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Everything posted by HeroofTime55

  1. This is what they did in CN, with political savvy, they came back by allying with some of the meatiest top-tier alliances around. NPO always used to be a political force to be reckoned with. I am guessing the problem here is that they burned all those bridges and put all their chips on a cheating farm, which is now gone. NPO could recover and take over the game again if they really wanted to, if the rest of us let them. But we should remember forever their toxic attitudes, objectives, and methods.
  2. It "wasn't an issue" because you WERE NOT FORTHRIGHT WITH HIM ABOUT THE FULL EXTENT OF YOUR ACTIONS. I don't know what you don't get about that. Except I do, because you do get it, this is just more lies and propaganda from NPO.
  3. Forum Name: Duke Arthur Profile: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/profile/2442-duke-arthur/
  4. You are actually delusional.... NPO couldn't win without hosting a cheating ring. I suggest you read the 29-page report that lays all the evidence out. The only problem is that the hammer should have been brought down 5 months ago. You're sad that Alex didn't look the other way when the rule-breaking and cheating was made obvious to him. The ending to this war was a disappointment that nobody wanted, but that is NPO's fault and nobody else's.
  5. As someone who actually loves to read GOONS shitposts, I hope this happens with frequency. The GoonPA thing is hilarious, I love it, and I love that they're doing something interesting instead of being crybabies like 70% of their [former?] allies.
  6. You apparently have not been kept in the loop on your leadership's publicly stated intents.
  7. I didn't realize it was comedy hour. At any rate, glad you'll still be on the target lists!
  8. 1) No, not everyone is cheating, NPO's ring was well known and the hammer finally was brought down on it. There's some arguments around Baseball manipulation elsewhere, but they are nowhere near as clear cut and dry as this incident. 2) Absolutely not. It was an NPO specialty by the looks of it. 3) Yes, I think it was, given by the fact that I would have liked to see firmer punishment and the other side is saying it was too harsh, odds are it was probably fair. 4) We all are.
  9. Key word you're missing in those rules champ, "Or Goods." The comic clearly was an outside-the-game good used as a carrot to keep people maintaining inactive resource farms. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics required to ignore this basic and obvious reality. As for "he didn't have to..." Again, NPO made that decision for him by failing to be forthright. If NPO laid out the full scope and scale of their actions, he probably would have told them, at the beginning, no you can't do that, or later, stop. It is the fact that NPO sought, until the end, and even after the hammer was brought down, to deny the truth of what they were doing. It is the duplicity that got NPO leadership banned, more than the cheating scheme itself. And do we really believe we wouldn't be seeing the same outrage from the cheaters if Alex politely told them they had to stop now? Do we really believe that?
  10. It was for the good of the community, as their prick leaders are trying to make the rank and file delete all their years of hard work. These members need to be reached out to and made to know that they don't have to delete.
  11. You know, if you ignore the blatant cheating.
  12. That might have been the result if NPO was forthright in what they were doing. But as the evidence lays out, they were not, they attempted to hide the full scope of their conspiracy, almost as if they knew it was wrong.
  13. A search in game for "Tapatios" yields no results, nor does "Who is Asking," nor is there nation named "Deleted." The forum user has no in-game presence. (Commenting under the "third party with specific evidence" rule, I hope I am understanding that correctly)
  14. On the contrary to your name, I fully expected character attacks. It's the only thing you have left, after discovering that the admin of this game is not going to simply rubber stamp your cheating as the CN admin did.
  15. Please, I can't wait for the game-killing cancer that is NPO to leave. You're the one party in this who should never get peace. Your toxic community is the one and only one that needs to be forcibly removed from this game. Your scheme failed, and the game is not an empty husk, but it is so very much ALIVE because you failed. We should not forget NPO's objectives of forced disbandment and running unfavored individuals out of the game, nor their progress towards those objectives over the past 6 months on the back of a wide scale cheating operation. Now, you will reap what you have sown.
  16. Forum Name: Cinomoo Link to Profile: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/profile/8031-cinomoo/ They deleted ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
  17. Yeah, NPO owes them some chineese cartoons. If the leaders who were all in on this cheat all rage quit, it will save us the trouble of hunting them down and destroying them, in my estimation, so more power to them. What's disgusting is them trying to get their rank and file to follow them and delete. Perhaps a mass messaging campaign is in order to some of these alliances that are currently encouraging their rank and file members to mass delete. Give them the evidence packet, it speaks for itself. Let them know their leaders are lying to them and they shouldn't have to sacrifice their years of hard work (and in many cases, financial contributions). Let them know that we agree that it sucks how the war ended, but that Alex had no other choice, as to do nothing would be a decision to allow cheating. The core objective should be to get the truth out to vulnerable rank and file members.
  18. For posterity, meaning, after you don't delete. Gotcha.
  19. I get enough junk calls as it is, thanks. Delete. But you won't. It's just posturing. You're not going anywhere. Sadly.
  20. Most of them aren't going to leave, it's mostly just posturing. The only kind of person who's going to leave is probably some poor guy who doesn't understand what's going on, clicking "delete nation" because one of these prick "leaders" told them to. So I have zero respect for those who are still here announcing to everyone that they're going to delete, and then staying to see who cares. They should just delete instead of trying to drag other people with them.
  21. I don't know if you ever played CN. Or, apparently, Lunar Wars. I apparently made a name for myself there as well, which amuses me greatly because I don't remember frickall about that game. But thanks, now delete.
  22. I'm fresh in this game, so I'm going to stay put and build. I regret not joining the game sooner to get a few more rounds off with GOONS, I was hoping to win this thing in a few months of attrition, and it does suck how it went down, even if in my view Alex had no real choice, it still sucks to see a war end like this. Just going to start building though, because this game is way better than the current state of CN.
  23. This is absolutely the truth, and I think the vast majority of the members of these alliances are going to tell their "leaders" to frick off and they're going to keep playing the game. And probably half or more of the players loudly announcing they're going to quit, absolutely are not going to do so either. They just want to whine and posture.
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