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Everything posted by Rozalia

  1. https://www.buzzfeed.com/patricepeck/37-things-white-people-ruined-in-2017?utm_term=.qs2P8aLZB0#.xndr203vDY Good to see strong firm competition from BuzzFeed. They will not allow CNN to walk out with all the titles so easily. Oddly there is a lot of transracial hate at the end... odd. Most of it attacks white women also... ummm, sounds like the author, this Patrice Peck needs a white man in her life what with her odd hatred of white women. One thing is true though fellas, the whole dance thing is somewhat important yeah. No black woman is going to be impressed by you trying to mimic some black rapper or something. She wants a white man, not some guy trying to act "ghetto" or whatever. Some would call it offensive even, but I'd stick to simply weak. Be yourself, walk strong, talk strong, and dick strong. No more to it.
  2. Wow, do you think any of that works on anybody who isn't as possessed as you are? Lets just quickly and easily knock them out. Alabama guy, Trump actually endorsed Strange and once he failed he got behind a guy who ultimately, being Republican, is his guy. Nothing strange there. The KKK/White Supremacist stuff is laughable nonsense considering Trump directly disavowed the Alt-Right and the KKK is literally who, an utter irrelevance that has the name of a group which at some points mattered. Crappy people are free to endorse who they like, many endorsed Clinton too, oh well. The "look at those irrelevant bad people endorsing him, that means he is bad too" is an old trick and anyone who falls for it (like yourself) needs to educate and grow up a bit. I agree, grabbing a woman by the !@#$ is very old man like, but Trump is an old man so we should forgive this. Younger men know that these days you choke. Though of course you should be respectful as you want them to let you do it, otherwise you can get into some serious issues. Trump of course stated "they let you do it" because if they didn't it would be sexual assault. Oh and rich men (and women) can get the mentioned !@#$ a lot easier yes, every man and woman on the street knows this. Attempts to portray this as not so simply renders whoever tries looking stupid. Your comment on the daughter thing is an outright lie. He is rich guy with a model wife, so he was complementing her looks. Nothing there says he desires an incestuous relationship, in fact he straight up brings it up on why obviously he wouldn't. You getting oral is I assume because you have thought about Ivanka giving Trump, or likely yourself oral... actually no, other men having sex with what you want is more likely I suppose. Gold Star family Khan, the sharia supporter, oh dear. Guy enters the political arena and attacks Trump. Trump is free to hit him back, which he did. No one once they enter that arena has some magic shield which means they can't be hit back. Trump did, Khan, the Democrats, and you cried. Job well done. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Get the hell out of here with your conspiracy theories you McCarthy wannabe hack. I don't fully remember the whole firing of Comey thing, certainly recall you saying something like that at the time but also remember telling you that you're talking nonsense. Considering your track record as we've gone through this I'm sure you're just fabricating nonsense again. Oh? The public you have attacked as stupid? You now care what they think? Please. Those polls mean nothing so seriously, stop going on about them. Over here Comrade Corbyn doubled his polling when the election period started. It should be known to you that polling at this point is worthless and only the polling closer to the election matters, all sorts of things can cause changes in where votes go too. Though even that polling is dubious these days hehehe. You also forget the Shy Trump vote who won't bother outing themselves to take the storm from possessed fanatics, but will vote and defeat them at the polls. Though the most important thing you seem to fail to understand is... you don't need to like someone to vote for them. No political candidate is going to fit you perfectly (unless you're a mass produced robot who takes all the directives from political on high to heart I suppose) and you may very well dislike many aspects greatly... however the other guy (gal in Trump's case)... bloody hell. See, such things you often go to with me and it is just so telling on just what vile man you are. It may seem strange to you, but I do indeed love my country. It may have for many years gone through the tragedy that was that criminal Blair and come out damaged, though not as much as some other country's in Europe and your country... but whatever the case it is my country and it is and will be greater in the future that will be won in good time. I have Love for my country and it's people, even in our current state. You have Hate for your country and it's people, often