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Everything posted by Zoot

  1. You heard the man, Yoso, we're merging with Rose!
  2. Yes, I'd say it's safe to say someone is pretty pissed off right now...
  3. Because his failed attempts at trolling amuses me. Like the posts above and below yours. It's obvious that all he's really looking for is a reaction, so why not give him the opportunity to make an even bigger fool of himself? Of course one could argue that that isn't possible...
  4. Here is a guy that has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. Good going, Inst
  5. As a former member of FSA I can tell you that what was bad was, just about everything. Oh and before anyone asks me why I was a member, well it was because they let me do whatever the hell I wanted and the leadership was comically bad. So lets start with what I consider the worst: Their idea of forum security was literally to not tell people the link to their forum. Yes the forum was completely open to everyone and the only thing keeping spies away was them not knowing the address. This lead to a very comical situation when a member of BK found the link and tried to run for president of FSA... Moving on: The only requirement to be a member was that you join, the alliance was completely open and had no control of who joined and once you had joined you were pretty much left alone. No organized training, no guides (at least none that I recall), no aid. Basically the only difference between being unaligned was the meager protection being in a group brought and the fact that you had to pay taxes. To be honest, calling it an alliance might have been too much... Oh and then there is the fact that the first time someone jumped out and said "buh" the entire thing crumbled. FAKEDIT: Also Byron...
  6. The size of the alliance does not dictate when we can discuss things BUT Tiber didn't say we wouldn't speak to him, Tiber said he couldn't expect us to approach him. Anyways I reject your conclusion that this is resolved. If the op had simply said that the member in question had been expelled, then I would agree, but rather than doing that, he decided to throw around a couple of insults and try to play tough...
  7. Strum, can we claim Celestial Union? Pleeeeease
  8. So, it doesn't really make sense to continue to keep track of this, since most of the score changes on the not-DEIC side will be due to things unrelated to the war and me posting the changes to DEICs score seems pointless as it is readily available as a nice graph ingame already. So unless someone wishes to object, I'll discontinue the updates.
  9. So uhm, I have no clue who is still at war at this point so if someone could make me a list, that'd be great Also I don't have time to update this today, just so no one waits in wain. That of course means that there will be a double update tomorrow...unless the war ends, then I don't know if I can be bothered
  10. You know what time it is! UPN 65146 -> 62393 (-2753) DEIC 31791 -> 30819 (-972) EoS 7030 -> 6192 (-838) VE 98690 -> 99049 (359) Total losses: 4204 Score development: 202657 -> 198453 t$ 54268 -> 54370 (102) SK 45906 -> 45954 (48) TEst 18979 -> 19230 (251) Mensa 52549 -> 52299 (-250) Arrrgh 27328 -> 24892 (-2436) BK 47757 -> 47902 (145) TKR 32853 -> 33404 (551) InGen 16834 -> 16852 (18) TKP 12461 -> 12688 (227) tC 13149 -> 13218 (69) NOIR 12390 -> 12386 (-4) Alpha 54354 -> 53156 (-1198) Guardian 28216 -> 28235 (19) Total losses: 2458 Score development: 417044 -> 414586 And the graph: And for those who read this far: DEIC has now lost more than 2/3 of their score and Arrrgh have lost more than half of theirs.
  11. ...stats? UPN 68058 -> 65146 (-2912) DEIC 34819 -> 31791 (-3028) EoS 7334 -> 7030 (-304) VE 98569 -> 98690 (121) Total losses: 6123 Score development: 208780 -> 202657 t$ 54286 -> 54268 (-18) SK 45968 -> 45906 (-62) TEst 19237 -> 18979 (-258) Mensa 52051 -> 52549 (498) Arrrgh 28892 -> 27328 (-1564) BK 47666 -> 47757 (91) TKR 32092 -> 32853 (761) InGen 16009 -> 16834 (825) TKP 13314 -> 12461 (-853) tC 13199 -> 13149 (-50) NOIR 12390 -> 12390 (0) Alpha 55031 -> 54354 (-677) Guardian 28527 -> 28216 (-311) Total losses: 1618 Score development: 418662 -> 417044 And of course a graph: And for the first time in who knows how many days, we see an overall loss for the t$ side! Is this a sign that the tides of war are shifting? ...no
  12. No we haven't. Shut your (bagel-)hole! Oktoberfest is a silly name, especially if this thing ends up going into November.
