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Everything posted by Alastor

  1. Forgiven, but will you bail out your ally that just got hit within the 72 hour period?
  2. Guess Eclipse chose for you. 😕
  3. Literally anyone still holding onto notions that t$ may not be declining off a cliff: here ya go
  4. Poachers, mainly seeking ivory for illicit black-market deals, have come to Africa to hunt the Elephants to extinction. TKR takes a hard environmentalist stance on this and in honor of David Attenborough will not allow poaching to continue on our watch. The elephants will not be harmed, their tusks will remain safe, and their habitats unspoiled. Our planet and our legacy will be judged by how we treat the natural world and preserve it for the next generation. #SaveTheBees #BeeSphere #SaveTheElephants
  5. I'm going to keep bashing my head against this wall because I'm bored rn. I don't think anyone is particularly shocked by the statement: The official discord absolutely sucks. The organization looks like someone who just made a brand new discord and left it for years, there is no personality/fun/roles/emojis/etc other than a bare minimum, the mods have been questionably chosen and even more questionably held accountable for bad calls, in general it sucks. I think this next statement is also not controversial: The forums are dead. Gone are the days of 2015 when people will come post 50 threads a day, argue out to 50 pages of comments, and generally make the community feel alive. If I were a new player, the first place I look to see how a nationsim is doing is its discord and its forums. Based on those two pieces, I'd probably not make a nation in PnW right now. Which I think is sad because I do actually enjoy this game and the community - but we're rapidly devolving into CN with little-to-no administration. The future of games like these is on platforms like discord, as well as in the game itself with stuff like bulletins. I still think we should keep the forums around, but they will continue to be a dry place bereft of solid content just due to the nature of platforms like discord. People want to jump into the drama rather than wait six days for a reply, it's why we play a political simulator. Right now, the community is heavily decentralized - news servers are the closest thing we have to a gathering place for all players. New players, however, are completely left behind by this. How would you ever know that RON is the spot where chatter happens? You wouldn't without significant effort. So there's my reasoning, here's my suggestion: Completely revamp the Official Discord for Politics and War: Go nuts 'hiring' on new volunteer discord mods and ensure they're reputable within the community rather than one-offs or controversial figures. Make sure they're active. Have a senior mod team that is more flexible on activity but harsher on qualifications that review decisions. Make it fun and inviting and most importantly - make it a space where both current and new players want to be. Add a section for alliance leaders (which now get a role) to post announcements for their AA. Add a section for In-Character debate Add a section for OOC debate Basically have sections for every major piece of the forums including game discussion, new player help and introductions, and even mod issues like ban appeals or warn appeals. Utilize your community which has been B E G G I N G you to use them. Have some people do "radio" shows in the voice channels, have voice channels available for people who want to vibe with a music bot, or play other video games together with randos from the community. PnW's main appeal is the socialness of the playerbase - LEAN INTO THAT. Host discord events like credit giveaways or the official awards show (which we did this year, good job) Pls. We can have a cool central location like the forums used to be again, or we can keep using third party discord servers and disconnecting new players from the existing community.
  6. The clarification changed this from a downvote to an upvote. lmao
  7. Give the dev team a few more months
  8. If you're at a loss as to "wHy dO mEaN oWf posters always downvote us" You guys talked recently about introducing an inactivity modifier allowing nations of all sizes to raid inactive nations - thereby allowing higher city counts to participate more if they wanted to be raiders. Then Keegoz posted a thread 25 days ago that got maybe 0.001% of playerbase to respond - without any clear indication as to which direction they really preferred the game to go. 26 people voted no to any beige timers for VMers, 37 voted yes to the 24 hrs. There are 10,000 nations that play this game. This thread is now talking about "wrapping up raiding" by c15 and adjusting raiders into the "main game"... Who asked for raiding to be nerfed (again)? What data was this decision made with other than a random whim? Lmfao. I wonder how many unpopular changes a development team can really pump out before people say screw it and just leave the game. I'd highly advise you start putting polls into the actual game itself so players can actually see and interact with the feedback threads/polls. You guys are going to kill PnW by making constant unpopular changes that don't even address a real gameplay issue.
