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Charles Bolivar

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Everything posted by Charles Bolivar

  1. I've always been more of a Nando's fan to be honest.
  2. That moment when your opponent eats a couple nukes and decides to sell half their infra 🤣
  3. No no no, I'm going to give you and rose the respect you deserve. Masterful FA there getting tS to enact your revenge. Respect +10 🤣
  4. Hey, I didn't say you were friends. I said 'manipulate.' A bit of a subtle difference there 🤣
  5. Heh, I've actually managed to do much the same rate of growth over the past year. 30ish days between city purchases along with project purchases and umm 3 wars? Or is it 4 now? 🤷‍♂️ I could have probably added another city or two for that matter but I decided to make a rather large stash for rebuilding purposes too. But yeah, 20-30 days is the standard time between city purchases in our tier. Whales see that extend a bit depending on build and all.
  6. I'm not making any argument. I'm instead saying Justin should actually read Hodor's post and address the points which Hodor raised before summarily dismissing Hodor's very relevant points. Guardian also operates differently than grumpy when it comes to economic policies aimed at encouraging upper tier growth. We have somewhat significantly high taxes (I'm paying 28% last I checked) but we get a good return for these same taxes with these taxes being invested back into city growth allowing for shorter turnaround time between city purchases. Compound growth is just grand. TKR I believe use an entirely different strategy, one which I believe still uses elements of an economic policy I implemented 4-5 years ago ( or they did anyway 18 months ago, I'm not sure if they still do use the same system which rewarded upper tier nations who invested in the alliance's bank with tax reductions). The point I'm making, is that there exist multiple strategies for dealing with the very real issue of retaining an upper tier in addition to growing it. But just using the same CB over and over again hoping for a military solution when the issue is primarily an economic one is just missing the point entirely. Every alliance naturally needs to devise a strategy which caters to their own needs, and you are correct in that Grumpy's FA approach is reflected in their econ strategy. But just taking the easy option of declaring war and hoping for the best when it's what, the 3rd or 4th time it's been tried with little success is just a fruitless endeavour with diminishing returns. This is particularly displayed to grumpy likely being able to rebuild within a week and start buying cities shortly after, whilst most alliances will still be rebuilding. War in this sense will only increase the tier disparity, not lessen it. Tldr: economic problems require economic solutions.
  7. You need to actually read what Hodor posted. No one claims Grumpy grew in a traditional manner. That's readily apparent to any and all and shouldn't even be a point of dispute. They aren't a traditional alliance, they are niche focused so it only makes sense they have a niche approach to growth. Grumpy's current upper tier growth, however, is based upon economic policies which cater specifically to whale and upper tier nations and in that sense, Hodor is a perfect example of why exactly larger nations migrate to Grumpy. The economic approach within most traditional AAs simply doesn't cater for the economic needs of larger nations which in turn leads to their eventual joining of Grumpy. So sure, most of Hodor's nation growth isn't an example as to why grumpy has a near dominance in the upper tier. But the reason he just provided, namely time between city purchases due to more efficient taxation, is itself part of the reason why the tier disparity exists and why larger nations join grumpy in the first place. If an alliance's upper tier is expected to foot the war and rebuild bill, often with little influence over the decision to go to war in the first place, then it's only natural and fair these same larger nations receive some sort of benefit gained via economic policy aimed specifically at ensuring their growth. And if this doesn't happen, you end up with a lagging upper tier growth, or larger nations who leave and go elsewhere. Not that any of this should be a surprise, it's been a factor of good Econ management for about half a decade at this point which every alliance has attempted to address via the implementation of economic policies.
  8. Oh? Were you waiting for me? That's nice 👍 No tantrum here lad. I accept my beatings when I get them. Heck, I even agree with the reasoning employed by tS in moving against a strategic threat. It was the same reasoning we used against tS last year after all (a reasoning I might add which you were very very salty about quite publicly but now seem fine with). What I do find amusing, however, is the semi-coherent moralist ramblings utilised in order to justify the CB. Partisan and I discussed this as being a failing of tS after the last time we engaged in hostilities and he openly admitted that a few of tS's gov had dropped the ball in this sense. He didn't mention any names but hey, he didn't really need to did he? Also, a quick shout out to Wana. You are doing a good job lad. I always knew you had it in you 👍
  9. Heh, truth be told I did contemplate sending a missile instead 🤣
  10. It's funny that you mention 20 days. That's about how long you lasted in NPOLT before giving up for the next 9 months only to show up at the end begging for a handout. I've seen newbs with less than 10 cities and no war chest put in a better effort than that 🤣 That being said however, I'm happy you are probably getting a win this war. It will be good for your confidence and I don't think anyone could survive another salty tantrum like we had to endure during the last war from yourself. I'm glad to see you pulled it together 👍
