda make it bit hard when one can't mention them by name... Can't we get a freature, where players can turn the censor/profanity filter off on our own? So ingame message, can compete atleast a bit with discord.
  4. That's not really true.... the 10 day war is from 2020... so it more modern problem. The 69 days(nice) war is basely the only one, and that is normally called Dance Dance Revolution, named after TKR war declaration. 168 Day War, lasted only 29 days, it's name is jab as Rose because it took them 168 days to come to the aid of their protector, that got mass raided in the previous war.
  5. @BelgiumFuryNo need to encourage elitisme, all what that does is kill creatisme and push people from the game. Please don't start with you need set number of days played, or require people to become gov members before they can start speaking out about the game. Just take it as some brainstorming and ignore any hard numbers, any set numbers should hopefully be found throught testing, followed by ingame adjustments before they fully decided on. And should still be open for readjustment years down the line. @ByzantineI rather like the EMP Idea, i don't believe i have read similar suggestion before.
  6. It's not profitable enough when you get past 16 cities, and even then you pushing it, because of current score mechanic. And why you normally see raiders adopt a soldiers only policy ones they start to get to that size. Wish create the problem that it depends on hitting inactive nations for the majority of targets, which starts to get few in numbers at that point. It's simply not sustainable otherwise, Arrgh constantly see a return and then leaving of whale sized nations, who stick around for a few months of fun, before leaving again or effectly just stop raiding while sitting around, because it simply not sustainable to raid at that size. Look Other issues, is target selections which is chore to do, even if it can compensated somewhat by bots. An easier ingame nation search system, would still be a boon. specially for new players who have to sort through thousands of ingame nations manually, to find a few decent targets. Other issue is that nearly all war updates, have negatively effect raiders in some way. Even when that is not the intent. Like the buff to tanks, they can kill airplanes. Do you know what that did? People built a bunch of tanks, like they maxed them out for a good while here(it's have gotten better). You aren't beathing throught that with soldiers only, while also having to deal with counters. I changed to missiles beiging as my go to for while(something you only can do to one nation at time by the way, instead of normal 5, raiders is expected to attack), before i slowly stopped raiding all together and now retired from it. And that was while we got hit by a nerf that was target at raiding, increasing the score of cities, to limit the range of raiders. And then not soon after, soldiers got nerfed aswell. That Arrgh had to lobby extremely hard for to even weaken that nerf. And then we got a compesation for the nerf, a 100 wars won would give a project slots, the rest of you started complaining and got it changed to a 100 wars fought for a project slots. Even thought that was buff that was specifically meant to compensate raiders for having low infra.
  7. Well, well, well, well let me just bring out Arrgh old suggestion box. 1. Buff soldier's survivability against airstrikes, soldiers should have the highest survival rate against airstrikes, of any unit. It only makes sense. 2. Buff airstrikes against tanks. 3. Change it so, that a nation leaving beige returns to their previous color instead of grey if that color wasn't already grey. Or some other mechanic where one's vote for the color name doesn't get removed every time you lose a war. 4. Project/Policy that can prevent units from taking part in all current wars. Basically allow one to save units from being destroyed fighting a superior enemy, or dogpiled. (irl example would be Saddam Hussein burying his air force when the US invade Iraq in 2003). 5. Project/Policy, that allows one to do more damage if all 3 of one counter slots are filled out, or alternatively, receive less damage to one's units. 6. Policy, that temporarily increases military recruitment speed, but lowers one overall income from both resource and money production for as long as it is active. Basely something like Blitzkrieg, a policy that is good to switch to in pinch, but that one really doesn't want to stay on permanently. 7. Project, Pirate cove: allow a player to smuggle a set number of resources into their nation while under blockade. 8. Allow ships to loot money. 9. Or do something that allows combined attacks with ships and infantry. Where ships can act as support in getting ground control. 10. The ability for ships to choose between doing reduced infra damage or target ground/air. 11. Allowing resistance to be restored via fortifying, again. 12. Not allowing alliances to tax members in beige. oh wait you already did that one. 13. Legendary commanders, can spawn in your nation as treasure do, but instead of being by alliance color, it is instead determined by your war policy. Lasting for a shorter amount of time, but instead spawn more often, than the treasures. Where they give you military bonuses instead of income. 14. Reducing cities' impact on score. 15. Make it harder to kill spies/reduce the time to max them out 16. A bonus to the amount of loot you steal by having a Pirate theme But basely most policies that work against dogpiling benefit raiding immensely. When one works towards making shorter globals rather than giving the loser a fighting chance you hurt raiding. And more thoughtfully testing, and actually follow the result of said tests when implementing changes. Also, more stress testing: simulated dogpiling and fighting against vastly superior enemies would help. And finally, adding the unit customization stuff, we all got hyped over some years back, after we saw some screenshots. Where players would be able to specialize their units into 3 different types, if you can remember what i am talking about? Making the war system more engaging and fun with more player involvement would also be a buff to raiding.
  8. Zim


    Facist is already a policy you can get. Type in these: Cannabis: A Mandatory Service: A Capital Punishment: C Secondary Education: A Prohibition: B Energy: A Assisted Suicide: A Same-Sex Marriage: B Unions: D Campaign Finance: A Speech: A Hard Drugs: B Spending: B Infant Circumcision: B Immigration: A Gun Rights: D Religion: D Healthcare: D Polygamist Marriage: B Taxes: A Torture: B Abortion: D Welfare: D You should get Fascist social policies and Extreme Right economical policies Can you seriously stop with trying to scare new people away from the game? people should be allowed to roleplay what they want.