  9. Since we're so close to its release, we should probably include the MPP in this data. I'm sure many bought one in lieu of a city in the last few weeks.
  10. We must all eventually grow beyond our mentors to achieve the greatest version of ourselves. Congrats on growth, even though I know splitting is probably an emotional choice. Good luck to both parties moving forward.
  11. Some economic changes in no particular order: Nuclear fallout changed to last 8 days per nuke to 10. I don't think the nuclear mechanics in PnW are particularly realistic so won't even touch on that, but I think currently effects should be a bit more devastating than currently. Change raw resource mining output to be inverse to city count, food excluded. With whales being so economically dominant, we need to look into some sort of exchange-based economy to take some of that concentrated power away from the upper tier economically. So the lower your city count, the more raws each mine produce. The higher your city count, the less each mine produces. Remove the ability to build farms in cities with less than 3000 land. It should be higher but I think this will reasonably prevent a lot of extremely bad builds especially with new players. Infrastructure costs daily resource upkeep like every 100 units of infra require 2 of each manufactured resource per day. Infrastructure decays over 3000 at a slow rate. Helps prevent runaway whales a bit. Somehow make pollution matter more than just building hospitals. Somehow make crime matter more than just building police stations. Weekly flavorful decision events that give your nation varying small bonuses based on choice. +1% income here, -1% upkeep there, etc.
  12. Thanks for keeping up with these Minesome. No idea how people can scroll through these and say multi-polarity is bad. Our current system is probably the only thing keeping politics from completely dying in this game right now.
  13. Good luck to both TCW and Bourbon Street, as well as the rest of BackRooms as it dissolves. I think there is potential in a lot of these alliances.
  14. tbh I'm a little hazy up until the end of Quack bc I also faded out of existence for a bit after NPOLT - because @Buorhann decided a year-long NAP was somehow a great idea and it made a lot of people basically log off for a year. I'm going to bold all the key pieces so you can quickly skim and get the gist. So we had a year-long NAP and basically very little happened. Some IQ-Remnants like NPO's last few members or GOONS got rolled til they too quit. BK disbanded but then reformed back under the leadership of Yoso and LordStrum. ShiftyStranger had multiple big OOC fallouts with various women in PnW resulting in him receiving a ban. Obviously several coalition A alliances never recovered from NPOLT and disbanded for various reasons including the Golden Horde. [insert a fuzzy time skip bc I was in Arrgh and not fully paying attention] The game collectively decided that it was time to give something new a try. This part is subjective. The idea was to try out "minispheres" - an idea that Kayser and others had been floating for awhile - I believe the idea was everyone would be grouped up in similar-sized spheres similar to how Chaos was structured (if you remember TKR's bloc from pre-NPOLT). The implementation was more accurately a multi-polar world. Something I would contend is just as good as minispheres but the difference between the expectation and implementation of this new political meta basically defined the next few years of PnW politics. So Coalition A splintered but maybe not quite the way people expected or wanted. Again details are fuzzy through time, so I won't go into overt detail. Basically t$ and their satellites combined with TKR and our close partners and formed Quack. Rose saved Camelot from absolute destruction by signing them right after NPOLT ended and formed the core of a new sphere there. Fark, The Immortals, and others formed the Swamp. There were other spheres but I don't remember them. Obligatory Arrgh wrecked the Swamp during this time period and then TKR wrecked Arrgh bc Sheepy deleted Beige from the game for a month. Quack was probably a 2.5:1 (ish) ratio in size to any other given sphere. This is where you begin to see expectation vs. implementation of minispheres start to cause friction. Many called Quack too large, and Quack I think rolled a sphere or two then got coalitioned by the other spheres (Duckhunt). Quack fought a last war together before disbanding (The Last Ride) where we rolled the Swamp iirc. Post-Quack then split into two main spheres: Blackwater (t$ and satellites, most notably Nexus: CTO, OWR, Legion, HS) and Hollywood (TKR, Grumpy, Guardian, Children of the Light, Error 404, Black Knights, Name Withheld, and friends). Camelot departed from Rose roughly right before this and Rose was the smaller of the three "main" spheres during this time. Swamp also splintered. Hollywood attracted a lot of flak because, again, people took issue with the size of a sphere during an era of "mini" plus Grumpy+Guardian's dominance of the upper tier. Blackwater similarly attracted some, but not as much, flak for also being huge. HW and BW were both maybe 1.5:1 size ratio any other spheres at this point. So really we were moving towards a more even meta but not quite there yet. Hollywood fought some wars, Blackwater fought some wars, Rose fought some wars, basically a big back-and-forth between the three. Here is another very subjective piece so I'll word it politely: t$ had a crisis basically where they were finding themselves repeatedly on the losing side of wars so they made a change along with Rose: T$ signed Rose and merged spheres to create Celestial, a new bloc. A lot of political shifts happened here: CotL+E404 merged to form Cataclysm which formed its own powerful sphere called Clock. The Immortals joined Hollywood to replace e404+cotl. Disgruntled former Syndicate allies formed a new sphere called the Back Rooms. And there was also Haunted Mansion (basically the worst remnants of Swamp no one else would take) and Johnsons (a meme sphere of micros) but neither of those are relevant to warrant me bolding them. Celestial being slightly larger than Hollywood was now the recipient of relatively equal criticisms over sign as HW - I guess it depends on who you asked. People felt like that was a step backwards but others felt it necessary to somehow defeat Hollywood. Fortunately, Hollywood would go on to defeat Celestial and then disband itself. So now we're basically at the "modern day": TKR/BK/NW split into their own true minisphere hitherto unnamed, GGO split into their own true minisphere. Eventually Celestial and Clock would split up with Cata+t$ forming Wayward and Rose+Eclipse forming Oreos (delicious cookies). Midgard also formed post-Hollywood/Clock/Celestial from many different pieces. So the game has decentralized itself pretty heavily since NPOLT. There are a lot of moving pieces now, a lot of new combinations of alliances, and generally more content but, in my opinion, the content has typically been more shallow.
  15. cOnGrAtS oN PiCkiNg uP tHe mOsT uSeLeSs trAsh thAt wAs lYinG ArOunD.
  16. This is a pretty cool concept, I'll be interested to see how it pans out. Happy birthday!
  17. When a city is not powered, have it be highlighted in red on the city screen so you can quickly identify it. When buying or selling military units, provide a screen showing how many barracks/factories/hangars/drydocks you'll need averaged per city to support whatever amount you're attempting to buy or sell to. Or provide an option to buy or sell to X barracks/factories/hangars/drydocks per city. So if you're coming off a war, have an option where you can sell down tanks to whatever will leave you with 3 factories per city worth of tanks, instead of leaving the player to do the math.
  18. As Hwan mentioned, I don't think the economy needs more free cash injections for older players. We just need more catchups. Another useful thing would be to somehow get the city cost reducing projects into the hands of newer players faster/cheaper.
  19. I called out Krampus and Jaden (both Blackwater allies at that point) for posting dismissive one-liners on a serious post - You can try to twist and worm your way away from the facts but it won't help you when you're literally posting the logs supporting my consistency. I called for better content then, I call for better content now. You, as usual, are throwing your own implications onto my words and spinning like a helicopter to try and dodge the fact that Syndicate threw a huge fit when confronted about their bad behaviors and rather than acknowledge and improve, you yourself admit that many t$ posters would rather take their ball and go home. It's not about my dictations of what should or shouldn't be posted, but it's not crazy to ask for a serious response to serious posts. Pretending that saying that is the same as telling you never to post is honestly astounding levels of spin on a post aimed at trying to encourage the community to look at its own trends. Stop making this a t$ thread.
  20. Basically admitting the only way t$ can refrain from toxicity is by not posting at all isn't the burn you think it is. Wana's been posting a good share of WoT's though so it's really not t$ causing the problem.
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