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Everything posted by Fraggle

  1. Did it really need to be said? Have you met the trolls he surrounds himself with?
  2. If you want people to take you seriously.....you should remove the racist troll baiters from posting. Until then....I'll call a spade a spade and say that allowing this is endorsing some ignorant troll. Do a better "job"
  3. Penalty Given 0 points which will never expire. Note for member This is an extremely mild verbal warning for your mild flaming off Roz with the snowflake comment.
  4. The last word on this is: You shot your mouth off and got shut down. Move on. Thanks snowflake.
  5. Look at the guy with no knowledge wanting to speak and all he does is say it's racist. Color me shocked. Well G'Far said it better. Back to my glory.
  6. Go away with this nonsense you troll. And never piggyback on somebody because of her race, you racist.
  7. This makes zero sense. Please tell me how any of these are considered "racist" in your mind. Or maybe you just want to stir something that is nothing and should stay out of these threads. Thanks, bye.
  8. "Fraggle, is you taking votes on a criminal !@#$in' conspiracy?" 1) Hand To Hand 2) Shotty Pointed At Baltimore: 3) Sheeeeeeeeee-it 4) Oh, Indeed 5) Ziggy
  9. We growing. We coming. But first.....watch us sing.
  10. I'm going to bring you along, String, but it ain't going to be an overnight thing. We spend this year dealing with the city, the next doing business with the state. However, year three, then we go for the gold. Then we go federal. Then we see the man with his hand on the faucet. You still don’t get it, do you? Huh? This ain’t about your money, bruh. Ya boy gave you up. That’s right. And we ain’t have to torture his ass, neither! Amazing. Crime is down and no one wants to take any credit. What is wrong with this picture? Rat shot. What you need to be concerned about is what’s seated in the chamber now: a copper-jacketed, hollow point 120-grain hot street load of my own creation. So you need to think for just a moment and ask yourself: what do I have to do before this man raise up his gun again?
  11. Apes together strong. Ape smashes. Ape flings poop. Ape eats, wait for poop, eats poop, waits again, flings double digested poop. Ape Hairy...Ape can talk hairy poop game. Apes holding hands with Fraggles, flinging poop. Fraggle shaving Ape back to mix into double digested poop. Fraggle and Ape.....Ape and Fraggle. Sexy times washing flung poop off their hairy, plush hands. Aren't you all glad you came to see a ranking of powerful nations? I am.
  12. I pick better wishes as these are pure crap. Wish 1: I get the option to launch all the nukes in the world at once. Wish 2: I get the option to strap all my nukes onto one rocket that can ruin an entire nation. That nation is Fat Hairy Ape. Wish 3: I get to not read these posts....but sadly for me, I already did. Many Hugs
  13. Total Nukes Game-Wide 4,450 I see this and do some quick math. I see that one nation controls 15.89% of those nukes. Not a single mention of that? Not only did the game fail this year, but you failed to recognize how the world will end. Sad! Fake News! Tax Cuts! Sad!
  14. From The Desk of Red Fraggle New Minister of Fraggle Rock Nuclear Weapon Research Division (FRNWRD) The Nation of Fraggle Rock Howdy!! I hope y'all are having a delightful day. It is my pleasure to announce that The Best Nation Ever, Fraggle Rock, is wrapping up Phase Four of its Grand Plan. Sir Emperor Dear Leader Wembly Fraggle has put me in charge of Phase Five. Uncle Traveling Matt has given his blessing to proceed with our plans. In two days, we will be done building nuclear weapons and moving towards the finish line. As we are in a transition period, I would love to invite all the world leaders to our great nation for a benefit dinner and robust round of musical chairs. Food is on us, of course, and there will be a minor transportation fee of seven million dollars per person. Sign up today and reserve a spot at the table. Also, as we come towards the end of building two nuclear weapons for every Fraggle, I invite the world to regal us in tales of our program and what you believe our next move is. FYI....you won't guess, but have fun trying. Stay tuned for Phase Five, it will be a blast!! Also, don't forget to sign up for The Fraggle Awards: Presented by Diaper Mouth Inc, Hosted By Kitschie. Send your deposit of nine million dollars per table and tell us how many are coming for the best event ever. Also.....if you have any extra money laying around, go ahead and send it to us, as we have never misused funds before. Many Hugs, Red Fraggle
  15. From The Desk of Uncle Traveling Matt The Nation of Fraggle Rock Greetings to all the wonderful nations. And a hearty tip of the hat to the others. The Nation of Fraggle Rock is proud to formally recognize this alliance. We look forward to working with all of its members as well as assisting them in any way possible. Any outside interference will occur the wrath of The Rock. Farewell Uncle Traveling Matt
  16. An Update: The Fraggle Awards Show will be held on voice chat on the Fraggle Rock channel. Everyone is welcome to attend. It will be hosted by Kitschie and many special guests will be presenting the awards. All winners will receive five million dollars and one coupon from Fraggle Rock for a special gift. This ceremony will be recorded and shared. Any other award shows for 2017 shall be considered null. Stay tuned for additional updates.
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