found attacking them in disgusting manners. I have Courage, to be against the establishment and their minions wherever they may be. You have your Cowardice as while you may have tongue for us, people you have been cleared to attack, you would not speak with nowhere the same venom to certain others... and you call others like Trump who face up to so much cowards? Pathetic. I have Desire to see my country fixed and with it lead with great passion and vigour. You have Apathy, you don't care anyway and have no thoughts on what will make your country better. You can only attack others, hoping to spoil their efforts. Finally and most importantly as without it you cannot maintain anything... I have Hope, the hope in my heart that victory will be achieved and the enemies of the country, wherever they infest, will be defeated. You however only have Despair, the world has given you several losses now which you cannot understand. You attack others thinking that perhaps you simply were not aware of how many bad people there were. How could the Roz know these things, but you, Mr oh so smart not? Trump, a symbol of your defeat is your favourite target. You, completely possessed by your despair attack him with easily destroyed attacks like the above. In your mind "Lose, Lose, Lose, you must Lose or I will fall further into despair" you repeat day to day. Sad! But there is no pity from me. There is not long now until 20th January 2018 where you will be defeated by the Roz and thrown out of here. As you in shame, anger, and sadness wither on the floor may you bathe in my glorious heavenly light and see the way forward. Hatred, Cowardice, Apathy, and Despair are no way to live your life mate. Look to the Roz, see his greatness, and follow... good things come to those who possess Love, Courage, Desire, and Hope. What I'm telling you is you should learn from this loss you're about to take and change your ways.
  3. No. He said there were good people on both sides (of the Confederate protests), which there certainly were as no, not every pro-Confederate statue person was a Nazi. If you wish to take that as him openly calling those sorts good people then that is up to you, but if so you may be suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. As for "politicizing", Trump didn't just randomly go into pushing Christmas. He has been talking about it for ages, how he was going to get rid of the political correctness. That is a far cry from "Trump is secretly pushing white nationalism via Christmas". Lets look at some words in the article: The evidence of these "critics" and "experts" that Trump is promoting a holiday that non-Christians can't join in on if they want? Zero. Then we have a trifecta of regressive garbage of 1 defend the Muslims, 2 throwing in irrelevant white supremacists to smear (in this case Trump), 3 save the blacks. Heck, the 3rd is also a screw the police too I suppose. They're brief but they do love to cram them in there. Stop wasting our time by trying to be this counter balance for politics you don't even like Caecus. Your time is nearly up so don't waste it on such garbage. The article is quite clear in what it pushes, there is no hiding it. You want to back them and argue that Christmas is a Trump white nationalist plot? Go ahead. The stupidity you'll be trying to push will alone destroy. You'd be better served agreeing with the mighty Roz that these people are off their heads. That way when you go, you can do so with your head held high. You challenged the Roz and predictably lost... but at least you gained further understanding of the world and will now be a wiser and better person. Don't go out as shamelessly as possible mate, not a good look.
  4. Ummm, well, I do remember reading a piece once on how Father Christmas being a white guy inflicts humiliation on non-white people and as such he needed to go. Remember folks, apparently you can not be represented by someone of a different race, nor connect with them in anyway for that matter if we're talking related matters.
  5. http://www.newsweek.com/how-trump-nazis-stole-christmas-promote-white-nationalism-755991 Good to see some people ain't going to let CNN take all the top awards in the Fake News genre. Admin better be careful with that snow in the Politics and War name in game. Some might think he is supporting Nazism.
  6. Hey now, TKR robbed me last time with that guy who went on to betray them like a week later so getting robbed this time by their rivals or whatever is all quite meh. There is no need for an award anyway, everyone knows the Roz is the best.
  7. Persona is so mainstream man. Anybody who knows SMT would be posting the below here.
  8. Voting? Interesting. Welcome to the forum mate.
  9. Hello there mate, welcome to the P&W forum.
  10. By these metrics I do believe this makes Roz Wei the most dynamic of all alliances considering that big repeated +50 boost for the wars. Thank you for bringing this to my attention brother Sketchy.
