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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I went through the list of players with the highest post counts and just kind of pick and chose, it's really just a for fun thing. I'll probably add more as time goes on.
  2. Nah, the point is that they can't be traded, otherwise they'd all go to the largest nations because they have the most to gain from a flat percentage increase and they'd pay the most, and that would just make it silly. If you want to "negotiate" them, I imagine it'd be something like, "we're going to take your treasure, and you're going to deal with it." I think you'd replace Cynic as the most hated man if I took away every bonus
  3. If I comment and then lock the thread, do I get $1,000,000?
  4. The odds of you receiving one is slim to none. I'm not sure what the range is exactly off the top of my head, but their are only 30 of them and they spawn in a score range of medium tier nations. You're one of some 4000+ nations, the odds of you getting one (even x30) is incredibly low.
  5. Eh, like I said, people will gripe about reduced income, but in my opinion this change has been a good one thus far. People are upset, and perhaps eyeing each other with some animosity over the treasures
  6. When you're writing an in-game message, you should see a list of emoji buttons underneath the main text area. Click on one and it's code will be inserted into your message, and when the message is viewed the emoji will be displayed.
  7. It was announced on the forums 3 days ago: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/9035-incoming-change-to-color-stock-bonus/
  8. Now that's just not true at all. This has been worked on over the course of several weeks, tested for several days without issues, and obviously no one is happy about losing some income but I'm interested in what's best for the game, not just your nation.
  9. I was actually going to post something along these lines, thanks for doing it for me Yes, the griping about your incomes is to be expected, and again, this isn't about creating wars. Yes, color stock bonus was shot to shit. But now there's Alliance Treasure Bonuses that are entirely uncapped. I have stripped away this forced "equality" that color stock bonus gave you all, and replaced with with an equality of opportunity. Every alliance has the opportunity to get a treasure. It just depends how bad you want it. You could try and negotiate for them, go to war for them, whatever you want, but in the end you all have the same chance. Instead of griping at me to make all the alliances equal, let's try having you all figure it out for yourselves. Let there be winners and losers, and let's see some more interesting gameplay. That'd drop incomes even more, you'd be more hated than Cynic But really, that's almost what this suggestion does. It got rid of the "free" Color Stock Bonus like Cynic stated in his post.
  10. I responded to your PM, but no, this update did not affect Commerce. All of your cities are currently unpowered; that's why your commerce is at 0%. You need power to operate your commerce improvements.
  11. I didn't create the images, and there wasn't a white bear :/ brown was the best I could do.
  12. Probably not the right type of comment for a Tech Support thread, but: As I've stated previously, this isn't about creating war. It's just tying up a couple of loose ends, and giving treasures more of a value while simplifying the color stock bonus system.
  13. There are some extra hidden emoji codes as well, that will turn into images but aren't listed
  14. My apologies, I missed one small step in updating things and the old formulas were being displayed. All better now. Just a matter of caching the CSS page. Try an F5 refresh. They're not supposed to be large like you're seeing them.
  15. Hey everyone! Here's a great enhancement to the game, tying up a couple of loose ends and improving the game mechanics as a whole. This change is in regard to Color Stock Bonus, and a new bonus that's been added called the Alliance Treasure Bonus. Both have great, informative P&WPedia articles that you can read if you have any questions about either. Now let me explain this change: Under this new system, Color Stock Bonus has one variable that increases it, and one variable that decreases it. What increases your color stock bonus is the number of treasures held by nations on a color. For each treasure held by a nation on a color, that color sees a 1% increase in Color Stock Bonus. This is capped at a maximum of 10%. For example, if there are 5 treasures held on the Yellow color, then Yellow has a gross Color Stock Bonus of 5%. There is a penalizing factor to Color Stock Bonus, and that's the number of alliances (with a score greater than the largest nation in the game) on that color, less one. For each qualifying alliance after the first one, a -0.5% penalty comes into effect. Here's the formula for all of this: Color Stock Bonus = MAX(MIN((Treasures on Color/100),.1) - ((Qualifying Alliances-1) * 0.005),0) So, if Yellow has 5 treasures, and 3 qualifying alliances, they have a Color Stock Bonus of (5*1)-((3-1)*0.5) = 4% It's a simple and straightforward system. Now, that we know how a Color Stock Bonus is calculated, who receives the bonus? Nations that receive this bonus (to their gross income) are: Nations not in an alliance that have that color Nations that have that color and are in an alliance of the same color An example of a nation that would not get a Color Stock Bonus is a yellow nation in a green alliance. They get neither the yellow Color Stock Bonus, nor the green Color Stock Bonus. Beige nations always get a 5% bonus regardless of whether they're in an alliance or not. Gray nations never receive any bonus. --- Okay, great, so you understand how Color Stock Bonus has been changed. However, that's not the whole picture. There's a new bonus that's been added as well: Alliance Treasure Bonus For each nation in an alliance that holds a treasure, all nations (not including applicants) in the alliance will receive an income bonus directly proportional to the number of Treasures held. The formula for this is: Alliance Treasure Bonus = (Treasures In Alliance) * 2 Each Treasure increases the bonus by 2%. There is no cap on this bonus. So, for an example, Alliance A has 3 nations with 1 treasure each. Their Alliance Treasure Bonus is 6%. All nations in Alliance A that are on the same color as their alliance (not including applicants) receive a 6% bonus to their income. Beige and Gray nations get no Alliance Treasure Bonus. --- On the revenue page, both of these bonuses are displayed, and a new row called "Cumulative Bonus" has been added to see the total bonus you receive to your income. I also have hidden the Approval Rating change listed on the Revenue page, though it still exists. For more information on each of these Bonuses, I've written up P&WPedia articles: Alliance Treasure Bonus and Color Stock Bonus --- Treasures still provide a nation bonus like before, and are transferred between nations when one nation is defeated in war. Half of the 30 treasures automatically respawn every 30 days in new nations. --- Also of note, we've got some neat emojis you can now use in your in-game messages, as well as a fancy Halloween themed logo! Enjoy!
  16. Let's just put a stop to this already and let this thread get buried, forever.
  17. No bug, the game is working just fine: 10/09 11:40 am Good job! Vincent Marchinetti of Divinum has been playing for at least two weeks and has reached a score of 30+! You have received $1,500,000 and 50 steel, aluminum, gasoline, and munitions for your work getting a new Politics & War player!
  18. Alex


    That's how it's supposed to work, it should only happen every 20 trades or so.
  19. Also, if you'll notice:
  20. I think we're far enough down in the thread for me to say that this is a joke. If that's wasn't apparent already (I seriously hope that it was.)
  21. yes i will be retiring him within 24 hours, iwill put a permenent ban on the account so every one knows he realyl doesnt exist anymore
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