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Event Rewards


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So we just saw an event that was part of our game for quite a while, both in game and out here on the forum. I am of course talking about the Donald so I thought why not commemorate this great event we've all been part of. We had the lovely Trump ads which have RETURNED! (and there was much rejoicing) which helped fund the game as while PB may not have been buying them all with actual money it was getting bought off people who did, and there was my glorious feud with the former top heel LordRahl2 (where I went over and became the undisputed #1 Poster), and a lot more... nothing has quite touched our hearts and imagination like Trump.


So it can be in project form (doesn't count for cap), an award, or a whole brand new feature. For the winners, the fun people who have made this so great such as the Roz, Princess Bubblegum, Clarke, Octavius, and others they can receive a reward for coming out on top in this event. For example:


THE WALL!/Great Wall of Trump/something wall related

Effect: Reduce crime by 2.5% in every city.


Effects should of course be small and likely you want to have a cap on how many of these event rewards can be on at once (3-6 seems good).

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Another effect: The cost of all goods bought on the open market by those who have "The Wall", will pay 25-50% more due to the high tariffs placed upon all imported items!


I think your political commentary is unhelpful. Though to be fair an effect whereupon whenever you buy the game takes 25% extra off you and gives you 25% extra when you sell is interesting as an effect... its very open to abusing to generate loads of free cash. The effect would be limited to very little bit but regardless.

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I think your political commentary is unhelpful.




I guess it's good thing I don't give a shit what you think or my feelings might really be hurt right now.....you....you.....big mean guy!!!!


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We should also have a decision called "Brexit" for those in the UK.


-50% commerce due to stock markets crashing everywhere.


But for real though, if there was any events that deserve rewards. It was the Jurassic Park theme that Alex had going.

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I guess it's good thing I don't give a shit what you think or my feelings might really be hurt right now.....you....you.....big mean guy!!!!


I post political discussion in the correct area, while this here is not the correct area. Do not worry, the Roz only grows stronger when called mean words.


We should also have a decision called "Brexit" for those in the UK.


-50% commerce due to stock markets crashing everywhere.


But for real though, if there was any events that deserve rewards. It was the Jurassic Park theme that Alex had going.


That event is too major and would imply it would be a blanket malus across the entire game which is simply too powerful.  


It also isn't an event as it got little traction on here compared to that involving Trump which has been a big part of our game for a long time now. In fact if not for Trump the game would have been shut down ages ago for lack of funding so the Admin should do the correct thing and honour Mr Trump. I warn that if this lack of respect gets back to the Donald then he will not be a happy man and that has... consequences. 

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Bring back Rahl 2016!


Mans two modes of existence can be thought of as his light and dark side. He is either the Protector or the Ravager. The Immovable Object or the Unstoppable Force.


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So we just saw an event that was part of our game for quite a while, both in game and out here on the forum. I am of course talking about the Donald so I thought why not commemorate this great event we've all been part of. We had the lovely Trump ads which have RETURNED! (and there was much rejoicing) which helped fund the game as while PB may not have been buying them all with actual money it was getting bought off people who did, and there was my glorious feud with the former top heel LordRahl2 (where I went over and became the undisputed #1 Poster), and a lot more... nothing has quite touched our hearts and imagination like Trump.


So it can be in project form (doesn't count for cap), an award, or a whole brand new feature. For the winners, the fun people who have made this so great such as the Roz, Princess Bubblegum, Clarke, Octavius, and others they can receive a reward for coming out on top in this event. For example:


THE WALL!/Great Wall of Trump/something wall related

Effect: Reduce crime by 2.5% in every city.


Effects should of course be small and likely you want to have a cap on how many of these event rewards can be on at once (3-6 seems good).



I post political discussion in "whatever area I !@#$ -ing want too", while this here is not the correct area. Do not worry, the Roz only grows stronger when called mean words.




It also isn't an event as it got little traction on here compared to that involving Trump which has been a big part of our game for a long time now. In fact if not for Trump the game would have been shut down ages ago for lack of funding so the Admin should do the correct thing and honour Mr Trump. I warn that if this lack of respect gets back to the Donald then he will not be a happy man and that has... consequences. 

Fixed that for ya.  No worries though.......just like the bum himself.....you say one thing, then come back later with a completely different story.....are you sure you're not a relation to him?


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Fixed that for ya.  No worries though.......just like the bum himself.....you say one thing, then come back later with a completely different story.....are you sure you're not a relation to him?


There is nothing political in this suggestion, it references an event that was political but I'm not bringing it forward due to politics. Your response however quite clearly was due to politically being a loser thereby dragging this very ugly behaviour into these proceedings.

