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Everything posted by Alastor

  1. As I mentioned to other former Pacificans I will mention to you: The Old Guard sold NPO out to their enemies in exchange for a "win". NPO is run by former vanguard who have raised an entirely new generation into something other than the lost civilization once known as Pacifica.
  2. Please just give the "elite whale overlords 1%" thing a rest. It's been debunked so often and in so many ways, you're beating a dead horse and alienating Camelot in the process.
  3. Not to be overtly rude but you've earned mine and the community's skepticism on pretty much any announcement / happening.
  4. See linked image. I can't tell if this is duplicate notifications/bug-worthy or what
  5. Paperless doesn't have to mean neutral or isolationist. You can have friends based on relationships. Those relationships can also dissolve once those friendships go their separate ways. That is, in fact, one of the key tenets of being paperless. You move on from relationships that aren't working, you aren't bound by a silly treaty ad eternum. Too many alliances these days pick a sphere and sign an alliance and forget about them until war rolls around. The little ones do it for protection, the big ones do it to have pawns in their chess match.
  6. Jazz has a habit of lying for attention. This is just yet another fake announcement from goons.
  7. I would urge the community to not remember BK as the combative forum presence of Leo/Mad Titan. Instead remember the glory days of Shifty's ministry of propaganda, photoshopped treaty signatures, Ayy Lmao, Ayyliens, the Obsidian Order, Curbstomping UPN/Rose/Acadia repeatedly even though they always "blitzed" first, Stratton Oakmont, Yosonet, the list could go on... BK has been around longer than most, it's sad to see the alliance officially disband. It was the first place I was a member of when I joined PnW and it was a great time while I was there. Special shout out to the greats who may or may not still be in the alliance as it breathes its last: @Curufinwe you were always genuinely intelligent and though our opinions have differed since you became Emperor/retired from Emp, I will always fondly remember you as one of the great Foreign Affairs minds in PnW. @LordStrum you were perhaps the most inactive Emperor I'd ever experienced under any alliance gov, but you had class and a sexy voice. BK flourished under your benign neglect, and was likely the last "Golden Age" before the descent began. @Yosodog You'll always be the true leader of BK to me. You were a great dude, fun to chat with, and you created some fantastic software for alliance organization. You brought BK from 2000's spreadsheets into 2020 workflow and you deserve all the love. @丂ħ̧i̧₣ɫ̵γ͘ ̶™ I had to copy/paste your forum name into a notepad and back to the forums to actually ping you and I hate you for that. You brought about some of the best and most iconic propaganda/photoshop works in all of PnW. @Psweet Stratton Oakmont and your internal BK bank was one of the first banks in PnW, you set the standard for how private banks should operate and ran it with expertise and professionalism. SO was instrumental in the early days of my nation in growing and flourishing while maintaining BK's MMR. @Tiber @Zoot @Taco and countless others who deserve special mention, you all rock but I'm running out of time to type. One last Ayy Lmao for the road.
  8. The "old guard" basically sold NPO out to Vanguard years ago. The same people have been running the show ever since with very little turnover.
  9. NPO's slogan since the war began months ago has been "moderator action against us will result in us leaving this game". War changes or updates, baseball exploitation fixes, botting/automation... They've been bending the rules to the breaking limit for quite awhile now along with many of their allies. They've been looking for an excuse to say "F-it" and ragequit the game.
  10. Acadia and theNG have always been a fair and honest group. It's sad their association with other alliances tainted their internal narrative to the point of group-suicide. Enjoy whatever road you take, sadly you couldn't see the one at your own feet.
  11. Honestly @Aero you've been relegated to being a great diplomat for a bad alliance for a long time now. Hopefully Camelot brings with it new experiences and perhaps a chance to truly shine outside of a defunct alliance. I wish you the best of luck moving forward and always appreciate your relentless positivity.
