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Torin Tbomb

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Everything posted by Torin Tbomb

  1. anyone remember when I called this way back when? Well, here you go. Feast your eyes upon my predictions.
  2. Oh, that thing... You mean a shittier Steps To War that's more like P&W with slightly enhanced graphics? At least from what we've seen of Steps To War. Sorry, but it's all over for Alex if he doesn't reverse this. I mean, dear god, he was warned in February, and he knew THEN, that this would happen. Now his solution is to screw up P&W even more.
  3. I said in the February update about inflation issues that would arise from it and Alex didn't listen to me then. So now, when the consequences come to stare him right in the face, he makes another (swear words are censored now, really?!!) "messed" up update. Like the gif says, some men just like to watch the world burn. Thank god for Steps To War. Alex, you've gone senile, just saying. https://discord.gg/4V2Znzd https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/reverse-the-update.html
  4. https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19438-vault-111-the-most-raid-worthy-alliance-in-pw/ Don't you agree Sir Zhen and Sir Gabranth?
  5. http://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=212561 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=212420 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=212108 http://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=211956 Panalumbia, June 1944: Götterdämmerung With armies closing in from all directions, all signs are that the Panalumbian country is collapsing, though it is not yet powerless to defend itself. The war is far from over, the ending not yet written... In Africa, the Panalumbian perimeter at Gran Ciudad was finally breached in May 1943, and a surrender secured. On the eastern front, the frustrating and costly defeat of a Panalumbian summer offensive at Azor has surrendered the momentum of battle on the eastern front to Cogonia, and the Cogonians continue to push the Panalumbians back toward El Porato. The former Europeanian frontier was first crossed in January 1944, and the reconquest of the rest of the Europeania continued. The borders between combatants have nearly returned to where they were before the Panalumbian invasion in 1941. Allied strategic bombers have stepped up their devastating attacks upon Axis targets in Panalumbia. And now, the Allied armies have also returned to Ramostan by landing on the beaches at Ahai. It was a costly venture, but they’ve established a beachhead. It is not yet secure. To survive, they must capture more seaports, which will allow desperately needed supplies to flow in and fuel the breakout. Yet, time may be running out, because the Panalumbian secret weapons program is bearing fruit. Buzz bombs and V-2 Rockets are pummeling Humilytian cities, jet fighters are beginning to regain some of the advantage they’d lost against the Allied bomber formations, and Panalumbian heavy water experiments, which might lead them to build an atomic bomb, may or may not have been successfully sabotaged. Will the Allies liberate Ramostan soon? Will they reach the Centrum River, and press on beyond it? Who will reach El Porato first?
  6. What is this? This is NOT Concord and I don't even know who the founder is. Oh well, we had plans for this.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylyqoxh-cXk The VE Civil War in a nutshell.
  8. yes, although you have it backwards: Andrew at the time raided them for planning to raid us.
  9. Of course Arrgh needs to be in that comic too. The theme can't end now haha.
  10. Ripper, add Union of Knights raid on Paragon lol. We need a comic on it. I don't know if you know anything about it though lol. I don't care if it's about the raids, but we need a Paragon comic lol. Make it as stupid as possible, that's the fun of them. Maybe about Chola abandoning protection or some other event lol
  11. Paragon is not willing to offer any support until we understand wtf is actually going on here. ________________________________________________________________________
  12. We are NOT the Bloc my friend. The bloc is a totally different entity. We're a mere alliance. Not an alliance of alliances. and no we are not insulting anything. Just advising you we aren't the bloc.
  13. What reasons? I've never heard of this alliance before not to mention done anything towards them. Again, it's probably a joke or mistake.
  14. But why us? Paragon (the alliance, not bloc) is completely worthless to raid. We also aren't even in their range I honestly think this is a huge mistake by The Knights Templar.
  15. Are they declaring on the bloc? Are they sure they know who they're declaring on. Because someone needs to tell them we aren't the bloc lol.
  16. Paragon and Regicide are proud to announce their Dual Protectorate over United Empire Of Nation (https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=4120). Heed the warning for if you attack them expect a response from us.
  17. I still hold firm this is the worst idea imaginable for the in-game economy of P&W. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflationis exactly what privatizing Credits is going to do. When you produce more of something then needed, that thing looses it's value rapidly. Already players are not getting the 12 mil or whatever for 1 credit, they're only getting 8 mil or so. This is a sign of what's to come. Credits will become insanely cheap, ruining the profitability of the game for Alex, and completely defeating the reasoning of 1 credit to start an alliance, as credits will be worth dirt essentially. But hey, I'm willing to sit there with Popcorn and watch it all burn down. After all, it's only a game.
  18. Alrighty Alex, I know this your game and all, but you need to listen to those who make the game, well, the game. This whole thing is going to make the economy crash and we will have a Great Depression style event in P&W. And now I will dive into why. You are (if your words are taken to mean as they appear to) effectively investing privately to "investors" (in this case an alliance or nation leader, but hey, whatever) creating a backdoor economy wherein Credits are now a lucrative, back alley item sold on a Black Market where Credits are going to be a much more privatized trade, with individuals trading more with other individuals rather then making Global offers. Your also inflating the Economy with these Credits, which, if you know the most basic thing about an economy (Supply and Demand), makes the supply of these Credits skyrocket to ridiculous levels, crashing the price of them when they are sold Globally and jeopardized those who have saved them up to sell Globally. I also wholeheartedly oppose you messing around with new alliances. While again it is your game, new alliances are needed to counter-balance the larger and more powerful alliances. If you get rid of the bottom of the food chain the whole food chain collapses. What you are doing is creating lasting effects beyond just February, which is apparently something incomprehensible to you. The effects of this will last months if not years. And this, Alex, is why you need to reverse this, immediately.
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