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suggesting that there should be an improvement/project or whatever called 'the great wall of trump' and attributing it to a good/desired thing like -2.5% crime is effectively saying that the wall donald trump promises to build (one of his key platforms) will be a good thing. transitive property and whatnot. you may not have intended to make this a political statement but it could easily be read that way.

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suggesting that there should be an improvement/project or whatever called 'the great wall of trump' and attributing it to a good/desired thing like -2.5% crime is effectively saying that the wall donald trump promises to build (one of his key platforms) will be a good thing. transitive property and whatnot. you may not have intended to make this a political statement but it could easily be read that way.


A fair point certainly, however to have a project/reward/whatever it'll be called that gives a malus would be a very odd thing. By definition of how these things go it has to give a plus of some sort. Due to the game having no immigration or ethnic system of any kind you can't really model an effect in relation to that, only crime and a population loss really translate... ummm, I suppose if an illegal immigration mechanic was introduced then you could throw that income malus in there (with the crime reduction). Something like 5% of the pop you have are illegal immigrants and so either don't pay tax or you could have them be worth only 50% income and increasing crime by 5%. The Wall could then half that pop (so you'll have 2.5% illegals) but the upside is you you get your crime rate reduced so don't need as many police stations (and if they don't pay tax then its a straight up bonus).


And no, no one post the whole "Illegals commit less crimes" nonsense in here, keep that out of the discussion of mechanics please.

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There is nothing political in this suggestion, it references an event that was political but I'm not bringing it forward due to politics. Your response however quite clearly was due to politically being a loser thereby dragging this very ugly behaviour into these proceedings.

WTF!?!  Nothing political......references an event that was political......I'm not bringing it forward due to politics.  Your lips are puckered so tightly around Trump's baby-maker that it's creating a vacuum and causing your brain to implode.  You sound just like him.....now you don't even contradict yourself in different posts.....you do it in the same one! 


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A fair point certainly, however to have a project/reward/whatever it'll be called that gives a malus would be a very odd thing.


indeed, but that wasn't my point. having the great wall of trump make income go down by 5% would still be a political statement since it is labeled/attributed to a political figure. or having a 'hillary email' event that makes the approval rating go down by 20% is still a commentary on the political landscape. a proposed game mechanic and political commentary are not mutual exclusive ideas and it is very difficult (at least in my mind) to fully separate those two ideas while trying to suggest something that mimics a real life political event.




And no, no one post the whole "Illegals commit less crimes" nonsense in here, keep that out of the discussion of mechanics please.


no one had mentioned this until this until your line which is again political by nature. i have no skin in the game either way - i could care less about politics - but immigration/walls has been a political hottopic in today's social ecosystem. comments, again even if unintended, that walls are good and immigrants commit less crime is 'nonsense' is effectively a political position. in the end though i dont really care if these are political or not or where you post these. i do find it amusing that you are trying to tell people not to make political statements by making a political statement though

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WTF!?!  Nothing political......references an event that was political......I'm not bringing it forward due to politics.  Your lips are puckered so tightly around Trump's baby-maker that it's creating a vacuum and causing your brain to implode.  You sound just like him.....now you don't even contradict yourself in different posts.....you do it in the same one! 


No. The great adstorm of PB and BKs counter storm, mine and others wonderful clashes with others on here, and all the talk that went on while dealing with politics are not political themselves. The game has never had an event like it and may well not get one like it again.


I would ask that you calm down. I get that while you have in the past pretended to not have any dog in the fight... that is clearly a lie and you are angry you lost, and lost big league. Please do get over it mate, its only 8 years.



indeed, but that wasn't my point. having the great wall of trump make income go down by 5% would still be a political statement since it is labeled/attributed to a political figure. or having a 'hillary email' event that makes the approval rating go down by 20% is still a commentary on the political landscape. a proposed game mechanic and political commentary are not mutual exclusive ideas and it is very difficult (at least in my mind) to fully separate those two ideas while trying to suggest something that mimics a real life political event.



no one had mentioned this until this until your line which is again political by nature. i have no skin in the game either way - i could care less about politics - but immigration/walls has been a political hottopic in today's social ecosystem. comments, again even if unintended, that walls are good and immigrants commit less crime is 'nonsense' is effectively a political position. in the end though i dont really care if these are political or not or where you post these. i do find it amusing that you are trying to tell people not to make political statements by making a political statement though


Who said anything about a Hillary Email event? I suppose perhaps the name gives you the wrong impression... landmark maybe might be better. Also seems you're not understanding that this is not to commemorate Donald Trump's victory, but the added income, fun, and activity the Trump Train on here gave the game. Speaking of thats another thing beyond the wall it could be, the Trump Train which is always on time I'll have you know, under budget and ahead of schedule too.


I did it preemptively because quite clearly the tone being used by some on here is very strong and would be very likely to jump on that, something I have seen before and have no patience to be dealing with when this is game suggestions.

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