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Everything posted by whiskerz

  1. Saw the same thing yesterday when I was sending nukes on my phone
  2. Still broken , I won 2 away games tonight and received zero cash. The cap does not matter to me since I will never hit $2 million in a day or even a month
  3. I understand that. I would think over time the number comes into focus and the number of nuke hits should be along the lines of an 80% hit rate. If not then something seems like it is not as advertised
  4. The US pays poor women to be baby factories at the detriment to society as a whole. Money does nothing to solve the problems of the poor. They need education, job skills and often the basics of reading writing and math. Learning to be self sufficient does way more than just throwing money at them. Section 8 housing , food stamps, welfare in general , free phones all do nothing to break the cycle of poverty. If anything it makes it generational. Welfare in America has destroyed the lower class family and made it fatherless.
  5. Probably my CZ-750 . It is way more accurate than I am
  6. This is my point exactly. The hit ratio in a perfect world is 80% so even 1/2 is lower than the average which should be closer to 1 stopped out of 4, Which would be 75% success. There is not really luck it is a arrhythmical chance. clearly it needs some behind the scenes massaging to bring it in line with the stated results of 20% stopped
  7. My nukes in a recent war went 0/2 against an opponent with a VDS. How ? Why ? It may need some fine tuning behind the scenes. This should be almost impossible with 2 for 2 being much more likely than 0 for 2
  8. I have had it happen a few times as well been going on for the last week at least
  9. I never make much more than $15,000 or so daily baseball revenue . I do not play it that much. My lifetime is under $5 million I had played a few games but trust me I am not anywhere near $2 million a day or even in 12 months
  10. If I destroy a military improvement and all of the tanks, planes , ships that should be added to the war totals tally .
  11. Tested again and still broken 2 wins zero cash
  12. Still not working as of 2 minutes ago won 2 home games and no change on resource bar
  13. Yes we are talking about the resource bar. I will retest it the next time I can find an away game
  14. The chicken came first. But the reality is birds are government spies and the bird recharge on power lines. How do chickens recharge ? What part of the chicken is the nugget? How many nuggets are on a chicken ? How does KFC have nine pieces of a whole chicken when the rest of the industry has eight ? I want a bonus for crusty old guys over let's say 60 years old.
  15. The money does not display in the top right of the resource screen that shows my money on hand. It never changes when I win an away game (which is rare) It does work fine if I play a home game. I will try it again later. So far though no love from the away games.
  16. Still broken played 6 away games and won 1 game. Did not collect my $163
  17. Is this fixed ? No away game available when I tried in the last 2 days
  18. Arfcom Cripples Rating: 2.52 Misantry Waste Collectors Rating: 3.09 Hits Runs Runs Hits 8 1 0 9 Attendance Winner's Earnings Average Ticket Price Home Team Revenue 1,898 people $177.64 $0.23 $545.68 I did not receive my $177.64. Like I said not a great sum of money. My team lifetime is under $5 million in earnings.
  19. I rarely win $15,000 a day a long way from $2 million. You may want to look at this . I have played 2 away game and a few home games today. I just played and away game and the problem still exist. I am not losing great sums of money. This game was $197.58.
  20. Both last night and this morning I played some away games and received no money for winning. Played home games with no problem. TIA https://politicsandwar.com/obl/play/
  21. The bottom attack was my last attack just after day change
  22. This is my last 2 ground attacks in the war. As you can see I have Ground control. I did not destroy any planes and he has 2076 planes as we sit right now. Any ideas ? 02/04/2022 08:01 pm Nice guy Whiskerz of Arfcom ordered a ground attack upon the nation of Nazara led by Nizam Adrienne and eliminated 10 Resistance. The attack was an immense triumph. Nice guy Whiskerz's forces lost 13,233 soldiers and 640 tanks, while Nizam Adrienne's defenders lost 32,408 soldiers and 0 tanks. The attack destroyed 224.43 infrastructure in the city of Crescencia and 0 improvements. Because Arfcom had Ground Control, they were able to raid Nazara's airfields. Arfcom's tanks destroyed 163 aircraft in the attack. Nice guy Whiskerz stole $1,778,335.41 in the attack. 02/05/2022 12:01 am Nice guy Whiskerz of Arfcom ordered a ground attack upon the nation of Nazara led by Nizam Adrienne and eliminated 10 Resistance. The attack was an immense triumph. Nice guy Whiskerz's forces lost 13,445 soldiers and 650 tanks, while Nizam Adrienne's defenders lost 28,711 soldiers and 0 tanks. The attack destroyed 220.54 infrastructure in the city of Esperanza and 0 improvements. Nice guy Whiskerz stole $1,724,713.23 in the attack.
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