  9. Ah mystery box. You should offer a million, the last one of does went on for years after the orginal poster had deleted.
  10. More like BORE-RAGNAROK, Am i right guys?
  11. Let's hope for a long and enduring friendship! ( and maybe more )
  12. Type in this: Cannabis: A Mandatory Service: A Capital Punishment: C Secondary Education: A Prohibition: B Energy: A Assisted Suicide: A Same-Sex Marriage: B Unions: D Campaign Finance: A Speech: A Hard Drugs: B Spending: B Infant Circumcision: B Immigration: A Gun Rights: D Religion: D Healthcare: D Polygamist Marriage: B Taxes: A Torture: B Abortion: D Welfare: D
  13. May I be the first pirate of many to say: Arrgh!
  14. @MeteorJunkYou really don't need all that much food at your current size. You have a population of around 30.000, you should have daily food consumiton of around 30, so it will only cost you around 5500 money to keep your nation feed for a day. If you look under "Revenue" it should give you the exact number. So long you bellow a million people it should be fairly cheap to keep your population well feed. And as for ressources, people buy the cheapest even if there isen't much. The people living of trading will especially do this as they see it as undercutting. Basely a strategy where an nation try to artificial lower the price of market, so they can buy stuff at a cheaper rate. Well whatever raw you choice to invest in, do please go all out with it, you get a stacking bonus by having more of the same ressource production in a city(just pr city and not nation, so you can still invest in different ressources to sell or refine.) Another advice; i do hope you gotten discord account, it kinda become the main communication tool for this game, and many alliance won't even accept people without an discord account. Another thing is the war, some of warning alliances don't currently accept new members as they don't have the time or ressources to invest into it. At any rate it good idea to write to a gov member of the different alliances you trying to apply to.
  15. Hello@MeteorJunk welcome to the game. And sorry about the radiation, a world war is currently ongoing(number 16th if you curius). Which mean that over a 100 nukes get fired a day at the moment. It leave the world a tiny bit radiated. But even without the radiation i wouldn't recommend a new nation to produce their own food. As you have very little land, and food production kinda depend on how much land you own. You are therefore better of mining any other raw ressource like coal, then selling your surplus on the market. Where after you can buy food, which is going be bit more expensive then normal, because of the before mentioned radiation. But it is still the cheapest ressource in the game. No nation is really able to be self sufficient in this game, as no nation can produce every ressource. So you either need to depend on trade with the market(you being in control) or an alliance that can pull ressources together(Others being in control). Which method being used is going depend on your choice in alliance.
  16. Why in the world is this thread still ongoing? Just let your actions speak for you, it the only way to get throught does that don't learn from history. By the end we see who is right.
  17. Well this was an enjoyable read. But well a couple of newbie advice for you, since Pantheon kinda suck at tranning people, and just sucks in general. You need to stop producing food, you don't have enough land in your city for it to be worth it. You better of producing any other ressource like oil, and then selling that raw on the market, and then buying food from the market, you will earn quite alot more. Other then this try to max out your barracks in all your cities so you can get the most amount of troops you can have. If you have a nuclear power plant in your city, you don't really any other powerplants, a single nuclear powerplant is more then enough to cover your need. Then relocate your oil power plant to another city, and buy some oil to power them, if you don't start producing oil.
  18. It's automatic from youtubes side, here this explains it: https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/three-ways-transcribe-youtube-videos/
  19. @Corpsman take your time, i didn't respond when you first posted it because i didn't have the time then either. I just saw a need to respond, when Zaxon's reminded me this excisited. And sorry if i came off as hostile, you know politics get one rilled up.
  20. Maybe it better to say that some things shouldn't be profit profitable, like healthcare. Let take USA as an example, they spend more of their GDP on healthcare then any other country, but still end up with worse service then Cuba. With both fewer beds per capita, fewer doctors per capita, and higher infrantry motality rate. And that is all the while the USA is spending twice the amount of money per. citizen as the best healthcare system on planet: France. Another example would be fire stations, the world first fire service was private owned. And worked on buiness model of "i see your house in on fire, how much will you pay me to put it out?" And when profit feel short they started new fires on their own. The point is, that businesses that profit of human misery shouldn't be working for profit. It why private prisons have also proven to be a giant failure. For your other point the US does indeed have the highest number of rich people per. capita, but also either the highest or second highest poverty rate in the developed world. USA have a higher procenties of it's population living in poverty then that of Mexico. What's more USA also sucks at social mobility, it is again in bottom half of developed countries, basely you have higher chance of achieving the American dream in over two dusin other countries. As for standard of living, the USA does indeed score higher in this, then it does in most of these list, landing on the 15 spot. Which is better then being near buttom, like with infant mortality rate. The USA really should be able to outperform most countries in these metrics with the amount of ressources they put into it. But they just fall short because the system is just so broken.
  21. It already is 50 as default, but the leaderboards still only show 10. While any changes to settings does seem to change the number of nations, alliances, bank and trade logs it hhave no effect on the leaderboards. Can you show us a sceenshort of the leaderboards showing more then 10 nations?
  22. Are you aware that youtube have function called "open transcript", you open it by clicking the 3 dots, there is on the same line as "share". It will provide the video in writting with time stamps.
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