  11. Not a fan of the name personally. You're a NK member forming an alliance that basically has the same name as NK. Ultimately it promotes the thoughts in people's minds that if you're going to be aligned with NK and are so similar in name... why join off-brand NK when you can join NK? That sort of thing. Still, good luck to you. I'd not be discouraged by talk of not having a dozen people with you when starting the alliance. I started Roz Wei with just one other player (Mayor) and it went fine. It can certainly be done.
  12. The Islamic-Progressive alliance has been around for a good while now mate.
  13. It used to certainly unless my vision played up on me as that was why you got the underscore in the previous one where you were mentioned. It doesn't appear now though yeah.
  14. Kleon tells me that was supposed to be a joke... apologies.
  15. While Lordship had a distaste for the ugly men in his army, and all women, the elite forces he called in served their purpose. The Roz Wei forces, tired from a long campaign, outnumbered, outgunned, were attacked at Missourah and met great losses. Lordship himself sat with his army (at the back) and was pleased at the results they wrought, most pleased was he at LordRahl2 who with great rage struck at the Roz Wei troops, "this is for Hillary" he muttered often to the puzzlement of his soldiers. Lordship became sad when this was reported to him for Hillary was the name for a woman, but once informed by Hope that it was also a man's name he became somewhat cheerful. Kosmokenny who taunted the enemy, Lordship watched with great annoyance, only cracking a smile when Kosmokenny tripped, but no broke neck came of this and so the smile faded. Placentica no one could locate, perhaps he had died, perhaps he hadn't, no one was quite sure or looked enough into it to find out. Queen_M meanwhile had been barred from commanding her people in battle as Lordship, to her puzzlement was most angry at the action involving the cocks. Imploring her to show good will he demanded that she write, "I love cocks" 10,000 times. To everyone else such a thing was ridiculous, but Lordship saw nothing strange or controversial about loving cocks. Finally after a few days of fighting Brooklyn666's unit smashed into the Roz Wei defenses, who no longer able to stand began to flee in defeat. In celebration of this victory over the Roz Wei forces which had the Son of Heaven himself at it's head, Lordship had a great feast where he spoke. "Hahahaha! How I wish I could chase down and wipe this annoyance out... however I have more important things to do, far more important activities waiting for me at my Radiant Castle. Let him tremble in his lands, always waiting for that moment that I, Lordship, decide to pounce on his derriere with great vigour and speed. They say that we met many defeats but did we really? Greene was wealthy and had large armies, but money, as he found out when he died, does not buy class, it does not buy ability, it does not buy sense. We lost Victor Truchev but as Yui put it to me, of what worth were they to me? The Thot people are still around, even better so are the Cocks, so nothing was achieved there. So what of anything of worth did we really lose? He only did me a favour I would say by ridding me of the chaff I had around. We sit here in Missourah, this important fortress reclaimed. Showing that the Radiant Army will not be messed with any further. This message goes to that upstart Rozalia, but it also goes to any others out there who are thinking of rising against me. I Lordship command all under Heaven and any who go against me will meet defeat". *In Grillago* The Son of Heaven relaxed watching a play of his once mortal enemy Grillick. It was at the part where the actor playing the main role asked for the honeyed water, the money shot of the production so to speak. The servant responded that they had only bloody water, no honeyed, and out it came. The actor spat a torrent of blood and began to ham it up, falling all over the place in all manners of ways. Finally after twitching face down on the ground for a short while with his groin, he expired, to the great cheers of those in attendance. The tale of Grillick was very popular in Roz Wei, to the young and old both. The Roz sighed with it's end and spoke to no-one in particular. "Like how men must rest, armies too must rest. If the Heavens did not grant me ultimate victory over Lordship on this season then it will be because that is not in the celestial plan that we all follow. Not yet. Lordship can keep buggering in safety. For now..."
  16. Considering the supposed size of these virgins, cock or no cock, he wasn't going to be making much use of it anyway. There is a reason these virgins stay virgins forever, they are so big you'll need a cock the size of your entire body to penetrate that hymen.
  17. Nothing stopped you before. I remember when I was in Vanguard years back and would talk about Rose all the time.
  18. Wouldn't shock me if Grand Admiral Kastor controls this "Noobs Army" too. Anyway, interesting. Good luck to both parties going forward.
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