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Everything posted by fistofdoom

  1. i'm all for this level of shenanigans
  2. I started reading your stuff in a terrible russian accent and it finally became entertaining.
  3. Try so you fail and then see you're wrong. Since no words can fix you.
  4. You're not taking into account the fact that the average person is !@#$ing retarded when it comes to being taught to be a soldier, and only with an extremely skilled instructors over an extended period of time, in a well maintained and stocked environment mind you, could any 'halfway-decent militia for any purpose' be formed, as you said. And even then, you're going to have failures, especially since you'd be drawing from an oddball and tiny pool of volunteers. Its a !@#$ing joke of an idea and you just don't get it. There is no massive pool of young, able-bodied, para-military loving, gun-accepting, socialist people in America who want to move into a facility for months on end in order to train to be some sort of gun-toting idealistic rabble, not taking into account whatever paltry sum you'd come up with as payment for their time and efforts. They'd have garbage for food, since your budget for a socialist paramilitary force within the US would be garbage, just to name one huge logistical problem. Only nutjobs would throw their money away into something so clearly wasteful, since it'd be funded by donations. Its just stupid and you should think harder.
  5. Have you cleaned a semi-automatic rifle that has shot hundreds of rounds during a day at the range? Do you know how many hours it takes to clean that to a 'decent' standard?
  6. whats his face getting his organs pecked out eternally
  7. Don't make me boot up my old computer to find all of my notes so I can refresh myself into having an intelligent conversation, not on this forum.
  8. i googled and this is what i got https://www.redditery.com/l/40nv2s
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality#cite_note-14 While I really enjoyed both of those when I took the introductory courses to them, I'm not studying them actively, no.
  10. That's if you propel something out of orbit in the explosion. A lot of somethings.
  11. think on it, I dont want to have to explain something so simple
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