  13. You know what time it is! It's stats time! UPN 71554 -> 68058 (-3496) DEIC 37450 -> 34819 (-2631) EoS 8275 -> 7334 (-941) VE 100052 -> 98569 (-1483) Total losses: 8551 Score development: 217331 -> 208780 t$ 54263 -> 54286 (23) SK 45904 -> 45968 (64) TEst 19090 -> 19237 (147) Mensa 52200 -> 52051 (-149) Arrrgh 29241 -> 28892 (-349) BK 47575 -> 47666 (91) TKR 31156 -> 32092 (936) InGen 15952 -> 16009 (57) TKP 13125 -> 13314 (189) tC 13152 -> 13199 (47) NOIR 12212 -> 12390 (178) Alpha 54427 -> 55031 (604) Guardian 28330 -> 28527 (197) Total gains: 2035 Score development: 416627 -> 418662 And the graph: We've now reached the point where team UPN is less than half the score of team t$.
  14. Today's stats are brought to you by...I don't know UPN 74308 -> 71554 (-2754) DEIC 40902 -> 37450 (-3452) EoS 8838 -> 8275 (-563) VE 100038 -> 100052 (14) Total losses: 6755 Score development: 224086 -> 217331 t$ 54161 -> 54263 (102) SK 45916 -> 45904 (-12) TEst 18934 -> 19090 (156) Mensa 52295 -> 52200 (-95) Arrrgh 29839 -> 29241 (-598) BK 47134 -> 47575 (441) TKR 30842 -> 31156 (314) InGen 16096 -> 15952 (-144) TKP 13155 -> 13125 ( -30) tC 13162 -> 13152 (-10) NOIR 12159 -> 12212 (53) Alpha 54043 -> 54427 (384) Guardian 28107 -> 28330 (223) Total gains: 784 Score development: 415843 -> 416627 GRAPH: I went with a darker green as requested by Sargun, hopefully it's easier to read
  15. Stats? UPN 79725 -> 74308 (-5417) DEIC 46284 -> 40902 (-5382) EoS 8673 -> 8838 (165) VE 99859 -> 100038 (179) Total losses: 10455 Score development: 234541 -> 224086 t$ 53913 -> 54161 (248) SK 45822 -> 45916 (94) TEst 18777 -> 18934 (157) Mensa 53012 -> 52295 (-717) Arrrgh 29672 -> 29839 (167) BK 46857 -> 47134 (277) TKR 30844 -> 30842 (-2) InGen 16350 -> 16096 (-254) TKP 13155 -> 13155 (0) tC 13228 -> 13162 (-66) NOIR 12019 -> 12159 (140) Alpha 54282 -> 54043 (-239) Guardian 27905 -> 28107 (202) Total...wait for it...GAINS: 7 Score development: 415836 -> 415843 And the graph: Today's "fun" fact: UPN have joined the 50% loss club.
  16. Zoot


    Uhm, you mean like the current war which you guys started for no reason?
  17. Stats tiemz! UPN 86116 -> 79725 (-6391) DEIC 53641 -> 46284 (-7357) EoS 10454 -> 8673 (-1781) VE 100434 -> 99859 (-575) Total losses: 16104 Score development: 250645 -> 234541 t$ 54695 -> 53913 (-782) SK 45826 -> 45822 (-4) TEst 18571 -> 18777 (206) Mensa 53089 -> 53012 (-77) Arrrgh 30102 -> 29672 (-430) BK 46470 -> 46857 (387) TKR 30441 -> 30844 (403) InGen 15669 -> 16350 (681) TKP 13063 -> 13155 (92) tC 13340 -> 13228 (-112) NOIR 12155 -> 12019 (-136) Alpha 54187 -> 54282 (95) Guardian 27711 -> 27905 (194) Total loss...oh wait! It's gains again: 517 Score development: 415319 -> 415836 And a graph: And 2 fun facts (well fun depending on which side you're on I guess): 1) UPN has now lost more score than the entire t$ side combined 2) DEIC has now lost more than half its score.
