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Lam Songman

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Everything posted by Lam Songman

  1. pfft that loan is invalid. you dont wipe. deals off.
  2. wont lie, y'all have the best recruitment ads. Post up the "ricky" one on here. It gives me the lulz urrr time.
  3. Sure, why not? I doubt he could make it worse.
  4. LOL though I disagree about the dairy (a clear bias on my part), I will concede the objectively California is #2 to Wisconsin. As to the debt...again that doesnt take away that CA wouldn't and couldn't succeed as an independent nation. Look at the US debt. Not only that but CA is a tax contributor and clearly picks up the slack for alot of states that are reliant on federal funding. We actually receive less in federal funding then we contribute to the nation as a whole. What brewing company? I might know them (the guys and the brew). If you've done any drinking of our local brews while you lived here you'd know that we not only have the most craft brewers in the nation, but that they rank among the highest. We are only ever beat by Oregon... but you know already know how we rag on there driving so we even out the score Won't disagree about the german or belgian brews though. If you are out in Cali again give me a chirp, i'd love to introduce you to some local brewskis. Even if I cant convince you (but i'd admit you've have to be hard headed as !@#$ to not be swayed), we'd have a blast sampling the local fares and clanking tankards. no problema vato.
  5. ballsy move for a someone whose balls haven't dropped yet.
  6. Try some Sierra Nevada. It will definitely have the flavor you are seeking. It ain't colored water like Budweiser.
  7. Cute. The water issue is because of the drought, and is heavily politicized, Guam has a fraction of the population, natural resources, and doesn't a major agricultural industry, or any industries for that matter (besides fishing, tourism and military supporting jobs) that California does. I can name dozens of affluent countries with "water issues" that are are successful nations, so... thank you come again.
  8. Someones bitter that happy cows come from California eh? California also has the 6th-7th largest economy in the world. The prop 63 and other stringent gun laws can and would be repealed if the State seceded (or if Diane Feinstein died of old age first), as it would be cheaper to have a armed militia (modeled after Switzerland) with a small cadre of professional soldiers then establish a huge military apparatus. https://www.thrillist.com/drink/nation/every-state-in-the-usa-ranked-by-its-beer https://www.thrillist.com/drink/nation/vinepair-s-map-shows-the-state-of-american-craft-brewing-in-2015 ...We can agree that the Bible Belt sucks but you don't know shit about California brews. LOL JK I think I posted my response before you edited your post clearing the confusion up. Regardless, I'm just playfully mocking y'all back.
  9. I dont think it's Trump-centered. I see a wide range of opinions daily. I just think the Trump supporters are more vocal. Plenty of people with dissenting opinion around. If we all agreed on everything, how boring would that be!?!?
  10. I like this! I hope you continue to interview more leaders... Interview ROZALIA <3 (assuming he'd consider it).
  11. Violence is never the answer, and yet violence is usually the answer.
  12. Hilarious is a stretch... I'd say expected is the proper term. Just as Trump supporters would have likely done the same thing, the opposition does exactly the same. Nothing new under the sun. Savor the moment, but recognize yourself in the outpouring of rage.
  13. Thugs? Its easy to villainize the opposition rather then put yourself in there shoes and recognize the face in the mirror. You telling me Trump supporters would have gone quietly into the night if he had lost? Pfft. He even admitted that he would question the validity if the elections of he lost. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/21/us/politics/campaign-election-trump-clinton.html?_r=0 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-wont-commit-to-accepting-election-results-if-he-loses/2016/10/19/9c9672e6-9609-11e6-bc79-af1cd3d2984b_story.html So honestly, who cares? Let the people protest. In 2 weeks it will be old news. Trump won and no one can change that.
  14. Let's see if the man is all hes talked himself up to be. I'm open to anything new.
  15. Silly? Thats your opinion. I never said there wasn't a system of checks and balances, what I am saying is that both parties collude to keep the status quo. I am also saying that both candidates are jokes and to choose between "constipation, or diarrhea" still means shitty shit in the end.
  16. Failed promises. The President doesn't have the power, the House and Senate do. Try to see either candidate enact any of the policies they have proposed if they are hamstrung by a Congress that is controlled by the opposition party. To be a politician you have to be the lowest scum in the earth. Hillary is a corrupt career politician and so she will always have to cater to her constituency and campaign contributers first. The Clinton Foundation is essentially a pay-and-play group where you buy into the system for greater influence. Trump is a self-centered, reactive, and disingenuous corporate man whose only concern is his own well being. He has the money and now he wants the power. Look at how many companies hes bankrupted and employees hes displaced all to take advantage of the system to increase his bottom line. If you are a sucker and think your vote even counts in an electoral system where your State is already "owned" by a party (I'm presuming the majority of you don't live in a swing State), you deserve whats coming ---and frankly I wish people had to own up to their voting selections so that paying the debts caused by the failed policies of the administration that installed falls on them alone. A man can dream. Until then I'll watch from the sidelines and continue to eat popcorn, cus its a hell of a show.
  17. Valkyrie Ex has a 12% interest rate? Hot damn. Straight Usury.
  18. A subcontracted narcotics loss prevention specialist
  19. I enjoy the title so you get a like.
  20. LOLz over false pretense of choice. Crooked Hillary = Thesis = Constipation Crazy Trump = Anti-thesis= Diarrhea Both = Synthesis = Shitty Shit Hegel would be proud. Hillary show us those missing e-mails. Trump show us those tax records. Eat your fiber, vote for neither.
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