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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/21 in all areas

  1. So a few months ago we had the pleasure of getting nation description boxes, most people did in fact not like them, i still despise them suckers. But they were gone. Untill yesterday, when the fire nation attacked and they are back (without notice i think?). Can we please: Not have boxes with a scroll bar on our nation page. (so like they were untill like two days ago). OR Have the option to remove them in our personal settings. I am perpetually scrolling on nations but not going down because I am going down in nation descriptions instead. I am extremely This is a stupid subject which I am far too opinionated about, please remove them again. I beg you Alex. Thanks in advance.
    2 points
  2. Treaty Web and my arbitrary sphere divisions circa 2021 Minispheres moving forward So many people are probably in the same position as me. Wondering about the future, looking at their own corner of the world, and trying to calculate how to come out on top. This is a great thing. We need people ambitiously seeking their own self-interests in this game, but that ambition must be tempered. Competition is what drives politics, the community, player activity, and overall our fun in PnW. So the question for the longest time has been "How do we foster competition?" The answer has always been "a multi-polar world." Why is a multi-polar world even worth it? Many players are too young to even know what PnW was like just a few years ago. We lived in a Bipolar world and we'd been living in one for over a decade going back before this iteration of nationsim even started. Two sides, permanently destined to fight arbitrarily as boredom peaked. Politics were extremely stale, the slightest change in sphere composition being the highlight of the year. Competition effectively did not exist, often people would go inactive for months waiting for their annual curbstomp either winning or losing. Things did slowly start to change though, despite the efforts of some stuck in the past and saturated with paranoia. Minispheres as a concept began years ago and for a long time was a corner-ideology shared by few. You could've chalked it up with the paperless crowd who wanted to kill treaties altogether, except some people actually bought into paperless while minispheres was mostly laughed off. Now, through design or coincidence, we finally have what I would definitively call a true multi-polar world. So why does a multi-polar world mean competition is inherently better fostered? Well, frankly, it doesn't. While the official treaties and mega-blocs of bygone eras may have disappeared, the habits and thought processes of the individual players have held a little more firm. We've been seeing it over the past couple of years: Almost the entire game uniting against Quack, Quack overrunning the Swamp, Oasis/Mystery Inc jumping in to defend Rose against Hollywood, and now t$/Rose teaming up against TKR/GG. The idea of bipolarity in theory is gone, but in practice we've still seen it effectively every war. Overwhelming force being brought to bear against the unfortunate target. It is my personal theory that we cannot go on like this. If this is the attitude the player continues to hold towards war, then bipolarity will return in true form as everyone seeks security from a world where warfare is either complete victory or total loss. I also personally think this would be a great loss for politics as a whole. I think multi-polar politics opens the door for much more activity, fun, and just generally gives more potential for what can happen. Which is why I think we need to protect it. How do we protect our multi-polar world from returning to a bipolar stagnant state? Firstly, I think we need to seriously rethink our collective war doctrines when it comes to major conflicts. Overwhelming force breeds bland and uninteresting fights as well as stagnant politics moving forward. It leaves a bored victor and a disillusioned victim. If every global involves every minisphere, how does that differ at all from the bipolar world of 2007-2019? Secondly, I think we need to continue pushing the idea of what constitutes a minisphere even further. We should make active efforts to not remain stagnant nor let others remain stagnant under our protections. This is a political game and really only a handful of alliances even play the politics while the rest sit for years in the same sphere, quiet as the grave. I think shuffling allies every now and then, at a reasonable pace not at any kind of breakneck speed, is necessary to flush out the muck that contributes to stagnancy over time. I know not everyone will agree with everything I've written here, and I will be the first to admit that most of what I've said are generalities with plenty of exceptions that make sense. Hopefully though enough people will agree with the sentiment and we can take the foundations we've laid as a community and use them to propel PnW into a new golden age of activity, fun, and interesting politics. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  3. I dont really feel like writing a long philosophical essay on this so ill just put it straight. I believe alliances should have the option to tax manufactured goods(steel, aluminum, gas, munitions, food) and leave the raw materials(coal, oil, iron, bauxite, lead) alone. Some alliances have no real use of keep fat amounts of raws but need manufactured items on hand. Thank you that is all
    1 point
  4. Hey Everyone! So I recently came up with an idea, I believe it is a good one however some of the leaders may not cause of there precious tax farms. However, despite New Pacific Order no longer being a player in the game I have a proposal to the community. When nations are blockaded, they can't trade. This is common sense. But when they are blockaded, they can pay taxes. Transferring there nations revenue to the alliance bank even resources. My Idea TL;DR = Make Blockaded Nations not be able to pay taxes. (Sounds worse than it sounds)
    1 point
  5. This was a fun project, but due to changing political circumstances, I am no longer accepting new clients.
    1 point
  6. If a feature like this was added you might want something to restrict how fast people can destroy and replace slots to prevent players just changing their entire build to fortifications in literal seconds. (Maybe make it so the longer they have been built the more effective they are, up to a certain cap)
    1 point
  7. 9/17/2021 Report: I have currently serviced 3 clients, nuking 3 targets in the process. $70,542,235.60 in infra has been destroyed. 526,367 people have been turned into shadows and ghosts. Improvements vaporized includes a farm, a subway, 2 supermarkets, a factory, and an oil well.
    1 point
  8. I've been looking into it, but I don't see any real evidence that anyone is using scripts here. And what purpose would there be to "block" raid targets? Just because you are not seeing them advertise in the game does not mean that they are not advertising, nor does it mean they are fake players. Numerous groups of players have joined Politics & War throughout the years who have moved over from outside communities. If they have some other community it would make sense that they are both doing more than the average player and joining an alliance without being recruited. The level of sophistication that these "bots" would have to have just to block some of your raid targets would be extraordinary. It just doesn't add up. Have you talked to anyone in this alliance to ask about where their new players are coming from? Perhaps just a single conversation could shed some light and clear things up for you.
    1 point
  9. Here's a crazy idea, how about when you destroy infrastructure, it actually stops things from working.
    0 points
  10. make it only 2 def war slots all war end in beige bring back old ground control. rn you can just use tanks to take out the enemy airforce without any aircraft, which is just !@#$ed. air attacks are kinda useless rn. wanna kill planes? use tanks. wanna kill soldiers and tanks? use tanks. wanna kill ships, ok NOW use planes. naval battle are useless, except for 1-naval beige rush. too expensive. reduce muni/gas usage. for spies, just reduce them by 1/2. aka max spies is 25, w/cia its 30. that way its doesnt take 5 years to rebuild spy count.
    0 points
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