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Sailor Jerry

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Everything posted by Sailor Jerry

  1. Yes, you have a "Hunting License", did that license do a criminal or mental health background check on you....no I don't think so. It only covers a few things like gun safety and how not to fall out of tree stand. And yes, I believe should take the rights away from some people to own and use firearms....they do it to people who get to many DUIs when they suspend their drivers licenses. A car used irresponsible can cause property damage as well as kill.....for this reason only folks who are 16 (here in the U.S., older in other countries), have insurance and use a legally registered car can drive. But yet your ok with some dude who has a violent past and/or mental health issues go into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants with no checks at all......I think I just found out whats wrong with this country!
  2. I'm all for gun ownership of any kind for the public......with a few stipulations. First, in order to be able buy a gun, a person would need to sit through a class of "X" number of hours, during which time, the course instructor/s would perform a criminal AND mental health background check. If all is well and the course reqs are met, then the person gets a gun license.....just like a car license which would need to be renewed every 3 years or so. Also, whenever someone goes in to purchase a gun, the gun seller would need to verify the license and perform another background check just in case anything new pops up. The licenses would be in stages, with a higher level courses needed to be taken after the lower previous ones have been completed. Say pistol first, then either conceal/carry or rifle, then assult weapons. Now, in the event of a violet criminal background....not sure on that one. Maybe no license or revoke of current license for a period of 10 years or so with all weapons registered to them would need to be sold off, but if the crime commited had a gun used during it.....then no more/permanent revocation of licensing and all weapons would be forfeited to the state. I also believe, just like a car and licensing, a gun/weapons insurance should also be placed in effect....for any of those "accidental" injuries caused by the weapon. Just like car insurance though, the number and types of weapons would affect the premiums of the policy. Just a few of my thoughts.
  3. Ha, ha, ha.......I'll never tell! Really though....for me, I'm just an old man who is just trying to joke his way through life. Folks get too riled up over nothing these days so if anyone ever tries to be serious....someone else will most certainly take offense to it. So I just like to sit on the sidelines and see how one group will handle something that they may find offensive.....will it be diplomatically or at the edge of a blade....I'm a people watcher (hey....cut that out you perv...this is a family fun game)! A lover, not a fighter!
  4. Why all the negativity.....what did we ever do to anybody? We are back in like 9th place, doing our own thing not bothering anyone. Why pick on the neutral guys?
  5. Hey Reagan.....its good to see you! Its also nice to see another old-timer on these sims. Seeing as you've played various sims games...did you ever try "Truckz"? It was fairly straight forward with no waring....just driving big rig trucks all around to world hauling freight. Anyway, nice to have around.....again! EDIT: Also, I also believe you are cooler than Keegoz......just sayin'
  6. Whats going on there? Long time, no see! Good to see you back around!
  7. You know, I actually like the idea of needing to carry some sort of firearm insurance. Not just for their being stolen (at which point once the police report is officially made the owner wouldn't be liable for what happens with them) but also in the cases where the weapons kill another person. The gun owner goes to court, if found innocent or not guilty (say in the case of self defense) then no biggie, but, if there is negligence found (such as the gun was not lock up) and a kid accidentilly shots someone, or the owner is not justified in the shooting, then the insurance would kick it to cover would penalty the court hands down. Just like your car, if it stays in the garage and the keys are put away and its only used responsible...no issues, you go out joyriding while drunk and kill a bus load of nuns.......insurance kicks in. I do, I really like the idea.
  8. Ha, ha......you fell into my trap beautifully! Have you ever heard of an "Amendment"? I guess not!
  9. Too many posts to respond to in one reply. I firmly believe in the death penalty in certain cases. With today's technology, DNA and video, etc, those that commit murder in the first, serial child molesters and serial rapists should get the death penalty. In the case of the latter two, after their first offence....sure, jail time and rehabilitation...once they get out and commit the same crime again....death penalty. One of the biggest problems is the length of time someone sits on death row. The death row sentence needs to be revamped. I'd like to see something like....the criminal gets 5 or so years from the time of the original sentence to make as many appeals as they can, but on the final anniversary of the original sentence, regardless of the fact if they are currently in the middle of an appeal trial, the sentence would be carried out. The method....who cares. To those who say the methods we use are inhumane, is it humane for the murderer to filet the flesh off of their victims while they are still alive? I also believe a member of the victim's family should have first choice on the method of execution and implementation of the execution. If the family wishes to spare the murderers life....fine, that's their call. If they wish to have the death penalty to be issued, but can't do it themselves, then someone from the state would carry it out.
  10. Happy "Kick the Crap out of Britain" Day!
  11. So what about stuff like this: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/30/us-navy-said-to-chase-pirates-off-somalia/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0. Granted this was back in '07, but I was on the Burke at this very time this was happening. Sure, just let pirates and hijackers steal dangerous chemicals that can used against others who don't believe as they do.
  12. So if we followed your plans/ideas in your first quoted post, how could we fund and have the navy/troops to keep your second quote from happening. As to our power projection......sounds like you'd like to turn our great navy into nothing more than boarder guards! If we did that, who would we look to to watch our backs......Canada and/or Mexico? Not sure how you can say the first quote and then say what you said in the second one.
  13. Wait...what....he was right!?! Alrighty then!!! How about an "L"?
  14. Anyone up for "Spamwich"?
  15. Granted, now your sense of humor makes it seem like you drink sunshine and pee rainbows!!!!! I wish the Oakland Raiders would not only make it to the Superbowl, but crush their opponent and win it in a decisive fashion.
  16. Sounds nice, but I don't think all the other kids on the playground would want to play by the same rules. We pull back and cut spending, it won't be long before some other nation starts to impose themselves as the new world power. And before those of you out there say..."Oh, that would never happen!!!!" wake up, you're not in Oz or Never-Never Land or Fraggle Rock or any other little dreamy land you go to when your head hits the pillow feeling secure in the blanket of freedom that our great military has provided!!!!!! Seriously though. Middle East, sure, get us the "F" out of there....enough is enough already. As to the power projection.....I think we still need to show the flag around the world via our navy and our troops that are stationed in bases in our allied counties. We are pretty much the only "Super-Power" left....militarily speaking, why back off of that position. Our government just needs to be a little smarter and little more up front on using it though. Having a large force projecting itself as it does keeps a lot of other folks in check.
  17. Here we go again.....I'll reserve my comments until after a few posts!
  18. WYR......I'm getting lazy in my old age!!! Sounds like they both survive, just one is not doing so hot afterwards. If the child has no lasting effects and didn't see it coming....I'd go with the child! WYR have one of your kidneys removed by a 3rd world surgeon in the back of some disease riddled whore house or fall through a 10 story trash chute lined with 80 grit sand paper while wearing nothing but a smile (of course you'd land softly on one of those stunt person air bags!)? EDIT: Crap.....RA BM beat me to it!
  19. Wow, tough one indeed! Propably WWII, pre civil war folks would still have been in chains, pretty difficut to get free. WYR snort a clove of garlic or eat a teaspoon on cinnamon?
  20. The bread......I'm more of a pie guy! WYR have your foot smashed by a tank or your hand mangled by a wood chipper?
  21. Granted, but now you look like that midget, hairy thing from the Adams Family (can't remember if its "Thing" or "It") I wish I had some more paper-type money in my wallet!
  22. Bad sushi for sure......why be immortal with no one around to enjoy it with! would you rather be subjected to listen to someones nails being scrathced across a chalkboard for a continuous year or eat the musk sack out of a skunk?
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