  12. The black team is currently named "Alex hates black lives". Probably best to fix that sooner than later.
  13. @hope I didn't realize your Heaven's Gate alliance would literally have all of Coalition B committing in-game suicide
  14. your signature is in slightly bad taste breh
  15. no endgame, just end of the war and resumption of the game without the threat of permanent (global) war.
  16. GOONS leaving the community alone after months of toxicity:
  17. Everyone saying how late this action came, yet almost all of us were aware of it (including myself): This is why the report forums are so important for suspected cheating. I think it's fair to say multiple months of one alliance owning one sixth of the population will likely have longer lasting consequences beyond the resources and cash they generated. If you know of nonsense occurring, suspect cheating or exploitation, or even want clarification for a grey area in the rules: please utilize the report forums or even DM alex on the forums or on discord. He is an incredibly responsive Admin, but he's not as "tied in" to the politics of the day like we all are. He doesn't play the game, he runs it. So what is common gossip to us, can potentially be breaking news to him. That being said, thank you for taking action Alex. It really sucks that NPO leadership felt the need to break rules even while possessing the upper hand in-game. Also thank you for not taking an axe to a scalpel job. You correctly banned or deleted the offenders and left other nations alone in a solid attempt to spare those who had some plausible deniability. Much better handled than the last ban-wave for cheating.
  18. I like the sliders part a lot. It simplifies the game without removing any value. Improvements are a hassle, not a customization in my opinion. You'd just need a slider for each resource your continent produces and you'd be golden. I suggested removing military improvements entirely not too long ago and simply replace them with the inherent ability to recruit military. The sliders really address the rest of improvements I think. Maybe leave power plants in the game as a blanket option rather than a city-by-city basis as well. I say keep projects but add research lines as well. I'd like to hear more elaboration on the idea of industries. RADICAL REFORM! I like it.
  19. How did I know the people actively trying to kill the game would complain about new updates in long-form posts? Shocker. @Alex please keep pushing updates, war or otherwise. Every other game that exists simply looks upon updates as "how does this affect the meta" and adapts to it. Don't pander to people's political agendas by delaying your own vision.
  20. I enjoy the "political" suggestions as much as the next guy but @Alex here's some actual advice for improving your game: 1. You cannot stop or withhold content "for current players or whales" because you're trying to improve new player retention. Realistically you have a solid base of players, you want to do everything you can to retain them. Content is king when it comes to maintaining an attention span in the world of 2020 gaming. Not to mention, even new players need stuff to do once they actually register. 2. Advertisement and marketing are the only thing that will consistently bring in new players on an appropriate scale. You need to brand this game as a poliSim with roleplaying aspects. Start enforcing IC vs. OOC a little better in the IC forums, allowing RP to grow back into the community. There is an audience for Polisci nation building games. The RP, the community, the interaction: these are what makes PnW great. The game itself without the community interactions? Next to worthless. Play to your strengths. 3. Integration of the community into the game. You want ever single new player to get involved with the community as quickly and easily as possible. Forum accounts and game accounts should be merged, no one should ever have to register twice. There should be live chat options on the game website itself. Whether that's with a discord window or a "newsletter"-esque page where countries can publish articles, doesn't matter. The new player should be able to log in to their nation and SEE the community, not needing offsite forums or discords to get involved (at least not immediately, the idea is to hook them and then pull them deeper from there). 4. Mobile, mobile, mobile. The mobile app is paramount for gaining new players. Browser games are old-school, they're dying. PnW needs a larger emphasis on being a mobile-friendly game. The new changes recently were a beautiful first step. These four areas alone will take up an inordinate amount of time and effort from a singular dev so I'll leave it at that. Overall, keep rocking Alex. I think you're doing a great job so far. It's really just a question of when you're going to expand your business to include other devs/staff and after that you'll be golden I think.
  21. Still getting that "Stats updating" page about 40 mins later. It's been like that quite consistently whenever I try to check it but again maybe I'm just getting unlucky.
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