  11. Damn man, go easy on the kid. No need to burn the youngster alive 🤣
  12. Rest in peace lad. I barely knew you but I did enjoy our interactions as brief as they were.
  13. 🤣 You lot really have to get a new punchline. Come on boys and girls, you are better than this even if the talent pool is starting to dry up. I have faith in you. Steve defending tS? What alternate universe have I just stepped into? Or did it just take partisan to actually retire before such a miracle could come to pass? And yup, you lot sure stopped playing in a traditional manner. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=16235
  14. But you aren't preventing the consolidation of a whale tier. This is the 3rd or 4th time you have attempted it and if anything, going by the sheer numbers you brought to bear this time around, the disparity within the whale tier is only growing. You aren't going to address the disparity through military action. GG can rebuild nearly instantly whilst you cannot due to the specific nature of your own mass recruitment based alliances. You can try to keep us at war for months on end to maybe buy cities and catch up which is also a foolish notion since you only deepen the cost of your own rebuild whilst also ensuring your own sources of revenue are destroyed via missiles and nukes. This being particularly relevant in the upper tiers due to zeroed out whales no longer dropping out of your upper tier's range when their military score drops. The longer this war goes on the greater the disparity will eventually be when the war ends since GG, grumpy particularly, will rebuild within a week, whilst tS's whales will be funding the rebuild for middle and lower tier members for I dare say a few weeks at least. By the time that rebuild is over for tS, most of grumpy will have bought a new city already. And that is the real appeal of alliances such as grumpy, the fact that you don't comprehend that is also likely the reason for the disparity. Time is the only relevant currency in this game 👍 Also, my point about lower tier recruitment has absolutely nothing to do with war and Econ mechanics? 🤔 Not sure if you are deliberately attempting to strawman but it's more so pointing out the illogical absurdity of using tier disparities as a basis for enacting wars in the futile hope it will actually address the disparity. Outside of an alliance being kept at war for months on end or being forced to disband, military action to rectify tier imbalances simply doesn't work. And well, tS simply doesn't have the FA capital to attempt either of these two choices. But hey, come back to me a month after this war ends and I will get to say I told you so 👍
  15. Like what is there to counter? Grumpy have specialised their Econ so as to be able to recover pretty quickly. They only have larger nations to rebuild, and it's well known that larger nations can rebuild themselves a lot quicker than smaller nations can. Plus grumpy don't have to worry about rebuilding an alliance full of smaller players. None of this is exactly news. Plus, GG having half the whales has nothing to do with previous wars against other spheres. Whales naturally gravitate towards GG, grumpy in particular, because of the specific economic policies in place within these alliances which are more beneficial for whale growth and post war rebuilds. An alliance that specialises in whales and implements Econ policies designed solely for whales somehow attracts and grows whales. Shocking stuff I know. If you want to become more competitive in the whale tier, implement economic policies which not only grow whales, but attract them. It's pretty clear that going to war over it isn't going to help address this disparity because it's the 3rd or 4th time the same CB of 'they have too many whales' has been used. Yet the disparity still exists. Imagine the reversal of this, if GG declared war on alliances which actively recruited newer nations and geared their policies towards building up newer players,and somehow justified it by saying all these recruited nations outnumbered GG's own much smaller count of new nations. It would be utterly ridiculous. Tldr: basically GG suck because they know how to provide better Econ for whales. 🤷‍♂️
  16. Why wait for the next war when the salt from the beating we gave them last year still covers the very ground we walk on. Salt I might add, which was in response to the reasoning we employed during that war, the same reasoning they have now utilised. There truly is no better form of flattery than imitation.
  17. Harvard please. And I dare say the days where applicants will write out 1000 words for entry have long since passed. Heck, how many AAa still even use forums?
  18. Did you just copy and paste someone's essay from the old TOP application process? I still remember mine having something to do with the history of the early Roman Catholic Church. Bit of a common theme here I think...🤔
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