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Everything posted by Ole

  1. I would like to order 5 compliments. one for me, one for Odin, one Phiney, one for Pre and one for TEst.
  2. The religion isnt Terminus Est, we are Terminus Est. And the religion isnt Khorne either, the god is Khorne.
  3. Grammar Nazis, allways picking on the dyslexic, its like you want to gass us or something...... As everything else you've said have been adressed by outhers, ill just leave it.
  4. Why dont you just skip afew days and then get back to present time insted of recapping scores from last week?
  5. Just because a division of the SS used it, dosent mean the Rune is inherrently Nazirelated, nore that the intent behind using it here is in any way, shape or form related to any Nazi/Neo-Nazi leanings, and sugesting that just showes off your tremendus ignorance once more.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odal_(rune) Still not nazi related......
  7. No Khorne, No Thor, No suport from Ole.
  8. Join a big alliance, steal their members, they wont notice.
  9. How? If anyone can be a member, like there are litterally no criteria, then that isnt very "Elitist". However not beeing Elitist dosent mean they cant be Good thats an entirely difrent scale, it just means they arent as picky as outher alliances. The fighting prowess of Arrghs senior members should not be in question given that they've beaten most all major alliances, even gave us a good wake up call and a fun little shittshow <3
  10. C'mon mate there must be 1 or 2 more souls we could corrupt?
  11. Time to go back to the UPN forums now, its past your bed time....
  12. Not juicy ones, their combined score is less than half of mine
  13. Hey im a dyslexic with English as a 2. Language, me completing a sentence is an achivement in and of itself.
  14. If he does, ill be impressed, but i doubt it.
  15. Not really, if you knew him you'd understand. as he is a German, White, non-racist. Heck he even feeds Syrian refugees...... Point is hes a sucker for Iconografi and there in lies all the issues. As for our Preeteen-online-Justice warrior, if you dint thow out accusations like that everytime he did something that was not even remotly Nazi related, he wouldnt toe the line to piss you off. I mean to say He isnt Reffrencing Nazi shit on a regual basis, how ever he go out of his way to find borderline shit when you start crying. why whouldnt he? did you listen to the song I posted? full of reffrences to shit in there, still doesnt mean im a Nazi... but i guess, If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be belived.
  16. This is shit... Do better......
  17. Its because of ignorant idiots like you mistaking everything from northern europe, and germany for Nazism that he delibratly toes the lines, and i watched your crusade on Reichswhatever back before when, and a more idiotic shitshow i never saw. And i know for a fact his nation name isnt a reffrence to an SS division. And even if it was, so what? Why do you care? the reffrences are so obscure you have to force feed to the comunity time and time again, and still noone cares. And im sure if you go dig alittle you can find a Nazi named Ole, there where alot of them, and im sure there was some named Odin too, that beeing a semi-normal Norwegian name. Why dont you try to argue that case next? im sure you'll have good luck proving we're all Neo-Nazi's trying to sneak the 3rd Reich back thru a small browser game....... (Dots are for dramatic effect, Critter told me it works)
  18. ill say i like say to all of you: 1. Join an established AA. 2. Learn the game. 3. Get friends. 4. Get better name and a flag. 5. Get protector. 6. Make AA.
  19. @Hereno Amusing breakdown you have here <3 Thats a serious allegation to make about one of my best friends in this game... i would like to see the evidence suporting this. and heres a song for you and Hereno :
  20. The thing is, like i've stated before, The more autocratic and dictatorial the alliance structure is in theory, the more democratic it can afford to be in practise, and the reverse, for example: TEst is alot more Democratic than UPN, in UPN(atlest when i was there, i have been told it just got worse after tho) almost noone knew anything, only the very top knew the plan untill the last secound, and even after things were done, the membership never got the full story. In TEst we more or less share everything with everyone, theres a mild discussion about what to do, and then its done. efficent and democratic, we all know whose incharge and we all know that we'll be heard. This can be argued to have more with our requritment policy, but our system of governance factors in aswell, eliminating powerstuggles, elections and the need to lie to the membership rather effectively.
  21. i advice you to join a propper alliance before going out on your own, learning what to do and what not to do. also finding a cooler name might help to, those generic UN/NATO type names never seem to last long.
  22. Good move, join an alliance that looks to be merging with the alliance you started out from. So Your move UPN.
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