  18. Not no! Stats! UPN 89862 -> 86116 (-3746) DEIC 57949 -> 53641 (-4308) EoS 10373 -> 10454 (81) VE 99971 -> 100434 (463) Total losses: 7510 Score development: 258155 -> 250645 t$ 54590 -> 54695 (105) SK 45641 -> 45826 (185) TEst 17775 -> 18571 (796) Mensa 53446 -> 53089 (-357) Arrrgh 32185 -> 30102 (-2083) BK 46325 -> 46470 (145) TKR 29242 -> 30441 (1199) InGen 15575 -> 15669 (94) TKP 12869 -> 13063 (194) tC 13460 -> 13340 (-120) NOIR 12097 -> 12155 (58) Alpha 54177 -> 54187 (10) Guardian 27583 -> 27711 (128) Total losses...wait a minute! Total gains: 354 Score development: 414965 -> 415319 And a graph: And a little fun fact: Looking at the total losses for both sides the total losses for the UPN side are now more than twice the total losses for the t$ side.
  19. Stats? STATS! UPN 94314 -> 89862 (-4452) DEIC 61002 -> 57949 (-3053) EoS 9742 -> 10373 (631) VE 99913 -> 99971 (58) Total losses: 6816 Score development: 264971 -> 258155 t$ 53754 -> 54590 (836) SK 45272 -> 45641 (369) TEst 17024 -> 17775 (751) Mensa 53290 -> 53446 (156) Arrrgh 35800 -> 32185 (-3615) BK 46298 -> 46325 (27) TKR 29299 -> 29242 (-57) InGen 15622 -> 15575 (-47) TKP 12541 -> 12869 (328) tC 13459 -> 13460 (1) NOIR 12202 -> 12097 (-105) Alpha 53176 -> 54177 (1001) Guardian 27803 -> 27583 (-220) Total losses: 575 Score development: 415540 -> 414965 And a graph: I think that's about it
  20. And time for today's stats UPN 97682 -> 94314 (-3368) DEIC 63311 -> 61002 (-2309) BOC 44169 -> 42126 (-2043) EoS 9606 -> 9742 (136) VE 99717 -> 99913 (196) Total losses: 7388 Score development: 314485 -> 264971 Note: I've removed BoC from the total. t$ 52222 -> 53754 (1532) SK 45125 -> 45272 (147) TEst 16854 -> 17024 (170) Mensa 53755 -> 53290 (-465) Arrrgh 38550 -> 35800 (-2750) BK 47147 -> 46298 (-849) TKR 29444 -> 29299 (-145) InGen 15585 -> 15622 (37) TKP 12616 -> 12541 (-75) tC 13697 -> 13459 (-238) NOIR 12299 -> 12202 (-97) Alpha 52464 -> 53176 (712) Guardian 28227 -> 27803 (-424) Total losses: 2445 Score development: 417985 -> 415540 And a graph: Note: BoC has been removed from the graph numbers for the 23rd. Once again there have been no alliances added from the protectorate sideshow
  21. Stats time again UPN: 104522 -> 97682 (-6840) DEIC: 67002 -> 63311 (-3691) BOC: 45602 -> 44169 (-1433) EoS: 9934 -> 9606 (-328) VE: 99444 -> 99717 (+273) Total losses: 12019 Score development: 326504 -> 314485 t$: 50487 -> 52222 (+1735) SK: 44167 -> 45125 (+958) TEst: 15760 -> 16854 (+1094) Mensa: 53710 -> 53755 (+45) Arrrgh: 41837 -> 38550 (-3287) BK: 47908 -> 47147 (-761) TKR: 29699 -> 29444 (-255) InGen: 15844 -> 15585 (-259) TKP: 13029 -> 12616 (-413) tC: 13805 -> 13697 (-108) NOIR: 12623 -> 12299 (-324) Alpha: 51478 -> 52464 (+986) Guardian: 28788 -> 28227 (-561) Total losses: 1150 Score development: 419135 -> 417985 And a graph: Like yesterday I haven't added anyone from the UPN protectorate sideshow since it seems alliances join, withdraw and switch sides every few hours...
  22. Boooring Congrats on peace though EDIT: Needed more o's in boring
  23. The Refresh War - Because one side have spend most of their time refreshing in hopes of finding an open slot The Grape Juice War (if it hasn't already been suggested) - Because UPN got smashed and they're purple...
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