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Don Juan

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Everything posted by Don Juan

  1. Peace for our time. Congratulations to all parties on reaching peace.
  2. Hello, and nice to see an introduction. I also misread it as UPN. Kind of how I misread underlordgc as underlogic.
  3. What I find somewhat amusing, is the the concept, or perhaps more aptly the delusion, of free speech on internet forums and how "censorship is bad" in one corner and the "political correctness" squad in the other. Both are irrelevant. Now while I do believe censorship is bad for my real-life values, it is likely to be encountered on internet forums because they're not free public commons. Sheepy owns this site, and on top of the server host country's laws and the IP Board's ToS, he can limit and censor discussion in any way he pleases. This forum is his licensed property. Even 4chan isn't immune, the owner (which apparently is no longer moot), or their delegates, can censor any of the boards however they like, even /b/. Because they own it.
  4. Stats are good, I'm interested in seeing more rankings.
  5. lel, because they let Vista users upgrade to 7 for free, right? If M$ was some sort of decent company, they would've done that.
  6. Welcome to Orbis and good luck!
  7. Pubstomper is right, many were complaining about people being kicked from AAs to save the bank, if I remember rightly, a certain alliance was notorious for it after banks were introduced. But it was an exploit that was fixed, and although what we have now isn't perfect, it's better than the alliance banks being unlootable in alliance wars by kicking members. So, it's like a necessary evil.
  8. Hello and welcome... for like the past 5 months.
  9. I think the war ranges are reasonably balanced as they are, but up declares should always be more enabled than down declares, in a similar sentiment to what Aisha said above. The fairest way, I think, would perhaps be to have strength brackets, where the range percentiles change. Much like a progressive tax system (rather than our current flat one) in regards to declare range, although in an inverse manner, tightening ranges as you reach a higher bracket. So for instance: 0-500 NS -33% to 166% (which I believe is the current) 500-1000 NS -30% to 160% 1000-2000 NS -25% to 150% etc. Thoughts?
  10. I like that idea, saves having to do target lists and the like.
  11. Congratulations on your DoE, best wishes and good luck on Orbis.
  12. Welcome to Orbis, good luck and have fun.
  13. Welcome back, I hope you'll stick around.
  14. Good luck with your alliance, and I like your flag design!
  15. Welcome to Orbis, enjoy your stay!
  16. Hmm, I'm wondering what Windows 10 (9 is skipped for compatibility reasons with 95 & 98) will turn out like.
  17. I think you got it wrong, it shouldn't be lolBelisarius, it should be nukeBelisarius. or you could take out one of those neutrals for the "nuke Belisarius" section, it'd be worth it, IMO. It's an age-old GPA tradition. Also, join us!
  18. I'm unsure whether I've received a bonus, so I thought I'd apply. Nation ID: 1895 Post Count: 275 Link to Nation: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=1895
  19. I've got to agree with under, olives are one of the best toppings.
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